Friday, February 4, 2022

FedEx And CAINIAO Global Tracking Report Scam


                                                       Copy Of Purchase Tracking Info 

The seller from would need to have the same tracking update in their tracking report to show proof the package was sent for security purposes, both AliExpress and FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking do not have the same information in their tracking reports for this same package tracking number 

557065080773  and how can the merchants from AliExpress do not know and CAINIAO global tracking and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on AliExpress is showing AliExpress tracking records are not accurate and do not have the same tracking information and is missing tracking destination 

and do not have the same tracking dates and time. The tracking number for this same package was sent FedEx, And CAINIAO global ordering tracking do not have the same information in their tracking report like ordering tracking and FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking both is a web site to track packages, so why do 

CAINIAO global do not have the same tracking report for this same package tracking number 557065080773 like FedEx, but a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global both have the same tracking report for this package tracking number. AliExpress and FedEx tracking records do 

not have the same tracking dates when the package arrived at my location and without the correct tracking information how do the seller know and can verified if the package was sent and how can FedEx carrier the driver can verified, they deliver the package to my home address in my location without the correct and same 

information in their tracking reports. And if the package was sent the tracking records would have to have the same information in their tracking reports from the merchants and FedEx carrier to show proof the package was sent for security purchases. A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on is showing 17 tracking reports, in FedEx 

tracking records is showing 22 tracking reports and in CAINIAO global tracking records is showing 17 tracking reports for the same package tracking number 557065080773. AliExpress and CAINIAO global tracking is missing 5 tracking reports. And according to the tracking reports and a copy of the tracking report 

from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global tracking the package was never sent are delivery to my home address in my location but is a fake report and a scam. And and CAINIAO global tracking is suppose to have the same information in their tracking reports for the same 

package and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on comes from CAINIAO global tracking and the package was never sent FedEx are delivered to my home address in my location and that is why the information in both and CAINIAO global do not have the same information in their 

tracking report. And there is no need the merchants from give me the run around anymore and can save themselves the time and trouble refusing to refund back my money because I did not ask to be scammed because the merchants from thought they was being smart and risked themselves being 

exposed and gives business a bad name and reputation. And may I remind the merchants from did they check the reports and regardless of the time when the tracking report have updated with new tracking details the tracking details in the report their time and dates and tracking destination and tracking 

numbers must be the same in the merchant tracking report whether if the package was sent FedEx are regular standard shipping. And why did the merchants from AliExpress claim they shipped the package FedEx in a short amount of time from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location and why would the merchants from 

AliExpress would spend more money out of their pocket just to send a package from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location in the United States FedEx. And if FedEx carrier made just one delivery attempt delivering the package to my location how can FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking be showing two different delivery dates in their tracking report if the package was delivered to my location on one delivery attempt in FedEx report on 1-17-2022 at 11:15 am and showing in CAINIAO global 

tracking report the package was delivered to my location on 1-18-2022 at 00:15 am and if the package was delivered on just 1 attempt then why is FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking is showing in their report the package was delivered on two different days. Now the merchant from claims 

and told me in a message on 2-11-2022 FedEx carrier lost the package and how do the merchant know and can verified if FedEx carrier lost the package if they did not check the tracking reports and if FedEx carrier lost my package then how did they delivered the package to my home address in my location if the package was lost and if FedEx carrier lost the package then why didn't the carrier inform 

FedEx and the merchant and if FedEx carrier lost the package in my location are another location in the united states are in another country then how can the carrier delivery the package if it was lost and when and where was the package lost. And if the package was lost then how can it be showing in the tracking reports the package was delivered to my home address in my location on two different days 

and how could FedEx carrier lose the package if the tracking reports is missing tracking destination and do not have the same tracking dates and time and the information in FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking reports is not the same. And if the package was lost before it reached my location FedEx carrier would have inform and have reported it to their head company in their location to verified in 

their tracking reports the package was lost and there is no lost package showing in FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking reports and how can the carrier lose a package and not report it and how can the carrier and the merchant from said the package was delivered on my front door steps and how can the package be lost if the merchant and FedEx carrier already said the first time the package was delivered on my front door steps.  


