Monday, November 14, 2022

They Think The Public Cannot Recognize Them And Doesn't Know They Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Living Here In Our Time And Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal And Brother Carlos And Donald Trump And Obama And Brother Mark From Keller Virginia And Ernest Angley And Billy Graham And Wayne Levi Price And T.D. Jakes And President Joe Biden And Stan Madrak And Rev. Ike Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Here To Deceive People And Manipulate Their Minds With Lies And No Church Here In This Time Worldwide Globe Were Sent From God

They Have The Whole Nations Whoring And Is A Generation Of Vipers And Whores Just Thinking About Themselves Fighting To Have Territory And Power And Control Over People And The Nations And Just Want To Live On The Earth Having Pleasure But Do Not Give A Damn About God Laws Will Burn Here In The Future: For Strong Is The Lord God Who Judgeth Her. And The Kings Of The Earth, Who Have Committed Fornication And Lived Deliciously With Her, Shall Bewail Her, And Lament For Her, When They Shall See The Smoke Of Her Burning!!

The gospel comes from God, and it is an insult to him marking him teaching false doctrine and how many more crimes and murder cases will these hideous monsters imposed on the nations murdering the nations here and why would someone reject what God is telling them here and do not know the danger they are in here and are being murdered. The whole earth is in a constant state of turmoil and suffering and all those greedy and selfish dogs are just thinking about

is themselves and having pleasure and to live here on the earth but do not give a damn about God laws and are being dishonest with the nations and is imposing the nations murdering them here on purpose, is not a mistake and are responsible people are being target and hunt down like wild animals and murdered and what is the big deal they do not want people to know they are responsible attacking

the nations on purpose here if they are being dishonest themselves about the gospel if what God is telling a person in the bible is true and if they are being dishonest themselves teaching people false doctrine how can people are supposed to know what God is telling them and where does this lead people and what are these stupid demons thinking and teaching people false doctrine will cause conflict and a

person will want answers and want to know what are they really here for and if people are just here to be hunt down like wild animals and be destroyed, at lease the bastards can have the respect and tell people they are responsible attacking the nations and people being hunt down and murdered and think they have the whole nations ruined and have themselves ruined at the time because of their paranoid act

and think people are just supposed to sit here and be control by aliens hiding their identity and rather thinking they have the whole nations intimidated, they have themselves intimidated and gave their entire stinky colonies alien race away and is their own worst enemy and think they have control over the entire nations and think people will just let them make a fool out of them here and might think what

they are doing here with the nations for now, will not be this way for way and will turn on them and rebel and the whole nations will rise up against those generation of vipers and their entire race and turn against them and the evil they have done to people here in this time and people here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation, they tortured people and murdered them and sold them into

slavery here centuries ago in the bible and raped and beat and murdered their men and women and children and sold them into sex slavery and sacrificed them to devils to gain wealth and power and what happen in the bible the same thing is happening in this time, and they do not want the nations to know they are devils and have been hiding the truth from the public. And a person needs a reality check

who think this is not for real and they will attack are threaten a person to stop them from telling the truth and a person keeping silence will not stop their attacks on the nations here and will continue attacking people and the nations until it is destroyed, and what is it people is not getting what God is telling them in the bible and they will never live a normal life here and have peace and they will

continue attacking them here and needs to face reality and how can people go to bed at night and the nations are faced with serious problems. And how can people be living in the same world and are having a hard time realizing they are attacking them here the same way they attacked people in the bible when they were living here in their time, and from generation-to-generation and they know people in

this time is not aware of the problem and what happen here in that time in the bible, and they have been lying to people here in this time about the truth and have control of the nation's here was because people in that time in the bible and from generation-to-generation disobeyed God and forsaken his laws and God will turn a person over to their enemies. And how can be people be living in the same world

not realizing they are living here with aliens hiding in celestial bodies living here in our time and no church here in this time worldwide globe were sent from God and people are being deceive by a beast and think they can hide their identity and people cannot discern and recognize the ugly bastards. And so sad to say, but people have no sense here and should know if their ancestor's forsaken

God's law, people in this time cannot live here either without God's law or will be punish for it and still do not know they are separated from God were because of their ancestor's disobeying God and forsaken his laws and people should have realize this by now and should know they are not living here just to be here, not obeying God's law

and are being ruled by demons and do people think the damn things are just happened to be here for their good and means them no harm and are the ones attacking people here and using them to destroy and where are people minds at and the whole world should know by now the damn fools are living here in this time and are using people controlling them here in this time to corrupt themselves doing bad

things and why would someone keep quiet about this, and it is their life and soul in danger of damnation, and hell fire and do people have any idea what the damn things can do to them and are doing to them here and can possessed a person and destroy them and people in the bible were possessed by them and they are the same damn ones here in our time and how can people live here with the damn

things and not knowing people in the bible and from generation-to-generation had the same problem, people are having here in this time, they used people to kill and destroy and steal and they are doing the same thing here in this time they did with people in the bible using people to fight and turn against their families and murder them and people should know they are not living here either just like

