Wednesday, September 30, 2020

People Is Being Lied To About The Truth Because They Are Ignorant Of God And 9/ll And George Floyd Was Not A Mistake It Was To Declare War On God's People And Is Not The Only Attacks They Have Seen Here And Will Be Seeing Here And According To The Prophecies When This Prophecy Comes To Pass In The Book Of Revelation Descendants Of This Enemy Will Be Declaring War And Will Have Power Over Every Nations And Tongues Here In The Future And Descendants Of This Enemy Is Planning A Huge Attack On The Nations Here In The Future According To The Prophecies

9/11 and George Floyd was not a mistake they was attack here is because the church is responsible for their deaths for lying to them and God was not with them and it was to declare war on God's people and it was not just because of their skin color are race it was because the enemy hates God and his people and is at war with the descendants of 

God's chosen people. The church is hurting and destroying people in their communities and needs to stop telling lies and just tell people the truth God put enmity between the devil and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis 

Chapter 3:1-24 because of Eve and Adam disobedience and the enemy is attacking them here is because they was not told the truth and descendants of the devil's off spring is attacking them here is because of their ancestors disobedience and because people in this time is disobeying God and is breaking his commandments and every one here in 

this time is not who you think they are they look like people but they are descendants of the devil's off spring and because their ancestors broke God's covenant and did not keep his commandments the enemy is ruling over them here in this time and the people who is ruling over them here in this time are descendants of people who ruled over your 

ancestors here centuries ago and is attacking them here is because God is not with them and they are keeping it a secret about your ancestors and God's commandments and want people to think God's chosen people is just one nation and Israel was just God's chosen nation and the name Israel in the bible was given to God's chosen people when he 

made a covenant with Jacob and with your forefathers here centuries ago and many nations and kings was born after their seed and God's chosen people are many nations and tongues. And people in this time do not know they are descendants of Israel lost tribe God's chosen people and the enemy is attacking them here is because of their 

ancestors disobedience and because people in this time is breaking God's commandments. The church needs to stop telling lies and just tell people the truth people came under attacks here and is being curse with plagues is because God is punishing them here because of their ancestors disobedience and because of their disobedience. 


To get more information and when God made a covenant with our forefathers here centuries ago and when our ancestors was in slavery check out the Links below with bible scriptures. 

Descendants Of The Devil Off Springs And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ''  And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob And Many Nations And Kings And Tongues Was Born After Their Seed.

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child. 



The Church Is Hiding A Dark Secret Every Single One Of Them And Thinks No One Will Find Out The Real Truth About Them

The church is hiding a dark secret and is not telling people descendants of this enemy is ruling over them here in this time and they are keeping it a secret about your ancestors and God's commandments and is attacking them here. People is being attack by the enemy is because they was not told the truth about their ancestors and many of them broke God's covenant and did
not keep his commandments and God turn them over into the hands of the enemy and they that hated them ruled over them and because of their ancestors disobedience descendants of this enemy is ruling over people here in this time and is attacking them here because of their disobedience. People in this time broke God's covenant and is not obeying his
commandments and as long as people choose to be ignorant of God the enemy will continue posing threats and this was the same way how God punish people in the bible when his commandments was broken. And a person being ignorant of God destroyed them selves. And the church will not get away with it for lying and trying to make God's truth look like a lie and
they have been lying for a long time is because people do not have the truth in them to confront those devils. The church put out a lie and made God's truth look like it was a lie and bury his truth.

People is being rebellion and is denying what God is telling them and the enemy is attacking them here is because God is not with them and God will turn a person over into the hands of the enemy for disobeying him and the people who is ruling over them here in this time they are descendants of people who ruled over your ancestors here centuries ago and sold them into slavery and rape and 

beat and murdered your ancestors and ripe up their women with child and their history is written in the bible. People is disobeying God and is breaking his commandments and God will turn the person over into the hands of the enemy and the enemy is attacking them here is because they are separated from God and this was how God punish people in the bible and he is punishing people here in this time the 

same way he will turn the person over into the hands of the enemy for disobeying him. People do not understand God turned people in the bible over into the hands of the enemy for disobeying him and he is punishing people here in this time the same way and this is why the whole world is suffering and is fill with crimes and violence and hate is because people want to make them selves think they know what 

truth is but what they don't know what is written in the prophecies is coming here and things is going to get much worse and if people do not come back to God and repent they will perish every single one of them here. And this is not the time to play and what God is telling a person in the bible is very serious and what is written in the prophecies is coming to pass here and people is not here in this world to play 

and need to wake up and face reality and understand this is real life and not a movie. The whole world is suffering and is fill with violence and hate and being curse with plagues and people is going mad and is losing their mind is because people is being rebellion and is denying what God is telling them and will perish because of their foolishness. And why do people talked about God for if they do not believe 

what he is telling them and the way it looks to me people do not have a choice and the people who is ruling over them here in this time are descendants of people who rule over their ancestors here centuries ago and is attacking them here is because they do not know what God is telling them and the longer people waits and annoy the problem the more people will perish and people is being attack and 

destroy by dangerous spirits here is because they was not told the truth and a person cannot think what they are out there doing to people it doesn't concerns them'' it concerns everyone here. And what God is telling a person in the bible it is not for them to decide whether they think it is true are not and what is happening here concerns everyone and what these nasty devils are doing to people here 

concerns everyone here. And just because a person wants nothing to do with the truth cannot stop what is happening here and when the time comes what will people do then because what they thought and if a person is afraid to get involve because they do not want trouble is already involve because a person already have unclean spirits in them when they are separate 

from God and it is only a matter of time until when the next person and then someone else after that is attack by the enemy here. People think the churches here in our time is leading them to salvation and do not know the real truth about them and what God is telling them and what was written in the prophecies about us here in our time and about our ancestors and about the 

