Monday, January 16, 2023

They Think They Are Getting Away With It And No One Here In This Time Will Find Out They Are Lying To The Public About The Gospel And Will Not Know The Difference And Is Not Aware They Are Manipulating People Here Using False Doctrine To Make People Think They Were Told The Truth To Prevent People From Being Aware What God Is Telling Them In The Original Gospel And Think They Can Take The Place Of God!!

A person who becomes an enemy against God because of the devil is already condemn and will perish when they leave the earth, and this beast was already people enemy here in this time from the beginning when he caused Eve and Adam to get into trouble in the book of Genesis. 

The truth is out now, ha, ha, now what you going to do about it, and this war is not over yet and is a fight for mankind soul, and whom this may concern, enemies of God, and know you are controlling people here in this time are think you are controlling them, is because what they are not aware of here for the moment, and needs to understand your place and where you come from and is going back to hell 

where you and your kind belong when the time comes and this is not about monsters and haters of God pleasing themselves here having pleasure in a world he created, this is about the word of God and his law and a fight for mankind soul and this war is not over yet and may the word of God and justice prevail and it has been written, so let it be done amen. And I find it a shame, lying to the public and are 

just talking about what they want and the future and showing no respect for God and the great tribulation is coming here in the future, just like if they do not know the great tribulation is coming and should be warning people, rather than just talking about, news/weather/Tv and sports and politics and other stupid stuff not important, showing no respect for God and where is their respect for God, rather 

than just living on the earth and have no damn respect for God and people should be preparing themselves here now, rather than just waiting until what God is talking about in the book of Revelation come to pass here and crimes and violence people are hearing about in the media and public is coming from the evil here in their world is because people were not told the truth with the original 

gospel from God and people are being control and possessed by demons and people is not aware of nothing and what they are seeing here, and think is natural causes, is because they are not aware what God is telling them in the bible and do not know they are attacking them here and think is natural causes. People are being manipulated by very bad spirits here in this time and what people are seeing 

here are not natural causes, it is coming from the evil here in their world and crimes and violence and hate and natural disasters and phenomenons and catastrophes and misfortunes and spiritual attacks and sickness and diseases, people are hearing about in the media and public, are attacks on them and God is punishing people here too and is using storms and wild beasts and plagues and curses and evil 

spirits, is because people are separated from him and is breaking his commandments and what people are seeing here are not natural causes. People in this time is not aware what God is telling them in the bible, is happening here, and people is not aware what God is talking to them about in the bible and do not know they are misleading them here with false doctrine to make people think they were told the 

truth, and they know people in this time is not aware what God is telling them in the bible and they are manipulating people here using false doctrine to make people think they were told the truth, to prevent people from being aware what God is telling them in the original gospel, and people are rejecting what God is telling them in the original gospel here in this time, is because they think they 

were already told the truth, not realizing they were lying to them with false doctrine. And crimes and violence people are hearing about in the media is because people are being control and possessed by evil spirits, and they are manipulating people here in this time using money and drugs and cigarettes and lottery and marijuana and weed and cocaine and sex and porn and alcohol and dangerous weapons 

and sexual content and violence in commercials and music videos and movies and video games and social media and pagan holidays and Tv game shows and vacations and jewries and clothes and watches and cell phones and computers and laptops and luxury houses and cars and swimming pools and million-dollar mansions and relationships and high paying jobs and wealth, to manipulate them to 

distract them, is because they want them condemn and people do not realize their life and soul are in danger and will be punish for it, is because they are rejecting God laws and is breaking his commandments here and are being control and possessed by evil spirits and when they leave the earth their souls will perish in hell, and whether if a person chooses to obey God laws are not, they do 

not have a choice and will perish, and people are dying and are being destroyed here because of evil and what they are doing here in this time, they did in the bible and from generations-to-generations, controlled people and possessed them and sacrificed them to devils. And a person who becomes an enemy against God because of the devil is already dead and will perish when they leave the 

earth, and this beast was already people enemy here in this time from the beginning when he caused Eve and Adam to get into trouble in the book of Genesis and people are becoming an enemy against God here because of the devil and are blinded by lust/greed and pride and how can millions and millions of people be living in the same world and not aware of this and what person in their right mind want 

themselves to be bound and control by evil spirits, is for nothing and people are the ones who is dying and will perish in hell for eternity because of evil and if they can tell people their wrong here in this time, then why are they lying and is making people think what God is telling them in the bible is not true, would be calling God a lair too making false claims and what he had written in the bible is not 

true, would be lying on God and what he is telling people in the bible and if what they claim what God had written in the bible is not true, they would defend themselves, if it was not true what is being said about them here. And how could they be telling people and themselves here in this time their wrong, but at the same time, the bastard has a mote in their own eyes and is lying on God and to the public, and 

how would those lairs like if someone told a lie on them and they want to judge people and see them condemn and they are lairs themselves and a two-faced hypocrite and if they want to see people condemn and can tell people and themselves their wrong, they are supposed to be condemned too, because they are lairs themselves and are no good crooks. And there is an old saying, if the shoe fits 

wear it, and a thing are no person can take the mote out of someone else eye, until they take the beam out of their own eye, and they are not fit, nor do they qualify to judge are condemn people having a criminal background and a bad reputation and are a murderer themselves and no good crooks and is attacking people and want to see them condemn and they are lairs themselves and are being talked 

about along with people here in this time and if it was not true what is being said about them here, they would defend themselves and needs themselves hard punishment for lying on God and making people think what God is telling them in the bible doesn't exist, monsters he made. And they are neither man are woman enough to come forward and defend them damn selves here, is because they think they 

are getting away with their crimes and dirt and nothing they say make sense are get mad with a person, because they are lairs themselves and are supposed to be condemned too and are lying is because they want people to break God commandments, because they want them condemn. And people have been living on the earth for a long time and should have already known about this by now because they 

do not have a choice and if people continue rejecting God laws here in this time they will deal with this much harder when the time comes, and God will punish a person seven times more.                

