Friday, March 11, 2022

The Government And Every Church Here In Our State And Country Worldwide Global Is Misleading People And Lied To The Whole Nations And Made People Think They Was Told The Truth

And made it look to people what God is telling them in the bible is not true and people think they are living here as a nation and they know God is punishing people here in this time and they are manipulating and is covering up the whole thing and is lying to people and making them think they was told the truth. How can people live here as a nation if they are being destroy because of the evil here 

in our world and is breaking God commandments and corrupting them selves and think no one is suppose to tell it on them if what God is telling a person in the bible is true and this is not about telling it on a person this is about talking about the truth and the word of God. And the bastards needs to be teach a lesson and have their lying tongue pull out their mouth and suppose to be church leaders and 

governments and their lies and manipulation along with their whoring and bad reputation will pay off and get what is coming to them. And people should know by now and be aware of the danger they are here with very dangerous spirits in the earth in people using them here to destroy mankind and them selves and should have every right to be concern they are living here with dangerous spirits attacking 

them and their children here. God used people enemies in the bible to punish when his commandments was broken and every single church here in our state and global world wide was not sent from God they are descendants of the devil offspring and was not sent from God, God is using them here to punish people here in this time and they are using it and is making people here in this time think 

they are sent from God and is misleading them with false doctrine to get the nations destroy. Millions of people here in this time have false doctrine and think it comes from God and do not know they have been deceived and was not told the truth and what happen here in that time in the bible and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and 

God commandments here centuries ago and the prophecies written in the bible is based on actual events happening here in our time. The original gospel is based on actual events happening here in our time and what happen here in the pass and in the future and people is not searching the scriptures they are just going by what their church is telling them and how would a person know what God is talking 

about to them here in this time and think what they already know if they have not read the bible and how would a person know what God is talking about in the bible is true if they have not read the bible and a person cannot make that mistake and think God is not talking to them here about the same thing and how he punished people here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation based on 

the original gospel. And a person cannot make that mistake because they think what they already know and have not read the bible and how can a person be so foolish and think what they already know and do not know what God is talking about to them in the bible is a person being their own judge and is judging God and condemn them selves at the same time and if people was being smart and was paying 

attention they would know God is using the government here to punish the nations and the bastards is at war with everyone here and is using this pandemic to destroy the nations and the vaccine does not protect a person from getting the virus they are using the virus along with the vaccine and people here in this time to keep the virus here and repeatedly transmitting the virus until it makes them sick and kill 

them and they know darn well why this pandemic happen here is because the same thing happen in the bible here in that time and from generation to generation. And they do not want people to know if they have been infected with the virus and is telling people in the media the pandemic is over with and they may make people think the virus is gone with fake virus testings. And why is the churches here in 

this time is not talking to people about this if what God is  telling a person in the bible is true and a person should see and know something is wrong the bastards is not sent from God and is not talking to people about this and how can they be leading people and was call by God to preach the gospel if they are lying to people about the truth and is descendants of the devil offspring. And how can a person 

be confuse and think the churches here in this time is leading them to salvation if they are lying to them and is not telling them the truth and how can people be save and have salvation if they are lying to people in their face about the gospel and is not telling them the truth and it is not like a person is making it up what they are saying about them because they are lying. And how can people be confuse 

and think the churches here in their community and state world wide was call by God if they are lying to them and is descendants of the devil offspring and how can people be serious about serving God here in this time if they are not paying attention and listening what he is telling them in the bible and how can people be confuse and think they was telling them the truth if they are descendants of this beast 

offspring. And God is not allowing people to live here on this earth because he do not mind a person not obeying him and if God did not mind a person not obeying him he would not have written laws and who do those bastards think they are here to put them selves before God and using his name in vain lying about the truth and think they will get away with lying to the nations and telling everybody a lie 

what God is telling a person in the bible is not true. If a person have been living in a place for a long time should have heard by now about the gospel and people have been living here on this earth for a long time and should have heard by now about the gospel and if a person know they have heard about the gospel and they are still sitting here and is acting like they are on a vacation is a person tempting 

God and think they can put them selves above him and challenge him and if a person was listening to God why are they still sitting here like they are on a vacation. And people is taking for granted because they are here in this world they can tempt God are think they can tempt God and what he is telling a person in the bible is very dangerous thinking because a person do not know God and how he 

thinks. And people is not even aware they are being manipulate by unclean spirits is because they have people under their powers and is being mind control like if the person is being hypnotize and is not consciously aware the spirit is attacking them secretly. 

