Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Bit#hs Want War'' This Whole Nations Has To Prepare For Battle, Fighting The Enemy And People Only Hope, Is To Turn Too God!!

Not Human, Demons In Celestial Bodies Pretending To Be Church Organizations And The Government And Their Plans For The Whole Nations Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

And the whole nations are at war with, the stupid bi#chs, pretending to be church, organizations and the government of our nations and country. The nasty mother fu#kers are ugly demons in celestial bodies pretending they are the government and church leaders, they are nothing but fu#king demons in the white house pretending, they are our nations world leaders, and the bi#chs want war, and they get 

war, and it will be a hell of a fight until the finish, and it is people in this time the bi#chs are at war with, because it is written and people cannot go by because what they do not see here for now, because it is written in the book of Revelation, and they are preparing for battle here now to fight people here in this time when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and they will be ready to strike at 

us, at any time and these whole nations here and they are using people and their bodies to screw with and the whole nations, I have never seen anything like this before, like if this is about demons making out with people and not about the gospel and there are thousands of them here hiding in bodies, mating with people and this same shit already happen before in the bible in the book of Genesis, spirits came 

down from heaven, God's angels and took wives and children were born unto them and this nasty sh#t is back again in this time and this time with demons, and why didn't this nasty sh#t stayed in the pass, and they are nasty mother fu#kers and using young children for sexual pleasure. How are people do not know about this, like if they are under some kind of demonic mind control controlling them, so they do 

not know what is going on. And if the bible itself are supposed to be based on the truth, then why doesn't other people know about this. This whole nation has to prepare for battle, fighting the enemy and people only hope, is to turn too God.

Is this how people are supposed to learn and know what having faith is and being righteous if they are being encourage in the wrong way and being use by corrupt evil unholy spirits, pretending to be the government and church organizations having pleasure making out with the whole nations, using people doing filthy sh#t, and is setting a bad example and sending out the wrong message to people and 

this is why the whole nations is corrupt and fill with violence, because of those corrupt unholy beasts and what kind of fu#king creatures, use the whole nations to make out with each other, having people sleep around with each other and not married, is just sick and this is why they do not want people to see their ugly identity and is hiding in bodies here, because they know what they are, and are 

not human. Is this is how people are supposed to know what having faith is and being righteous being use by evil spirits, using the whole nations to shack up, and everybody sleeping around making out with each other and not married and how can you have two things in one, a person cannot be righteous and corrupt at the same time, and it would have to be either one of the two and a person cannot be both 

at the same time, righteous and corrupt, because how can people are supposed to know what having faith is and being righteous if a person does not understand themselves and what their purpose is and the knowledge of good and evil the whole world was curse with and how can people understand themselves and their purpose and having this knowledge, if they are being lied too and a person cannot 

be manipulated into thinking they have faith, because it would have to come from the person's heart and mind and how can a person have faith and know what righteous is, if they do not understand themselves and what their purpose is and the knowledge of good and evil, they were curse with and this cannot be about both mankind surviving and their souls save, if they are being encourage in the wrong 

way and are being lied too and used by corrupt evil spirits using people to do filthy sh#t, is sending out the wrong massage to people and is setting a bad example and how can people are supposed to have hope, without a Godly leader. And the whole nations are at war with, the bi#chs, pretending to be church, organizations and the government of our nations and country.   

Extended Chapter 1 to 2

The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Government Know The Bible Is The Only Proof Can Bring Them And Their Reputation Down!!

How can the government of our nations and country protect and serve the nations lying to people about the truth and they know God is using them here to punish the nations and think they can take

advantage of it and manipulate and get away with lying about the truth, because they think they are protected and are cursed with the devil's seed and were send from the devil to murder people and have murdered people and their children here and destroy the nations, pretending to be Christian men and women leading people

to salvation, and the government of our nations and country and have robbed these whole nations and have led them to stray and how can they protect and serve the nations, if they cannot be honest with themselves and lying to the whole nations about the truth and who they are and what they are here for and they are sent from

this beast written in the bible here to destroy them and these whole nations and their plans for our nations and country here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war!! People will know what their crime is for misleading people and the whole nation and have put these whole nations in great danger and their plans for the

whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war and they have broken the law and have put this whole nation in danger, encouraging people not to wear face masks and the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming infected and the person can be infected with virus bacterial not showing signs and can

transmit the virus to others repeatedly, no government will do sick sh#t like that, risking people lives' putting their life and health in danger and no real government will do sh#t like that put the whole nation in danger and demons are living here in people in this time because they are separated from God and were not told the truth

and the government are protecting them lying to people pretending they are aliens and UFOs and ghosts they have seen here. And people don't know about them and their reputation here in this time and what happen in that time in the bible, and they have a bad name and reputation and are cursed with the devil's seed, here to

