Is Just The Same As An Investigation And This Was How They Judged And Condemned New York's CEO And This Whole World And New York's CEO And This Whole World Was Judged And Condemned By Demons And This Was An Act Of Evil Described In Their Actions And Character And This Was How Donald Trump Was Chosen Over The Others The Second Time, Is Not Only Because
He Is This Biggest Lair And Ass Hole, He Is Committed And Good At Keeping Information And Secrets Hidden From Other Demons And The Public And His Action Indicates Along With Other Government World Leaders, They Have Kept And Hidden Personal Information And Secrets Involving People And Demons From Other Demons And The Public And Are The Ones Who Is Setting This Whole Thing Up Here, Framing Other People And Themselves Here.
He Is This Biggest Lair And Ass Hole, He Is Committed And Good At Keeping Information And Secrets Hidden From Other Demons And The Public And His Action Indicates Along With Other Government World Leaders, They Have Kept And Hidden Personal Information And Secrets Involving People And Demons From Other Demons And The Public And Are The Ones Who Is Setting This Whole Thing Up Here, Framing Other People And Themselves Here.
And people were lied to all this time about the real truth having no idea what were written about them here in this time, is coming to pass here and all half the world population and government leaders and people of different nations from around the world will die here because of it and what was written, and one man will be given power
to rule over all nations and tongues as one world government were written based on the book of Revelation prophecy
This prophecy has not come to pass yet, but is coming and the government and the ones who are chosen already know one man will be given power to rule over these entire nations, and tongues here in the future as one world government, and the government and world leaders are pure dirt and scum, and their ass's needs to be busted and is like they are trying to frame God the creator of
heavens for an impostor, like if he is a joke based on laws written about people in this time and the pass and future. Government world leaders of these United nations and countries, need to be executed according to the law for lying against God, framing him for a lair about the truth written about people in this time and the pass and future and people will look at God for an impostor because of them,
and people have no idea they were lied too by every church leaders and their organization and government world leaders about the truth and this is not about politics are power are threats, this is about the truth according to the law written and people were lied to all this time about the real truth having no idea what were written about them here in this time, is coming to pass here and people of
different nations from around the world will die here because of it and what was written, and justice needs to be served against the white house and Donald Trump and Biden and governments from in the pass and government world leaders for being dishonest with these whole nations about the truth and those wild dogs and Donald Trump need to be burned on a cross along with the white house,
because they are no real leaders and church pastors and are criminals just like everyone else here in this time and if they can call this a threat what was written about the truth, then why did they lied about the truth and is framing God for a lair all this time, just like themselves and they are the ones who lied to people and these whole nations and have not one damn thing to say and are dishonest lairs who needs
executed and condemned and people have the fucking right to protect the life of their children and themselves from those dangerous impostors claiming to be world leaders and church pastors, protecting and serving these nations and because of their lies and paranoid acts, they have put the life of these whole nations in great danger and demons is living here in everyone here in this time for years
and generation and every church leaders from around the world and their organization and government world leaders covered it up and kept the truth a secret hidden from the public. I will no longer whole nothing back on those murderers and impostors and the evil they have done here, and they have condemned and judged and excused and arrested people and criminals here in this time for the
same crimes they have committed and is just as guilty and corrupted as the nations are and they have spilled tons of blood on these nations and people life and rights were taken away from them and died because of it, because of their corrupted fake ass and why did they judged and condemned and made these whole nations think they are just guilty ones and when at the same time they are double
minded, lying two-face hypocrites themselves with a mote in their damn eyes, please visit my social page links for complete details.
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