future. The church is hiding a dark secret every single one of them and thinks no one will find out the real truth about them and people think the church is leading them to salvation and they are spirits lying to them about the truth and is using the church for a decoy to make people think they are being told the truth and the people who  is ruling over them here in this time is keeping it a 

secret about their ancestors and God's commandments and is attacking them here because of their ancestors disobedience. It has been a long time and our ancestors was living here in another time here centuries ago and is no longer here with us and we are here in this time now and a person cannot say what they are reading in the bible is not true because they was not the one there in that 

time here centuries ago and do not know what God talked to their people about here centuries ago and people in this time is making the same mistake their ancestors made and is not keeping God's commandments and do not know he is talking to them here in this time what he talked to their ancestors about. And people is not obeying God and think they are getting away with it because 

what they are making them selves think and it is because they do not know what God is telling them. And people think because they are living here in this world they can do what ever they want and because people have no one to lead them they think they can do what ever they want because there is no one there to stop them and correct them for their wrong and because there is no one 

there to correct them for their wrong they are taking it for granted and is rejecting what God is telling them and because people was not told the truth they have no idea they are breaking God's commandments and is disobeying him.The church is causing people to reject God and how can the church lead people to salvation and preach the gospel if 

they are not telling the truth. And these lying devils cannot stop no one from finding out the truth if the person is serious about having God's understanding and if a person really want to have God's understanding it is not stopping a person from studying the bible and if people have a corrupt and weak church leaders leading them it will fail the 

people and people will corrupt them selves and how can the church think they are leading people to salvation here and they are condemning people and I do not know why they are pretending they are leading people to salvation any way for and know they are lying everyone of them and how can people be born again in the church and have salvation 

if they was not told the truth and how can people think the church is leading them to salvation if they are not telling the truth and if they are not telling the truth how can they be born again in Christ and have salvation and a person without salvation is separated from God and will perish and how can the church make people think they are leading 

them to salvation and they are not telling the truth and if a person is studying in the bible but do not know what God is telling them how can someone make that mistake and think they was call by God to lead if they do not know what God is telling them and if the church was not call by God and do not know what he is telling them then where in the 

world are they leading these people and how can the church be call by God to lead people to salvation if they are not telling people what God is telling them in the bible and a person have no excuse if they are studying in the bible and can see the church is not telling them what God is telling them in the bible and God is not going to excuse that 

because of some one else mistake and disobedience and foolishness and how can people think they was told the truth if they are not listening to God and if a person choose to be ignorant of God cannot stop these devils from attacking them here is because of their disobedience 

and being ignorant about the gospel is because they want nothing to do with the truth. And whether a person believe the gospel are not the attacks are real and the only way they can be stop is until they be stop and God is the only one who can stop the enemy. And people in the 

bible corrupt them selves and was destroy for it and this is why the whole world is suffering and is fill with violence and hate and being curse with plagues and people is going mad and is losing their mind is because of people disobedience and because they chosen to be 

ignorant of God and want to believe lies for the truth. People in the bible corrupt them selves and was serving devils and many of them was destroy for it just like in this time and people in this time is making the same mistake and a person may not want to believe what God is 

telling them but what is written in the prophecies is coming here. And because of people ignorance they are keeping the virus here and is repeatedly transmitting the virus to others and is risking their life's and future and is robbing them selves of salvation because of ignorance. 

And just because what a person is making them selves think cannot stop these devils from attacking them here because of their disobedience. And because of the covenant God made with our forefathers here centuries ago the enemy is attacking them here is because he hates God 

and his people and is at war with the descendants of God's chosen people. And people in the bible was attack by the enemy and many battles took place here centuries ago and one generation after another and the people in the bible are our ancestors and we are descendants of their 

tribe and bloodline and our ancestors was the one here first before we was and we come along way from generation here centuries ago and just like in this time people is serving devils and is into occult and call them selves witches and warlocks and other strange names they go by 

and because people do not know what God is telling them people in this time is being ignorant and think it is ok and there is nothing wrong having dangerous spirits in them and the spirit cannot harm them and think they can use the spirit to protect them and have power to gain 

the world and this was the same thing in the bible people was possessed with devils in them and was lunatics and had unclean spirits in them because they was separate from God. And people in the bible sacrifice to devils and burn their children just to have power to gain the world.

We have a old enemy from the pass from ancient times and he wants people here in this time destroy and is setting them up here in this time the same way he did to Eve here centuries ago in the book of Genesis chapter 3 and because people chosen to be ignorant they cannot 

see this enemy is a real threat and people is being attacked and is seeing violence and crimes here in their world is because this enemy wants them destroy and wants them dead and wants them to perish and until when people stop believing lies for the truth and face reality they 

will continue seeing violence and crimes here in their world and people being destroy until when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation. And people in this time have unclean spirits in them because they was not told the truth and is separate from God and is 

allowing them selves to be tempted by this spirit because they think this enemy can give them the world but when the time comes material things of this world will be of no value and people will have to answer to God. And this same spirit deceiveth Eve and people here 

centuries ago in the bible and made them think he could give them the world just to deceive the person because he want the person soul lost in hell and people is wrong for not listening to God and think they can take for granted what he is telling them in the bible and think it is a 

game and is making them selves think what they know about the devil and do not know he is a real threat and because people chosen to be ignorant of God they are allowing the devil to have power over them and is blinded by things of this world. People fights for what they 

believe in each person has the right to make their own choices and to live in freedom and peace and justice and things would not have to be this way if people would just listen and obey God and our freedom being here came with a price and people think they are having to much 

fun for now but when the time comes it will be a different story and it does not compares where a person soul is going in the after life.