Friday, March 10, 2023

Therres Danger!!! (Warning), The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Being Destroyed Because Of Evil''

What is wrong with people minds here, and how could they be that crazy, be thinking about having worldly pleasure and what is in it, and their life and souls are in great jeopardy and laids on the line, and are on their way to hell and will be punish for their arrogance and foolish ways and are success with having the world and what is in it than their soul, they don't know the world is being destroy here along with people, 

because of evil and no church in this time were send from God and when people leave this earth their souls will perish in hell and people are being so messed up by spirits here in this time, they are no longer in their right damn minds here, and don't know what the hell, they are doing here and think they come here into this world to play and should be tired of the damn stinky things living in their body, using them at their 

filthy pleasure and the church have some damn nerve to show their ugly faces in public and the media, and have putted people lives in danger, telling people lies and it is not like what people do not know is a secret, because is not and are based on prophecies of the bible they are bringing to pass here themselves and the future, and what does a man profit, gaining the whole world and lose his soul and wanted to make 

themselves believe lies, living their life base on a lie and have destroyed themselves because of ignorance and the longer people wait, more will die here and perish. And it doesn't matter if people want to sit here for the next three are four more months and years making themselves believe lies, living their life based on a lie, will not change anything, because everything is already being destroy here, because of evil and how could 

people survived here this long with the stinky things living in their body, unbelievable and if a person were in their mind and had sense, they would want the crazy things out their body and what the world is seeing here now, the worst is yet to come and things will get more worse here, like never before because the great tribulation is coming here, and we do not know how far we are away from it and a person will know 

when it is here when they see these things come to pass what God is telling a person in the book of Revelation. And people sometimes take things for granted because they think the worst cannot happen and the whole world is having the same problem and what is coming here, and may this serve as a lesson, rather than a person putting the world first before God, is not the only important thing in life, life is and the person soul.  

The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Under Attack And Are Being Sermonized And Destroyed And Cursed With Plagues And Sickness And Are Being Destroyed By Storms And Fire And Wild Beasts And Madness!!