And people should know by now they are not sent from God they are descendants of the devil offspring and devils in a celestial body using every single churches here in their community and state world wide and is misleading people with false information about the gospel to get them and the nations destroy. God used people enemies in the bible to punish people when his commandments was broken 

and people was not told the truth and think they are serving God here in this time and do not know God is using the government here in this time and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and future descendants and the original gospel is based on actual events happening here in our time and they know people will find out the truth about 

them in the original gospel and do not know how God punished people in that time in the bible he is punishing people here the same way here in this time and is talking to them about the same thing here people did in that time in the bible they are doing here in this time. And a person cannot make that mistake and think God is not talking to them here about the same thing and how he punished people 

here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation based on the original gospel. And they mislead people about their ancestors history and when they was in slavery and without the original gospel a person would not know what happen here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation and even if a person chooses to annoy this is not stopping the prophecies and the person 

will bring destruction on themselves. And people should know by now they are not sent from God they are descendants of the devil offspring and devils in a celestial body using every single churches here in our community and state world wide and is a gateway to hell. And how can people suppose to serve God here if they don't know about this they are living here with dangerous spirits in the earth in people 

and people should know by now God is using the government and this plague and evil spirits here to punish people in this time and God will be using the government and plagues and evil spirits here in the future in the book of Revelation when this prophecy comes to pass and I do not know what are they hiding for and know they are for real and do exist and they want people to worship them and their 

ugly faces as gods and a person is suppose to be concern and want to know about this because it is not natural a person is not concern about this. People worship evil spirits in the bible as gods and they was in that time in the bible in people and people worship them as gods. And people in this time is doing the same thing here their ancestors did in the bible they are worshiping evil spirits as gods and they are 

using every single churches here in our community and state world wide and is misleading people of the truth. And people should know by now evil spirits is using every single one of their churches here in their community and state world wide and is misleading people of the truth and how can people serve God and have salvation if evil spirits is using their churches here in their community and state 

world wide and is misleading them of the truth and they know God is using them here the same way God used them in the bible to punish people and people do not know God is using spirits here is because people is not paying attention and is not listening a word what he is telling them in the bible and they are making people here in this time think the vaccine is protecting them with deadly experimental 

drugs and toxic poison and does not protect a person from being exposed and people is suppose to protect them selves and not just rely on the vaccine alone and does not protect a person from getting the virus, they are just using people here in this time to keep the virus here to get them and the nations destroy and they are written in the bible and is very real and people think they are serving God in 

the church and do not know they are real devils in celestial bodies misleading them and people think they are looking at people in the media and the public and do not know they are devils in celestial bodies and they are a danger and a threat to the whole human race and how can people suppose to know what they think is not for real to them because what the person is making them selves think without 

looking into things first and by the time the great tribulation comes here in the future more people will be destroy and it doesn't matter because what a person is making them selves think because they are having a hard time excepting the truth and it doesn't matter what a person think they know about God and what they have been told all their life and have not receive instruction from God and a person 

cannot change the truth what God is telling a person in the bible because what the person is making them selves think cannot change God's truth. And people is having the same problems here in this time their ancestors had in the bible is because people chosen to reject knowledge and excepting the truth and because people is having a hard time excepting the truth they chosen to reject knowledge and God's 

word and is making them selves think what truth is but do not know what God is telling a person in the bible and where the person soul is going in the after life. People chosen to reject knowledge and think God will continue to let them make the choice and the wrong choices people is making is getting them and their world destroy and if people continue to make their own choices here without God the 

whole world will be destroy. And if God did not mind people making their own choices he would not have written laws and what is it people do not understand the great tribulation is coming here and God will be using the government here and the son of perdition will be given power for forty and two months over all nations and tongues here in the future in the book of Revelation and if it was people 

choice because they chosen to reject knowledge God would not have a reason to punish people and just needs to stop being paranoid and face reality and understand what is happening here in our world is for real and people is being effected by it world wide by the global because of the evil here in our world and things will not be this way here for long and what is coming here in the future the whole world will 

be effect by it and what is people thinking and where is their minds thinking they can be friends with the devil their enemy and how can people be friends with the devil God is using to punish and if he was a person friend why is God using him in the book of revelation here in the future to punish the world and do a person still think the devil is their friend and will save them when the time comes and what do 

people think the bastards descendants is here in our time for to make friends with and what do people think the punishment in the book of Revelation is for, it is for them when the time comes and how can a person think something is your friend and wants to hurt you and lies to you in your face and if what God is telling a person in the bible was not true then what is the devil written in the bible for and is 

a father of lies and when he speaketh he speaketh of his own and was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And it is the same thing the devil did to Eve here in that time in the bible in the book of Genesis he lied to her in her face and got her into trouble and God punished her 

for it because she listened to the devil and disobeyed God and people is doing the same thing here in this time Eve did in that time in the bible they are listening to the devil and not God and God is going to punish the person for it and what kind of thing will get you into trouble if they was your friend.


St. John 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he was a murderer from the beginning , and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Isaiah 14:12-17


For Such Are False Apostles, Deceitful Workers Transforming Themselves Into The Apostles Of Christ 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 And No Marvel; For Satan Himself Is Transformed Into An Angel Of Light.


2 Corinthians 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his (satan) ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works


Seducing Spirits And Doctrines Of Devils Transformed As The Ministers Of Righteousness Speaking Lies In Hypocrisy Having Their Conscience Seared With A Hot Iron  1 Timothy 4:1-3 Colosians 2:8


Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have, not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.


St.Mark 7:6-13 This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, for laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do.

And he said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition, making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye.

Isaiah 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God

Isaiah 66:1-5 Yea, they have chosen their own ways and their soul delighteth in their abominations, I also will choose their delusions and will bring their fears upon them because when I called, none did answer, when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes and chose that in which I delighted not.

