Unsolved crimes have been committed here throughout history for generations and people were murdered here, and crimes have been committed here for centuries and generations and many of these crimes have gone unsolved as of this day and the crimes their ancestors did here for centuries and generations to people they
murdered and they were cursed, and their blood is on their hands here in this time and crimes like this doesn't go unpunished and is only right justice be done according to the law their blood be revenged back on their hands according to the law and they want this information kept out the public and media and do not want
the public to know the truth written in the gospel here centuries ago about people and nations here in this time who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life and information containing in government personal files and classified documents is involving nations and people here in this time what will become of them here and
these whole nations here in the future and signed documents with signature authorizing their attacks on the nations and private meetings they held between nations how they plan to attack the nations and forge documents and for many generations they kept this information a secret from the public and for many
generations no one was aware of this ancient discovery they kept a secret from the public by government world leaders and church leaders and their organization here in this time until a recent discovery was discovered here in this time written about mankind and ancient civilizations and stories of the bible and their enduring
legacies, and discover the ancient past, present and future uncovering the mysteries and truth and stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world and biblical histories and ancient prophecies. The bible is an ancient historic book and real stories and prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and
future and the commandments of God and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies written about mankind and ancient civilizations who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and they are people you trust, and call friends and church
and Christain leaders are possessed with devils in them are living and working here in our communities, from nation to nation, destroying the nation and they are people possessed with devils in them pretending they are church and Christian leaders and teachers and law enforcements and doctors and lawyers and care
providers and husbands and wives and co-workers and neighbors and friends and government world leaders' and sons and daughters and many more and this is what they are afraid of and did not want the public to know the details are written and recorded in my videos and posts are based on the real gospel written about
mankind, and they know if this information gets out in the public, war will break out and they are doing everything in their power here to keep this information and the truth from coming out, and I guess they didn't think after all these years and
decades the pass would catch up with them here, and the power given to them were not used for their pleasure and glory but for God, please see below for complete details.
Donald Trump Is His Own Self Perpetrator And Is A Legit And Fake Leader Possessed With Devils In Him Pretending He Is A Descent Respect Citizen Serving His Country And Nations Knowing He Do Not Have A Conscious Mind To Know He Is Insane And Is Dangerous With Uncontrolling Unstable Behavior Because Nothing Human And Pure Do Evil Things Like This To People Repeatedly On Purpose And Don't Know He Has A Double Perverse Mind Lying Hypocrite Because He Is Insane Including Every Fake Church And Christian Leaders Possessed With Devils In Them.
They are possessed with devils in them pretending they are Christians and church leaders and government world leaders and doctors and lawyers and care providers and law enforcements and co-workers and neighbors and friends and public figures and husbands and wives and sons and daughters and many more and they come from a
generation of a cursed bloodline and are descendants of an evil seed, demons in human body and Donald Trump pretending he is in the white house serving the nations giving executive orders and persecuting criminals and convicts and pretending they are persecuting terrorists and illegal immigrants and are the ones
who created and is supporting and funding money and dangerous weapons and drugs to dangerous criminal originations worldwide, but yet does not have a conscious responsible mind enough to know they are insane with uncontrolling unstable behavior, and just how does he think he can control these nations, if
himself is not in control and do not have a conscious responsible mind enough to know he is insane and is just as criminal and guilty as the whole nations are and have broken the law having a criminal background and bad reputation and who do Trump think he is kidding and still continues as of this day lying to himself and
these whole nations about the truth written, like if they can make a fool out of God tempting him and what he is telling a person in the bible, and can Trump explain this? Why does he think God have given him temporarily power over the nations for what purpose knowing he has a double perverse mind lying hypocrite; was it to
glorify himself are God and how can they call themselves Christians here in this time if no one here in this time were told the truth and there are no churches here in this time were sent from God, but the devil and they are lying about what God is telling a person in the bible, like if he is a joke and his laws does not exist and the
pass is coming for them here and will haunt them down one by one and will catch up with them here and they will get choke by their own lying words and how do they feel knowing they are murderers and have murdered innocent men and women and children and babies by the trillions throughout generations and is nothing but a snake and bastard just like their father and need to get their head out their as*s.
The whole world would not be setting here right today kidding themselves and will have to come face to face with reality someday what God is telling a person in the bible, whether if it be ten years are longer, it doesn't matter, the whole world will still have to come face to face with reality someday what God is telling a person in
the bible, are he would not have spoken about it in the bible if it were nothing important no matter what a person is thinking in their mind, the whole world have been living here all this time and should have already figure out by now and should be familiar having understanding knowing God do exist, and no one can make a
fool out of him and what he is telling a person in the bible and who is the world kidding thinking they can fool God tempting him with the trash you see here in this world and life find pleasures and should know already by now God exists and no one cannot be that stupid in the head and still does not know God do exists and
people think because they are here in the world for now, they can make a fool out of him, then what reason and purpose would the world exists for, if it doesn't have a reason and purpose to exist and nothing can exist and serve a purpose with evil and hate and violence and who is the world kidding and any one with common sense
and brains should already know no kingdom in this world can exist serving a purpose with hate and evil without having a foundation to build on and will eventually destroy itself because of hate and evil and violence and this whole world is being destroyed because it cannot exist with evil and hate and violence and man
cannot live by bread alone without having a foundation to build on the world cannot exist, and is just the same and because evil exist in this world the whole world is becoming curses and are being cursed with plagues and mental illness and madness and diseases and sickness and have become infected with Covid-19 virus,
and a person with common sense should already know the virus has never left here since 2020, and has become out of control and because of ignorance, people are exposing themselves to a dangerous virus and have become infected with virus bacterial as carriers, not showing signs and people have become infected internal
injected with virus bacterial to become infected and external, through air borne and people were told they cannot get sick and were injected with poison bacterial chemicals creating poison toxins and diseases in the body and Aids and HIV and cancer and blood clots and liver and heart failure and nerve damage with other
known side effects to destroy a person's DNA and this is out of control evil, and a person are anyone would really have to know what they are doing dealing with the power of darkness in their hands because no person are anyone in their right mind, would do evil things like this to people on purpose if they were in their right mind
and is dangerous with uncontrolling unstable behavior and do not have a conscious mind to know they are insane, and Trump know he is a criminal and murderer and the pass is coming for them here and will haunt them down one by one and will catch up with them here and they will get choke by their own lying words and the
whole world is filled with violence and anger and hate because of evil and evil spirits are manipulating people invoking them to anger and hate and violence and how foolish can they be having no brains and conscious and thinks they can tempt God, and he takes pleasure in evil, and life will continue on.
Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth.
Donald Trump and descendants of Lucifer are living and working here in this time living in communities nationwide and they are not what people think they are here in this time and are being used by demons to destroy the nations and they know what they are here and have been attacking these nations for a very long time, and
the nations have no idea the bastards are their enemies, there to destroy them and the whole world were told lies and manipulated.
Ancient research of the bible; travel back in time to ancient civilization and discover a whole new journal of the ancient world and ancient knowledge of the bible and explore the fascinating world of ancient history, where timeless relics and echoes of the past reveal the stories of civilizations long gone.
Uncover the mysteries and truth and ancient research of the bible and explore the fascinating world of ancient history, uncovering the mysteries and marvels of civilizations long gone. From monumental architecture to everyday artifacts, journal into the stories that shaped our past and continue to influence our present and the world of ancient history, uncovering the stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world.
Journey into the mysteries of civilizations long gone and learn about their enduring legacies and discover the ancient past.
Ancient prophecies provided in the bible have come true time and time again, proving that God is true and powerful. His prophecies serve as a reminder of his existence and their fulfillment provides evidence of his divine power; ancient biblical historians are the incredible truths of God's plan that were revealed to us
throughout the ages. From the fall of Babylon and Israel’s captivity to the coming of Jesus and the foretold end of the world, God revealed his plan of redemption, love, and forgiveness to his people. His inspired words guide us through life and offer hope and assurance of what is ahead, and offer us a unique glimpse into past
civilizations. Through these prophetic passages, we can uncover hidden secrets of Bible character, leaders and civilizations that have remained virtually unchanged throughout history. By studying the Bible’s prophecy, we can gain a better understanding of the ancient world, and the values and beliefs that shaped it.
St. Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad 2 Peter 1:20-21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
The watchmen11 studio was created to bring to people attention what is happening here in the real world are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible and biblical histories and ancient prophecies and civilization and leaders written about people in this time and the pass and present and future and the commandments of God
This is the most important history written about mankind and my understanding and knowledge is not based on my opinion and it is not my desire to change what other people believe and think and feel, but hope to encourage and to bring to people attention what is happening here in the real world
and each person would have to be the one to come and understand if they want to reserve and research the information themselves, if they want to have understanding what is being presented to them and not just what the person is telling them and please do not take this the wrong way, but most people have the
wrong understanding and think because you are sharing information with them, they are trying to change what the person believes and think and what a person believes and think in their mind cannot change what was written in the bible and the bible were not written based on a person's opinion and people are wrong thinking they can base the bible on their opinion it is nothing important
and the whole world needs to understand they are in very great danger of condemnation and is heading straight for hell and wicked government world leaders and churches worldwide global think this is a joke to them what was written in the bible is coming to pass here.
And they are not in their right minds and is saying God is a joke himself and he is not serious himself, because why else the whole world would be living here in danger if it is already condemned.
And the whole world has already been over the same problems here in the pass, repeating itself again and again and it is like they never get tired of their filth having pleasure in sin
The world should have already recognized by now they are facing a serious problem here concerning the whole world and the existence of mankind and words mean nothing what a person are someone speak out their mouth if it has no meaning to it and anyone can say they are righteous and are respectful and respects laws and are a Christian and what is truth and what are words itself if the person are someone do not
have the truth in them, their words are meaningless and have no meaning are purpose to it and a person are anyone can speak a thousand words, it doesn't mean nothing and the whole world is not facing a problem just to be facing it, the reason the whole world is facing a serious problem, is because the whole world is living here with no meaning and are being control by evil spirits and it is something terribly wrong
and something this serious the whole world should be paying attention, and this is why the whole world can not recognize they are facing a serious problem here is because they do not have a mind of their own and are being control by evil spirits and how can people live in a world and serve a purpose if they cannot recognize the whole world is facing a problem and the whole world doesn't know they are facing a serious problem
is because they do not have mind of their own to recognize they are facing a problem and what purpose are people here for then if they do not have a mind of their own to serve a purpose having meaning, it is just like you are looking at a pre-recorded world being control by evil spirits repeatedly and how can the truth exist and what is truth if people do not have a mind of their own, because nothing can
exist of itself without having meaning and purpose and the truth cannot exist of itself, if people do not have a mind of their own, because the person are the one who have to put it into action having the truth within themselves having meaning and purpose
Please check out my social pages for complete details.