People would have to understand because they are living here without God laws, they are being destroyed here because of evil and because what a person have never experience sometime, they do not take things seriously like they should and when they are being told something important, they think it is funny and is a joke to them and would need to understand what is happening here in this time is real 

life and is not a movie and people are seeing crimes/violence and hate in their world is coming from the evil here in their world and crimes people are seeing and hearing in the media is coming from the evil here in their world, is because people were not told the truth with the original gospel from God, but with false doctrine and are living here without God laws and are making wrong choices and how can people be 

serving God here in this time if they were not told the truth and is not aware of their action and do not know and cannot discern what good and evil is, and a person would have to be teach what good and evil is before they can serve God. And half the time crimes and violence go unreported in the media and public and all this time by now people are supposed to understand what God is telling them in the 

bible and like if the whole world is having a hard time understanding what God is telling them, what could be the problem and whether if people choose to hear God are not, and like if a person think it is a joke to them what God is telling people in the bible and is supposed to come down from heaven to tell them. And how can they tell people here in this time their wrong are being arrested and judged and 

condemn, and they are two face hypocrites themselves and have a mote in their own eyes and is lying on God and to the public about the gospel and are manipulating people here using false doctrine to make people think they were told the truth, to prevent people from being aware what God is telling them in the original gospel cannot stop the bible from fulfilling lying to the public about the gospel, because 

they thought they could take the place of God and wear the pants and needs to know their damn place and their place is in hell and if they can talk about people and their wrong, then why did they think they can take the place of God, lying to the public manipulating people here using false doctrine to make people think they were told the truth causing confusing and think they will get away with it and can 

take the place of God and for them to think they can take the place of God; they are putting themselves about God and is the one who sets on the throne. The bastards need to know their place and are not the ones who sets on the throne and think they will get away with it and will reap what they soweth and will answer to a lot of people. 

St. Matthew 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye

Deuteronomy 32:28-29 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. O that they were wise, that they understand this, that they would consider their latter end!

Deuteronomy 32:21-22 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.

St. Matthew 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have close; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

2 Chronicles 21:14-15 Behold, with a great plague will the Lord smith thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:1-20

St. John 3:18- 21 He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is

the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

The Church Deserves Condemning Just For Pretending To Be A Priest And Misleading The Whole Nations With False Doctrine Lying About The Truth!!!

People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!!

They Cannot Get Away With Murder And Are A Murderer And Have Destroyed People They Are Leading!!!

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our Time..

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Church Deserves Condemning Just For Pretending To Be A Priest And Misleading The Whole Nations With False Doctrine Lying About The Truth!!!

And who in the hell do the church think they are to take the place of God and condemn the whole world, is acting with authority above God, and this calls for media attention,'' the church is acting with authority above God and is taking the place of God and think it is their damn business and concern misleading the whole nations, like if it is not true, it was written in the prophecies, the great tribulation 

is coming here in the future and nations/people and tongues will died here and people are being control in their body by dangerous and violent entities using them to behave sexual in their body and are being punish for it and people are being control by dangerous entities using them to destroy their families, calls for media attention, and what business are place do the church have to take the place of 

God acting with authority above him, thinking it is their business and concern condemning the whole world misleading the nations with false doctrine and lying about the truth, because people are being punish because of the church paranoid act, misleading them and the whole nations with false doctrine and people are being control in their body by dangerous and violent entities using them to 

destroy and people are being punish for it and no one here in this time have salvation, nor were they told the truth was because of their ancestor's disobedience disobeying God and no one here in this time were legally married was because no church in this time were sent from God, they are all descendants of devils' beast of the antichrist coming in Christ name, and for them to do something crazy like that and 

because of their paranoid act and lies, people life and soul are in danger and have dangerous and violent spirits in them, and this calls for media attention and like if no one doesn't seem to notice and how can they not notice, the same thing is happening to people in this time and people should have notice that because they are controlling people and underage children here in this time in their body to behave 

sexual are violent, just like if the damn things themselves can be intimate with a person and using the person body to be intimate with, controlling the person thinking they are feeling sexual and no one have ever seen anything like this before, like if the damn things themselves can have this intimate relationship with people. And people are just supposed to sit here and wait until the great tribulation 

comes here are wait until dangerous and violence spirits murder the whole world and what can millions and millions of people do here now with spirits in them and no church here in this time cannot help these people are were they sent from God and is no difference from murderers are criminals and deserves to be punish and treated in the same way criminals do, because it does not pay to lie and lying is a sin.

People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!!

People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

They Cannot Get Away With Murder And Are A Murderer And Have Destroyed People They Are Leading!!!

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our Time..