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Romans 11:8 According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day.

Jeremiah 7:28 But thou shalt say unto them, this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished and is cut off from their mouth

The original gospel was written in that time in AD by holy men of God in Christ and copies was made from the original gospel and not the false doctrine of man and was kept preserved from that time and from generation to generation through out the years and centuries and there is only one gospel and the false doctrine does not comes from God it comes from man people who serves the devil and is 

descendants of this enemy written in the bible. The false doctrine they had written does not come from God and what he is telling a person in the original gospel because they do not speak the same truth and this was how the false doctrine came into existing was because our forefathers have forsaken God and have not kept his commandments. The original gospel was written in that time in AD by holy men 

of God in Christ and copies was made from the original gospel and not the false doctrine of man and was kept preserved from that time and from generation to generation through out the years and centuries and they are using the false doctrine here along with the original gospel and want people to think what was written in the original gospel in that time was rewritten with other books because they 

want people to think the original gospel was rewritten with other books to confuse a person and the person will not know the difference and will think the false doctrine comes from God too. The original gospel was never rewritten with other books because they do not speak the same truth and the original gospel are real ancient prophecies written about people here in this time and their ancestors and 

future descendants and God commandments. The king James bible have other different types of version and is not the same like the original king James bible and only the original king James bible is the real gospel of your ancestors history and prophecies we are bringing to pass here in this time and God commandments. The false doctrine looks and sounds like the real gospel but does not tell you the 

whole truth about your ancestors and what God is telling them. The real gospel will tell the person what God is telling them here in this time and the future and what happen here in that time in the bible. A person would have to know what happen here in that time in the bible first for them to discern what is happening here in this time and without the original gospel a person can break God commandments 

and will not know the difference and will think all gospel is the same not realizing there is only one gospel. And it doesn't matter because a person think they are here in this world for now they are being destroy here along with it because of the evil here in our world and people will regret and be disappoint when the time comes because they thought God was allowing them to make their own 

choices and chosen to reject knowledge and his words and it is a person fault because what they thought God was allowing them to do and have not receive instruction from God. And people just doesn't seems to get it they are being destroy here because of the evil here in their world and if God did not mind people to make their own choices and reject knowledge and what he is telling a person in the bible 

then why do a person think they are seeing evil here in their world for if God did not mind people breaking his law and that should tell a person God do mind and does not allow a person to think they can break his law and the evil people is seeing here is because they are making the wrong choices and is breaking his commandments and because people have not receive instruction from God they do 

not know he is punishing them here but they know the government and every single churches here in our community and state world wide the devil's descendants because God is using them here to punish and they are using it and is misleading people with false information about the gospel and is making people here in this time think they are sent from God to lead the churches here in their community and 

state world wide. People have not receive instruction from God here in this time because of their ancestors and because people have not receive instruction from God here in this time they are taking advantage of it and think God do not mind them making their own choices and is taking advantage of it and is rejecting knowledge and his words. And how can a person serve God and the 

devil in the church at the same time if they are being dishonest with them selves and with God and do not know what God is telling them in the bible and a person who leave the world without salvation and was in sin the person soul will perish and suffer in hell for eternity and is very devastating and people sometimes takes life for granted and do not think about things not until when it is to late and 

people who already left from this world without salvation is to late for them and what if it could have been the person who left from this world without salvation because tomorrow is not promising to know one and this comes as a wake up call and the virus just didn't happen here by accident it is a punishment and curse from God and people in the bible was punish the same way and was cursed with 

plagues and curses because of their disobedience and because of generation curses people in this time have unclean spirits in them. What God is telling a person in the bible is very serious and people life is about to change when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and people still do not get what God is talking about to them in the bible and the question is when will people get this what 

God is telling them because it will not make a bit of difference what a person is thinking it is not stopping the prophecies and the great tribulation is still coming here and even if a person wants to make them selves forget and pretend like if it is not for real and even if a person wants to make them selves forget people should already know every single church here in their community and state 

world wide are creatures in celestial bodies God is using here pretending they are leading people to salvation and a person who involved them selves with a evil spirit is making a big mistake and needs to understand how serious this is and can cause the person their life and where they are going in the after life and they are not there in a person life because what the person think they know about them and 

what they are there for because they are in every one here in this time is because they are separated from God and was not told the truth and a person who reject the gospel God will reject the person. And they know people is breaking God commandments here in this time and they know God is punishing people here in this time and think they can take advantage of it and they used the gospel and made 

people here in this time think they was told the truth. The bastards made everyone here in this time think they was told the truth and people have unclean spirits in them and what happen in that time in the bible just doesn't ends there because our forefathers forsaken God commandments and God punished them for it and those bastards took advantage of it and people here in this time thinks they are save and 

have unclean spirits in them and people in this time is paying the price because of their ancestors disobedience and their disobedience and still do not know what God is telling them in the bible is because they are not listening and is rejecting his word. A person cannot just go by what the other person is telling them the person would have to know what God is telling them in the bible for them selves 