their ancestors not obeying God's law and what are people thinking here and do they think they can live here with them and avoid the consequences and if people know their ancestors in the bible could not live here without God's law, they can't here either and people act like they have no sense, and it must be something wrong in their heads and are being destroyed and possessed by the damn things and people

act like they are living here in paradise and are being murdered by the damn things at the same time and they want to have control and power over the nations here just like they are ruling over rodents are insects here and what the hell do they think people are here and think people are just stupid and they can walk over them here bossing them around, and they are not cows are horses are guinea pig are

rodents, they are people created by God and not those fools and so sad to say, people really have no sense here living here with demons in the earth controlling them and men and women are corrupting themselves and having no shame how they are living their life here on earth and needs someone ruling over them here in the right way, rather than those fools and people are not just

living on the earth, they are separate from God and will perish when they leave the earth. And what do creatures know about ruling over people and all they know is to murder and a person won't be surprised what they will hear next in the news, they used someone to do something crazy and no one is talking about it here are calling for justice, is just a damn shame and how can people live here on the

earth being control and possessed by spirits and this is not about those selfish pigs having power and control, this is about the nations and people souls and God commandments, and they do not give a damn about the nations are suffering and are dying and being afflicted with diseases and curses and possessed by devils, all they want is to have power and control and glory and to rule the earth, while the

whole nations are suffering and are dying, and people are leaving the earth without salvation and people are living here with entities and the nations will not survive this way but will be destroyed and people will perish. And they are having people breaking God commandments and know God commanded their ancestors in the bible not to break them and they know people is not living here in this

world is because they do not have to obey God's law and the worst danger is people are not aware of the danger they are in here and in their mind, they are not being threaten are face with a serious problem, and can easily be control and possessed by entities and a person can appear calm and have control of themselves and can become violent and lose control when they become intimated, is because their

minds are blind and cannot discern the spirit and are being control by entities and it is unnatural the whole nations are face with the same problems here and no one here in this time is talking about it and the whole world needs to know what is happening here because it is unnatural a person not concern about their world and people are living here with entities and they are attacking people here in this time

in the same way and will manipulate a person thinking they are feeling sexual in their body and half the time it is not the person who is feeling that way themselves, it is the entity manipulating the person body and they will manipulate a person mind to do bad things are to get the person to harm someone are themselves are to hate and think people do not know how they are attacking them here and they can

attack a person are something in more than one way and think they can make sexual contact with people sexually attacking them in their body and there is nothing for a person to be shame talking about it in the open is because they are attacking people and their children here in this time the same way and think like if people are supposed to make out with them the same way a man and a woman do in a

relationship and what is it to those damn fools what a man and a woman is supposed to feel when it is their feelings and not the entity, and like they have this sexual thing going on with the nations. And they can attack any parts of a person body and their biggest attack between the two, is the person mind and body and will manipulate a person mind to do bad things and will manipulate a person thinking

they are feeling sexual in their body and do people really think they are just living here and so sad to say, but where is people minds at and do a person think what God is telling them in the bible is a joke, he is talking about the great tribulation coming here and no one here in this time is talking about it, like if their minds are gone and it is unnatural a person not concern about their world and what in the hell is

wrong with the men here, they too are the same way here and God suffers a man over the woman in the church and I have never seen a person take so much pleasure in wickedness and should know they will be destroy for it and what will people do then when the great tribulation comes here and what can those generation of devils do about the truth being talked about. People minds are being destroy and

families are being separated and are turning against each other and people are possessed with devils and are living here with entities in them and makes it not safe people living together here on earth in the same environment and can lose control and harm another person are themselves and how can people live here as a nation in a world destroy by evil and it is not like people can avoid what

God is telling them in the bible and have already seen those devils here, and it must be something terribly wrong a person not concern about their world and are making matters worse waiting until what God will do because they are still here on the earth for now and think nothing wrong can happen. They think the public cannot recognize them and doesn't know they are demons hiding their identity

living here in our time and Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal and brother Carlos and Donald Trump and Obama and brother Mark from Keller Virginia and Ernest Angley and Billy Graham and Wayne Levi Price and T.D. Jakes and President Joe Biden and Stan Madrak and Rev. Ike are demons

hiding their identity here to deceive people and manipulate their minds with lies and no church here in this time worldwide globe were sent from God and they are using the media to distract people to manipulate their minds with lies.

Revelation 18:1-24 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remember her iniquities. Reward her

even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

They Want To Have Control And Power Over The Nations And Are Greedy And Selfish Pigs Debating With Each Other Fighting To Have Territory And These Whole Nations Are Being Rule And Control By Demons And Insane Evil Spirits A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Threatening To Take The Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation!!

They Want To Have Control And Power Over The Nations And Are Greedy And Selfish Pigs Debating With : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

They Want To Have Control And Power Over The Nations And Are Greedy And Selfish Pigs Debating With Each Other Fighting To Have Territory And These Whole Nations Are Being Rule And Control By Demons And Insane Evil Spirits A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Threat : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Bur: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn With Fire Here In The Future!!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

They Want To Have Control And Power Over The Nations And Are Greedy And Selfish Pigs Debating With Each Other Fighting To Have Territory And These Whole Nations Are Being Rule And Control By Demons And Insane Evil Spirits A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Threatening To Take The Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation!!