CAINIAO Global Ordering Tracking And FedEx.Com And AliExpress Tracking Report

1-12-2022 at 1:56 pm the package was in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN, how did the package exported on the same day 1-12-2022 at two different times, AliExpress tracking records shows the package exported and shipped released international on 1-12-2022 at 13:56 pm from BEIJING CN, In FedEx tracking records the package exported and shipped released international on 1-12-2022 at 4:07 pm from BEIJING CN, and on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm the package was still in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN, How can the package still be in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm if the package was already exported on 1-12-2022 at 4:07 pm from the same country BEIJING CN.

AliExpress tracking records does not show in their report the package was in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm. 

The timing and the tracking destination and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global ordering tracking report is not the same, the tracking records is missing tracking destination in AliExpress tracking reports, and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on does not show 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am the package was in transitional operational delay in INCHEON-SI KR, a copy of the tracking 

report from the merchants on AliExpress and CAINIAO global tracking is showing the package was in operational delay on 1-12-2022 at 23:23 am in INCHEON-SI, in FedEx tracking records the package does not show it was in operational delay on 1-12-2022 at 23:23 am, FedEx tracking records is showing the package was in operational delay on 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in INCHEON –SI KR and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on AliExpress does not show the package was in operational delay on 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in INCHEON-SI KR.  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and how can they be showing different tracking dates if it is not the same tracking information when the package was in operational delay, and both AliExpress and do not have the same information in their tracking reports for this package.  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on is showing the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 23:34 in INCHEON-SI and is showing in their records the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am in INCHEON-SI KR. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and does not show the same information in their tracking reports when the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 23:34 am and 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am in the same country in INCHEON-SI KR. 

In tracking report how can the package be located in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional if the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am and 1-13-2022 at 11:54 pm and 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in operational delay in another country located in INCHEON-SI KR. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional, in FedEx tracking report the package was in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional.  

In AliExpress tracking report it does not show the package arrived at FedEx hub in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:46 pm, in tracking report the package arrived at FedEx hub in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:46 pm. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking is not showing in their reports the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 7:42 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK but in FedEx tracking report the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 7:42 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 4:49 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK but showing in FedEx tracking records the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 4:49 pm in ANCORAGE, AK  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK but showing in tracking reports the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK. 

In and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on does not show the package imported and shipped international shipment release both at the same time but they imported at two different times on the same day on 1-15-2022 at 2:25 pm and 18:48 am. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on how can the package imported and shipped international on 1-15-2022 at 18:48 am from ANCORAGE, AK if the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK in tracking reports.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report how can the package arrived at FedEx hub on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm in Memphis, TN if the package has already departed from FedEx hub on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm in Memphis, TN, how can the carrier have arrived back at the same location in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm if the carrier has already departed on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm in Memphis, TN.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report the package departed FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking report the package departed FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-17-2022 at 06:59 pm. And how can the package have 

departed twice on two different days with two different tracking report time in the same location in Memphis, TN.  

Showing In FedEx tracking report the package arrived at FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show in their report when the package arrived at FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report the package arrived at destination sort facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 7:50 am and 1-17-2022 at 7:53 am the package is at a local FedEx facility in Salisbury, MD. 

Showing In AliExpress tracking report the package is at a local FedEx facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 20:50 am, in and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on the tracking time is not the same. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show in their report when the package arrived at destination sort facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 7:50 am.  

Showing in and CAINIAO global tracking report the package is on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 20:53 am in Salisbury, MD but in FedEx tracking report it does not show in their report the package is on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 20:50 am. 

Showing in FedEx tracking reports the package arrived at my location on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 11:15 am in Onancock, VA but showing in and CAINIAO global tracking reports the package arrived at my location on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-18-2022 at 00:15 am in Onancock, VA. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and do not have the same tracking dates when the package arrived at my location. And according to the tracking reports and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global 

tracking the package was never sent are delivery to my home address in my location but is a fake report and a scam. And and CAINIAO global tracking is suppose to have the same information in their tracking reports for the same 

package and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on comes from CAINIAO global tracking and the package was never sent FedEx are delivered to my home address in my location and that is why the information in both and CAINIAO global do not have the same information in their 

tracking report and regardless of the time when the tracking report have updated with new tracking details the tracking details in the report their time and dates and tracking destination and tracking numbers must be the same in the merchant tracking report whether if the package was sent FedEx are regular standard 

shipping. And why did the merchants from AliExpress claim they shipped the package FedEx in a short amount of time from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location and why would the merchants from AliExpress would spend more money out of their pocket just to send a package from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location in the United States FedEx.