because people in this time was not told the truth and may not be convince what you are telling them and may think you are just making it up and a person have no excuse and will not know what you are telling them if it is made up are not until they check things out first for them selves and when a person do read the bible and still do not believe is because the excuse is the person self and what they do not 

believe and is being their own judge and is judging God and condemn them selves at the same time and a person can make up all the excuses in the world is not stopping the prophecies and how can a person be sincere and serve God if they are rejecting his words and people here in this time is making the same mistakes their ancestor made and is braking God commandments and God have not forgotten when 

our forefathers forsaken his commandments and because of their mistake people in this time is paying the price. And a whole generation in the bible was destroyed in a flood because of their disobedience and only eight people was save and it did not matter because what people was thinking in that time in the bible and did not believe it did not stop the flood and it doesn't matter what people here 

in this time is thinking and do not believe it is not stopping God from punishing a person and no person can doubt God at his words. And people think it is their choice and it is up to them and they do not have to serve God and if it was the person choice God would not have a reason to punish people when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and how do a person know if it is their 

choice and they do not have to obey God if they have not read the bible and they know God is punishing people here in this time and think they can take advantage of it and they used the gospel and made everyone here in this time think they was told the truth and people do not know they have dangerous spirits in them is because they do not know what God is telling them and the bastards have a 

real nasty bad habit taking advantage of people and the fools have to learn and know humans and evils spirits was not create to be sexual and they have nothing in common with people nor can they have life with people and a human and beast have nothing in common and because we are dealing with paranoid and delusional spirits they want every one here in this time condemn and because of other 

people error and mistake doesn't mean every body is the same way and they want to judge and discriminate against a person base on their evil and hate and paranoid and want to judge people without a cause not knowing the person someday may become sons and daughters of God. And this is not for every one here because there are people in this time is being told the truth regardless of their 

ancestors mistake but they still chosen and want nothing to do with the truth and because of their ancestors mistake people in this time was not told the truth and did not come with no instruction and they are wrong and they have no excuses and have sin against God too like their forefathers and would have to be teach and instruct and discipline and guarded into the right direction. Evil spirits are 

not god's they are sexual and unclean spirits and will manipulate what a person do not understand and a person believe in what they have been told all their life and a evil spirit can manipulate a person inside of their body to do unclean things are to get the person to harm someone are them selves and commit unlawful crimes and violence and a person who is being possessed by them may not be aware what is 

happening to them and the person may not appear to be them selves at times and will distance them selves away from other people and is showing signs like if the person may be depress are suicide and their behavior can change swiftly one minute the person can appear calm and then the next minute the person snaps and can become violent and the person can go into a trance state and is under demonic 

possession and can have multiple personality and unstable behavior and some people may not understand the warning signs and may think the person is depress are is schizophrenia are suicidal and a evil spirit can be very intimidating and wants to have control and when they cannot have their way with a person are someone they will turn on the person and tried to destroy them and is the most dangerous 

and deadliest and violent creatures and some people can sense their presence when they in a room are is in a person. Evil spirits wants to be recognize and call gods the same way a person would do God and people in the bible was involve with evil spirits they call gods and used them to gain power and the world are to revenge their enemies and to protect them selves and there is only one way a evil spirit 

can be defeated is through by the word of God and the person would have to be a believer and is born again in Christ and cannot be in sin and God gives power to the church to have them cast out and the person would have to be ordain and is anoint by God first to do the service of the church and God suffers only a man to do the service of the church and not a woman.

Friday, February 4, 2022

FedEx And CAINIAO Global Tracking Report Scam


                                                       Copy Of Purchase Tracking Info 

The seller from would need to have the same tracking update in their tracking report to show proof the package was sent for security purposes, both AliExpress and FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking do not have the same information in their tracking reports for this same package tracking number 

557065080773  and how can the merchants from AliExpress do not know and CAINIAO global tracking and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on AliExpress is showing AliExpress tracking records are not accurate and do not have the same tracking information and is missing tracking destination 

and do not have the same tracking dates and time. The tracking number for this same package was sent FedEx, And CAINIAO global ordering tracking do not have the same information in their tracking report like ordering tracking and FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking both is a web site to track packages, so why do 

CAINIAO global do not have the same tracking report for this same package tracking number 557065080773 like FedEx, but a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global both have the same tracking report for this package tracking number. AliExpress and FedEx tracking records do 

not have the same tracking dates when the package arrived at my location and without the correct tracking information how do the seller know and can verified if the package was sent and how can FedEx carrier the driver can verified, they deliver the package to my home address in my location without the correct and same 

information in their tracking reports. And if the package was sent the tracking records would have to have the same information in their tracking reports from the merchants and FedEx carrier to show proof the package was sent for security purchases. A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on is showing 17 tracking reports, in FedEx 

tracking records is showing 22 tracking reports and in CAINIAO global tracking records is showing 17 tracking reports for the same package tracking number 557065080773. AliExpress and CAINIAO global tracking is missing 5 tracking reports. And according to the tracking reports and a copy of the tracking report 

from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global tracking the package was never sent are delivery to my home address in my location but is a fake report and a scam. And and CAINIAO global tracking is suppose to have the same information in their tracking reports for the same 

package and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on comes from CAINIAO global tracking and the package was never sent FedEx are delivered to my home address in my location and that is why the information in both and CAINIAO global do not have the same information in their 

tracking report. And there is no need the merchants from give me the run around anymore and can save themselves the time and trouble refusing to refund back my money because I did not ask to be scammed because the merchants from thought they was being smart and risked themselves being 

exposed and gives business a bad name and reputation. And may I remind the merchants from did they check the reports and regardless of the time when the tracking report have updated with new tracking details the tracking details in the report their time and dates and tracking destination and tracking 

numbers must be the same in the merchant tracking report whether if the package was sent FedEx are regular standard shipping. And why did the merchants from AliExpress claim they shipped the package FedEx in a short amount of time from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location and why would the merchants from 