condemn the whole nations and are just fronting in front the nations to make people think they care about their country and nation and is there to protect and serve, pretending to be public figures and the government of our nations and country and Christian men and women leading our nations to salvation. They know

how important having a good image and name being public figures and leaders and what is the difference if those murderers having a criminal background can qualify being the government of our nations and country and church leaders in our communities, then why can't other people having a criminal background can qualify

like them too. And when the public finds out the truth about them, they are finish, and people do not have much time left here to wait and the longer people wait here, more will die and be murdered and possessed by devils. God put enmity between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve

disobedience and people are in relationships with people cursed with the devil's seed here in this time and have born children unto them, and this can be very dangerous, and a person would have to proceed with caution, because the demon pretending to be their son are daughter are wife are husband are aunt are uncle are

father are mother are grandparents are friend are anyone, because if the evil spirit learns, the person found out the truth, it can use the person cursed with the devil's seed, to destroy the person because of the truth. And the government know the bible is the only proof can bring them and their reputation down.

Extended Chapter 1 to 2

The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

They Are Descendants Of Devil's Cursed With The Devil's Seed And Were Send From The Devil To Destroy The Nations, Pretending To Be Christian Men And Women Leading People To Salvation, And The Government Of The United Nations Are Both Stupid Thinking They Can Compete Against And Change The Truth What Was Written In The Bible

Is just plain stupid, because the bible was written based on ancient histories what people did in that time in the bible, as of this day and from generation to generation. This post is not about a person personal opinion, this is about the truth based on the bible and the whole world was cursed 

with the knowledge of good and evil because of Adam and Eve mistake here centuries ago in the bible and people are in a delusional mind being manipulated by entities and cannot discern the difference what they are thinking in their mind if it is for real are not and a person thought in 

their mind comes from the knowledge of good and evil and people is not aware this was a lie told here long time ago and not the truth what happen here centuries ago in the bible and the real gospel were written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and the prophecies in  

the bible is based on ancient histories written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and the future. And people are not aware this was a lie covered up here long time ago, by the government and worldwide church leaders pretending to be Christian men and women 

and this lie still exist today. The real gospel was written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and what was written in the bible is coming to pass here and a person can believe whatever they want in their mind cannot change and stop what was written in the bible from 

happening here and people was not aware of this lie told long time ago and it doesn't matter what a person want to believe in their mind and were told all their life cannot change what was written because the bible was written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and people in this 

time was not aware this was a lie, they covered up a long time ago was because many people in that time in the bible forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies as of this day and when more people came into generation, they 

were not aware they were told lies here in this time by worldwide church leaders pretending to be Christian men and women leading them to salvation and people were deceived by demons teaching false doctrine. The government and worldwide church leaders think they can cover the 

truth up and what was written in the bible and hide it from people will blow up in their face and people should know by now they are not real Christian men and women send from God to lead people to salvation, they are people cursed with the devil's seed because of the enmity God put 

between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience and what happen in that time in the bible doesn't ends there and still continues as of today in our time and people in this time are facing the same problems, people had in the 

bible and still do not know as of this day they are turned over to their enemies because of worldwide church leaders and the government lying. The stories in the bible are real ancient history written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and we are tribes 

of their bloodline and people is still believing their lies as of this day. The government and worldwide church leaders are being use by the devil to destroy the nations, made themselves look like a damn fool, like a pissy child telling the whole nations lies, like their lies 

can change the truth what happen here long time ago in the bible and what made them thought they could cover this up in the first place and they are not real church leaders and Christians send from God and the government of the United Nations, they are descendants of devil's cursed 

with the devil's seed send to destroy the whole nations and what they made the whole nations thinking nothing is wrong here cannot change what was written in the bible from happening here and this can be very dangerous for people because many of them are in relationships with people

cursed with the devil's seed pretending to be their husband and wives and children here in this time and when people come to realize they were told lies, the demon pretending to be their husband and wives and children, may tried to kill and destroy the person if they can, and a person would have

to proceed with cautious, and because of the curse God put between the devil seed and Eve seed here long time ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience, people are cursed with the devil's seed. The details written in my posts will tell you what people did here in that time in

the bible and the present and the future based on the bible. This whole generation can be destroyed because of evil and if people continue living here in sin will not survive this way and will perish. I hope people in this time do not make the same mistake people in the bible made and think this

is not for real because God is not with this whole nation because of our forefather's mistake forsaken God commandments, and we are tribes and descendants of people in the bible and God's chosen people here in this time because of the covenant he made with our forefathers here centuries

ago in the bible and this whole generation can die and be destroy because of our ancestor's mistake and the stories in the are real and we are at war and what a person think in their mind is not real to them cannot change what was written in the bible from happening here.

This post will be extended for later details...

Matrix Mind Resurrected, Entering The Matrix Mind Of A Delusional World

In Their Mind Is Not Real, Is An Illusion