AliExpress would spend more money out of their pocket just to send a package from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location in the United States FedEx. And if FedEx carrier made just one delivery attempt delivering the package to my location how can FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking be showing two different delivery dates in their tracking report if the package was delivered to my location on one delivery attempt in FedEx report on 1-17-2022 at 11:15 am and showing in CAINIAO global 

tracking report the package was delivered to my location on 1-18-2022 at 00:15 am and if the package was delivered on just 1 attempt then why is FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking is showing in their report the package was delivered on two different days. Now the merchant from claims 

and told me in a message on 2-11-2022 FedEx carrier lost the package and how do the merchant know and can verified if FedEx carrier lost the package if they did not check the tracking reports and if FedEx carrier lost my package then how did they delivered the package to my home address in my location if the package was lost and if FedEx carrier lost the package then why didn't the carrier inform 

FedEx and the merchant and if FedEx carrier lost the package in my location are another location in the united states are in another country then how can the carrier delivery the package if it was lost and when and where was the package lost. And if the package was lost then how can it be showing in the tracking reports the package was delivered to my home address in my location on two different days 

and how could FedEx carrier lose the package if the tracking reports is missing tracking destination and do not have the same tracking dates and time and the information in FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking reports is not the same. And if the package was lost before it reached my location FedEx carrier would have inform and have reported it to their head company in their location to verified in 

their tracking reports the package was lost and there is no lost package showing in FedEx and CAINIAO global tracking reports and how can the carrier lose a package and not report it and how can the carrier and the merchant from said the package was delivered on my front door steps and how can the package be lost if the merchant and FedEx carrier already said the first time the package was delivered on my front door steps.  


CAINIAO Global Ordering Tracking And FedEx.Com And AliExpress Tracking Report

1-12-2022 at 1:56 pm the package was in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN, how did the package exported on the same day 1-12-2022 at two different times, AliExpress tracking records shows the package exported and shipped released international on 1-12-2022 at 13:56 pm from BEIJING CN, In FedEx tracking records the package exported and shipped released international on 1-12-2022 at 4:07 pm from BEIJING CN, and on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm the package was still in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN, How can the package still be in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm if the package was already exported on 1-12-2022 at 4:07 pm from the same country BEIJING CN.

AliExpress tracking records does not show in their report the package was in transitional leaving from BEIJING CN on 1-12-2022 at 6:14 pm. 

The timing and the tracking destination and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global ordering tracking report is not the same, the tracking records is missing tracking destination in AliExpress tracking reports, and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on does not show 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am the package was in transitional operational delay in INCHEON-SI KR, a copy of the tracking 

report from the merchants on AliExpress and CAINIAO global tracking is showing the package was in operational delay on 1-12-2022 at 23:23 am in INCHEON-SI, in FedEx tracking records the package does not show it was in operational delay on 1-12-2022 at 23:23 am, FedEx tracking records is showing the package was in operational delay on 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in INCHEON –SI KR and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on AliExpress does not show the package was in operational delay on 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in INCHEON-SI KR.  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and how can they be showing different tracking dates if it is not the same tracking information when the package was in operational delay, and both AliExpress and do not have the same information in their tracking reports for this package.  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on is showing the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 23:34 in INCHEON-SI and is showing in their records the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am in INCHEON-SI KR. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and does not show the same information in their tracking reports when the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 23:34 am and 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am in the same country in INCHEON-SI KR. 

In tracking report how can the package be located in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional if the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 12:34 am and 1-13-2022 at 11:54 pm and 1-13-2022 at 12:23 am in operational delay in another country located in INCHEON-SI KR. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional, in FedEx tracking report the package was in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:20 pm in transitional.  

In AliExpress tracking report it does not show the package arrived at FedEx hub in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:46 pm, in tracking report the package arrived at FedEx hub in ANCHORAGE, AK on 1-13-2022 at 2:46 pm. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking is not showing in their reports the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 7:42 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK but in FedEx tracking report the package was in transitional on 1-13-2022 at 7:42 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 4:49 pm in ANCHORAGE, AK but showing in FedEx tracking records the package was in transitional on 1-14-2022 at 4:49 pm in ANCORAGE, AK  

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK but showing in tracking reports the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK. 

In and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on does not show the package imported and shipped international shipment release both at the same time but they imported at two different times on the same day on 1-15-2022 at 2:25 pm and 18:48 am. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on how can the package imported and shipped international on 1-15-2022 at 18:48 am from ANCORAGE, AK if the package was in transitional on 1-15-2022 at 1:48 am in ANCORAGE, AK in tracking reports.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report how can the package arrived at FedEx hub on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm in Memphis, TN if the package has already departed from FedEx hub on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm in Memphis, TN, how can the carrier have arrived back at the same location in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm if the carrier has already departed on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm in Memphis, TN.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report the package departed FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-15-2022 at 10:55 pm and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking report the package departed FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-17-2022 at 06:59 pm. And how can the package have 

departed twice on two different days with two different tracking report time in the same location in Memphis, TN.  

Showing In FedEx tracking report the package arrived at FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show in their report when the package arrived at FedEx hub in Memphis, TN on 1-16-2022 at 4:59 pm.  

Showing in FedEx tracking report the package arrived at destination sort facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 7:50 am and 1-17-2022 at 7:53 am the package is at a local FedEx facility in Salisbury, MD. 

Showing In AliExpress tracking report the package is at a local FedEx facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 20:50 am, in and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on the tracking time is not the same. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and CAINIAO global tracking does not show in their report when the package arrived at destination sort facility in Salisbury, MD on 1-17-2022 at 7:50 am.  

Showing in and CAINIAO global tracking report the package is on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 20:53 am in Salisbury, MD but in FedEx tracking report it does not show in their report the package is on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 20:50 am. 

Showing in FedEx tracking reports the package arrived at my location on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-17-2022 at 11:15 am in Onancock, VA but showing in and CAINIAO global tracking reports the package arrived at my location on a FedEx vehicle for delivery on 1-18-2022 at 00:15 am in Onancock, VA. 

A copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and do not have the same tracking dates when the package arrived at my location. And according to the tracking reports and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on and and CAINIAO global 

tracking the package was never sent are delivery to my home address in my location but is a fake report and a scam. And and CAINIAO global tracking is suppose to have the same information in their tracking reports for the same 

package and a copy of the tracking report from the merchants on comes from CAINIAO global tracking and the package was never sent FedEx are delivered to my home address in my location and that is why the information in both and CAINIAO global do not have the same information in their 

tracking report and regardless of the time when the tracking report have updated with new tracking details the tracking details in the report their time and dates and tracking destination and tracking numbers must be the same in the merchant tracking report whether if the package was sent FedEx are regular standard 

shipping. And why did the merchants from AliExpress claim they shipped the package FedEx in a short amount of time from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location and why would the merchants from AliExpress would spend more money out of their pocket just to send a package from their country in QINGDAO, CN to my location in the United States FedEx.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How Can They Serve God And The Devil In The Church At The Same Time If They Are Confused And Paranoid And Is Spiritually Blind And Don't Know Descendants Of This Enemy Written In The Bible Was Attacking Them And Their Children Here In The Earth And Is Misleading Them And The Nations With False Information And The Prophecies Written In The Bible Is Based On Actual Events Happening Here In Our Time If They Was Hearing God And Paying Attention.

And Because People is not listening and paying attention, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day and because they are spiritually blind they are without warning and cannot see the danger they are in and is making the same mistake and this whole generation is heading for hell. 

Millions of people here in this time have false doctrine and think it comes from God and do not know they have been deceived and was not told the truth and what happen here in that time in the bible and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God 

commandments here centuries ago and the prophecies written in the bible is based on actual events happening here in our time and God is using the government here to punish the world and they are using it and is misleading the nations with false information about the gospel and what happen here in that time in the bible and 

God will be using the government here in the future in the book of revelation when this prophecy comes to pass and because people do not know what happen here in that time in the bible descendants of this enemy written in the bible is sexually attacking people and their children here in the earth and selling them into sex 

trafficking and is raping them and beating them and is murdering them here the same way they did to people in the bible who was your ancestors who was living here in another time and from generation to generation before we were here; they raped and beat people and murdered them and sold them into slavering here in that 

time in the bible. And they are not leading people to salvation here in this time they are leading them and have led them to hell and the vaccine does not protect a person from getting the virus, they are using people here in this time to keep the virus here to get them and the nations destroy. And because people do not know 

what happen here in that time in the bible, they cannot see the danger and descendants of this enemy is trying to take them and the whole world out and is trying to get them and is getting them and the whole world destroy here one by one and is misleading them with false information about the gospel and what happen 

here in that time in the bible and this is not about war and those scum bags here in this time this is about the word of God and his truth and a fight for people souls and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments here centuries ago and the prophecies written in the bible is based on actual events happening here in our 

time. The original gospel is here in this time to tell a person what God is telling them in the bible and people is keeping them selves from seeing and hearing what God is telling them because of their disbelief and disobedience and as long as people is not hearing God and is rejecting his word they will never see nor hear what he is telling them. A person would have to listen and pay attention what God 

is telling them and do not have to tolerate with the devil and his evil descendants here in this time if they would just listen to God and follow his instruction and people who was your ancestors had to put up with this same spirit and his evil descendants here in that time in the bible when they did not listen to God and followed his instruction and his descendants is ruling over people here in this time and is 

lying about who they are and is misleading the nations with false information about the gospel and is sexually attacking people and their children here in the earth and selling them into sex trafficking and is raping them and beating them and is murdering them here the same way they did to people in the bible who was your ancestors who was living here in another time and from generation to generation 

before we were here; and is using the media and guns and drugs and weapons they create and deadly toxin poison foods and drugs and water supply and sex sells on Tv in movies and clothes and toys and jewelry and rated sexual scenes to corrupt the heart and minds of man and a person emotion and mental state to condemn and prevent the person from coming back to God and they are using the virus 

along with the vaccine and people here in this time to tried to get them destroy them selves and each other and is using them here to keep the virus here to get them and the nations destroy and how can those monsters be that stupid and think no one here in this time would find out the truth and gave them selves away thinking they can compete against the word of God and his truth and they can screw 

them selves along with their cowardly race in hell and whether a person is having a hard time listening to God and what he is telling them is not stopping what is happening here and people in this time have not seen nothing here yet until when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation. To continuing reading and for more info please see the below links.

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Romans 11:8 According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day.

St.Matthew 15:14 Let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch

St.John 3:18- 21 He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is

the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Because People Do Not Know What God Is Telling Them Here They Cannot See The Danger And Descendants Of This Enemy Is Trying To Take Them And The Whole World Out And Is Trying To Get Them And Is Getting Them And The Whole World Destroy Here One By One And Is Misleading Them With False Information About The Gospel And What Happen Here In That Time In The Bible.''

They need to be embarrassing and ashamed to make them look real bad before the public and whole world and people can know the truth about them because they are making people think they are sent from God to lead them to salvation and they know people in this time do not know the truth about them and what happen here in that time in the bible and think people can not recognize them here and 

their ugly faces and what they did here in that time in the bible and their scum reputation will do them in and would have to be handed out on a platter and sell them out and get beat at their own evil games and all eyes will turn on them and people will know the truth about them and what they did here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation and what they are doing here in this time and in the 
future in the book of Revelation. They know people cannot recognize them here with out the gospel and do not know they are evil spirits in celestial bodies and looks human and is descendants of this evil spirit written in the bible and is making people here in this time think they are sent from God to lead them to salvation and they will tried to make them selves look professional putting on a fake appearance 
and calling them selves doctors and lawyers and church leaders and governors and public figures and other names they go by here they are descendants of this evil spirit written in the bible the devil. People do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have already heard about this enemy written in the bible and is familiar with his name and his descendants is at war with the descendants of 
God chosen people here in this time because of the covenant God made with their forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and because people do not know what happen here in that time in the bible descendants of this enemy is ruling over people here in this time and is misleading them and the nations with false information about the gospel and what happen here in that time in the bible base on 
lies. A person would have to read the bible for them selves to know what happen here in that time in the bible and what God is telling them and not just what the person is saying because the person can think someone is just making it up what they are telling them because descendants of this enemy is getting people here in this time destroy and is killing them here because people do not know what God 
is telling them and a person who think they do not have to listen to God is making a big mistake and this is not about war and these scum bags here in this time this is about the word of God and his truth and a fight for people souls and what make people think they do not have to listen to God and who told people they can live here but do not have to know what God is telling them and think it is their choice 
they can live here but do not have to listen to him and the problems people are having here is coming from the wrong choices they are making. And life is more than about just living in a world but it is about knowing how to survive and people just assume what they think they know about God but do not know what he is talking about to them in the bible and think he is just letting people live here on the
earth and people think they can live and survive on their own without God and even if a person make selves think what they know is not good enough because the person will not understand the knowledge they was cursed with and how they can discern the difference between good and evil because of Adam and Eve mistake in the book of Genesis. People is just trying to live here and survive but they 
are not concern about what is happening here in their world and is making one wrong choice after another and how can people live here on the earth if they do not know how to survive on their own without God and will have to know what God is telling them to live and survive as a nation and people and because people is making one wrong choice after another here this whole generation is 
heading for hell and how do a person know if God is just letting them live here if they do not know what he is telling them in the bible and people is trying to live and survive here on their own but have no understanding from God. And now people have a much bigger problem they have to think about and do not know what God is telling them in the bible and what is happening here in this time and because 
we are dealing with paranormal and delusional spirits here in this time and descendants of this enemy is sexually attacking people and their children here in the earth and selling them into sex trafficking and is raping them and beating them and is murdering them here the same way they did to people in the bible who was your ancestors who was living here in another time and from generation to generation 
before we was here; they raped and beat people and murdered them and sold them into slavering here in that time in the bible. And they are not leading people to salvation here in this time they are leading them and have led them to hell and the vaccine does not protect a person from getting the virus they are using people here in this time to keep the virus here to get them and the nations destroy and people is 
letting the virus be out of control and is keeping it here and is still in the danger zone and because of people ignorance not wearing a mask other people is being exposed and is killing them here and the virus can take them and the whole world out and it is just a matter of time and they are making people here in this time think they are christians and was born again and no one here in this time was told 
the truth are save and is separate from God. People know what they have been doing here in this time so far and think God will keep letting them break his commandments and serving evil spirits and worshiping to devils they call gods and sacrificing to devils and committing adultery and stealing and murdering and lying and is swearing and bearing false witness and using the name of the Lord God 
in vain and much more things they are doing here in this time their forefathers did here in that time in the bible. And why all this time people is sitting here God is using the government and evil spirits and is allowing what you are seeing here and people is being destroy and killed and murdered here by descendants of this enemy is because people is breaking his commandments and is not hearing him 
like their stubborn forefathers and the longer people sit here and wait the worse it will get until the great tribulation comes to pass here in the future in the book of Revelation and God will be using the government here in the future in the book of revelation to punish the whole world and nothing will be the same here in the future and these lying scumbags who is pretending to be their pastor and church 
leaders here in this time is not telling people about this and people is being attack here by sexually unclean spirits and they will use a person to do unclean things in their body are to get the person to think what they are feeling in their body and think they can give a person satisfaction sexually attacking them in their body with no man hood and they will use a person to destroy someone and 
people think their children was sexually attack by a human in their church people who is their pastor and church leaders and they are sexually unclean spirits in celestial bodies not sent from God. 

Extended Post Original KingJamesBible


Every Single Churches Here In Our State And World Wide Is Misleading People And The Nations With False Doctrine And What Happen Here In That Time In Bible.

And a person have the right to know they have been misled and is a question of life and death and where the person soul is going in the after life and if a person cares about their life and where their soul is going in the after life is to be taken seriously. The original gospel is here in this time to tell people what God is telling them and

the church screwed up real bad when they did not tell people the truth thinking it will keep people from finding out the truth and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and future descendants and what is coming to pass. And how can they be sent from

God if they are not telling people the truth and a church must be ordained and is anointed by God first before they can lead and people think they are just living here and have not receive instruction from God and what he is telling a person in the original gospel and what happen here in that time in the bible and they are

misleading people here in this time with false doctrine and is denying them of the truth and people is making the same mistake here in this time their ancestors made and will pay a heavy price. God is using the government here to punish the world and they are using it and is misleading the nations with false information about the

gospel to get them and the nations destroy and God is going to use the government here in the future in the book of revelation when this prophecy comes to pass and it is people fault for not paying attention and listening and because people is not hearing God the church is lying to them here and no one here in this time was told

the truth are save and people have unclean spirits in them and because people is being so stubborn and foolish here and is not listening the church is misleading people with false doctrine and people is breaking God commandments. People is being told the truth but they still is not listening and it is people fault thinking they

was just living here on the earth and have not receive instruction from God and what he is telling a person in the bible and a person is not here on this earth to stay and is just kidding them selves because they think to them nothing is going to happen and people is being destroy here each and every day because of the evil here

in our world and a person might enjoy the fine pleasure of life here for temporary and is being destroy here along with it. And how can the church make them selves look innocent like if they was telling the truth putting on a fake act fronting in the media if they did not tell people what God is telling them in the original gospel and

how can they lead and preach the gospel if they are not telling people the truth and might think they have the world fooled but they do not have God fooled and the devil might think he can hide behind a body but he cannot hide from the word of God and is no match against the word of God and since they are not going to tell the

truth them selves someone will have to do it for them and the longer people sit here and wait they are losing time here by the minute and the scriptures is fulfilling and a person being ignorant of God and pleasing them selves destroyed them selves and is condemned already and how can people serve God with unclean spirits in them.

And these lying scum bags who is pretending to be your church leaders and government here in this time do not want people to know it is them misleading people here and the original gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and future descendants. To continuing reading and for more info please see the below links with bible scriptures.

Everyone Of Them Should Be Arrested And Put In Jail For Attempted Murder And Construction Of Justice And Have Violated And Have Broken The Law To The Constitutional Rights Misleading People And The Nations With False Information About The Gospel. People Is Not Aware Of This Scandal And Have Been A Victim Of This Crime.''

Millions Of People Here In This Time Have False Doctrine And Thinks It Comes From God And Do Not Know They Have Been Scam And Was Not Told The Truth And What Happen Here In That Time In The Bible And The Original Gospel Was Written About People Here In This Time And Their Ancestors And Future 

Descendants And God Commandments Here Centuries Ago And God Is Using The Government Here To Punish The World And They Are Using It And Is Misleading People And The Nations With False Information About The Gospel And Covid-19 It Is To Get Them And The Nations Destroy.'' In The Book Of Revelation God Is Going To Use The Government And The Son Of Perdition Here In The Future To Punish The World When This Prophecy Comes To Pass.''

How Can They Serve God And The Devil In The Church At The Same Time With Devils In The Church Leading Them Teaching The False Doctrine Of Man And Laying Aside The Commandments Of God, Speaking Lies In Hypocrisy; Having Their Conscience Seared With Hot Iron Who Privily Shall Bring In Damnable Heresies, Even Denying The Lord And Using The Name Of The Lord God In Vain And Have Violated And Have Broken The Amendments To The Constitution Rights Committing Crimes And Scandal Using False Doctrine To Make People Think What Happen Here In That Time In The Bible Base On Lies And False Identity To Represent Them Selves As Christian Men And Women Sent From God