They know who the hell I am talking about and too, and think they have control over the nations here and they cannot help a person are these nations here and can show them the way to the path of righteousness having love and hope and faith and courage and understanding and guidance and disciple and respect and obedience and growing and learning and all they are thinking about is just them 

selves and they do not care about people dying and being hurt and murdered and the whole nations is suffering and people souls being lost and are greedy and selfish pigs debating with each other fighting to have territory and power and control over people and the nations here and think they deserve that, and doesn't deserve a damn thing are leading the nations, but rather is causing the whole nations to 

corrupt themselves and is showing and leading them to the path of destruction and pain and sorrow and hell and hate and violence and script of human spirit and heart and soul and mind and hope and strength and love. People do not understand what is happening here in this time and think they are just living their life here in freedom, but they are not, because it seems that way and do not understand they 

were never told the truth and what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation and they are trying to prevent people here in this time from finding out the truth, so they don't know, about them and descendants of Cain corrupt bloodline living here in this time and about the gospel. And a person can be their own worse enemy sometime is because they will allow themselves to think what 

they know having no understanding and have not receive instruction from God and do not know what is happening here in this time at this present moment and they are trying to prevent people here in this time from finding out the truth about the pass and their ancestor's and God's law and what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation and they have power over the nations and is threatening to 

take the nations down here in the future when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation, is because what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation, our ancestor's disobeyed God and have not kept his commandments and have broken his covenant he made with their forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and God turned the whole nations over to their enemies unto this day and 

they are ruling over people and the nations here in this time and is trying to prevent people here in this time from finding out the truth, so they don't know and people think they are leading them to salvation and are just living here in freedom, not aware what so ever and people have been living here for a long time with unclean spirits in them is because they are separated from God and is not aware they 

are, and they know people here in this time is not aware of this and is misleading the whole nations and for more info and when God made a covenant with your forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and descendants of Cain, please see links below. And people are not aware they are misleading them here, because they don't know what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation and they 

are misleading people here in this time with false doctrine so people can think they are serving God here in this time, but they are not and people were never legally married here in this time is because no church here in this time worldwide globe were sent from God, they are all demons sent to deceive people here in this time. And they know they are crazy and what would they do if it were them, their 

butts in the same situation and confusing the nations with their played out games and cannot blame a person for their action here and what do a person is supposed to do and if that were their black tails in the same situation they would have no choice here either. And what is it the damn fools are supposed to want from people and the nations and have been confusing people here for a very long time, hiding 

among the nations playing hiding, go see and have just been going on and on with this foolishness here, causing people to corrupt themselves with this damn foolishness, and their played out damn games and is this about God's law are crazy insane evil spirits can't get over themselves and their violence and attacks on the nations describe their character and paranoid behavior. And how can they perpetrated 

and say people are the guilty ones and when they are the crazy ones playing games with the nations confusing them about the gospel and causing people to sinned even worse and break God commandments and corrupt themselves and might as well stop hiding themselves from the nations. And how can people are supposed to serve God here in this time, if they are in sin and is going 

mad, and is beaten up and toss and too and losing their minds and is being control and possessed by devils and is this what people are supposed to be here for, for insane evil spirits to beat up on people and slapping them around and is throw toss and too and scripted of human spirit, and their sick behavior and violence and attacks on the nations gave them away and want to see people sitting here confused 

and out of their minds, being incontinent and mixed up and do not know what they are doing here and a person cannot serve God not being in their right mind. And what is it they do not want people and the nations to know about them here and hiding themselves in a human body and their identity, will do it no good and my question to them, what are they doing playing around with the gospel for, if people is not 

here to break God commandments and they are certainly not better than people, and is a disgrace to the whole nations and a big time whore, whoring after the nations and have the whole nations whoring like themselves and is corrupted and out of control and needs to be in the damn pit back on the other side where they belong in hell, and is a disgrace to the whole nations having no shame are respect and 

hiding themselves in a body and their identity, will do it no good and think what people do not know about them. And how can millions and millions of people be living in the same world and not know about this and what is shame about it they are saying nothing about this, they have power over the nations and have the whole nations whoring like themselves and is corrupted and out of control and 

who in their right mind would make evil spirits think they do not mine having pleasure with them and want to be ignorant and have destroyed themselves and this was the same thing they did with people in the bible, used people to corrupt themselves and a devil is not worth burning in hell for and for all the money in the world. And evil spirits can travel through walls and floors and cell phones and 

computers and electronic devices and the whole earth is infested with them here and people have seen them here appearing in orbs and can make themselves look like the dead to deceive people and how in the hell can people live here with them and just about everything you see here in the media and Tv and social web sites and celebrity and movies and in public are demons impersonating humans and 

people should know they are evil spirits pretending to be leading them here to salvation and not telling people the truth and how can people serve God and do not know they are being deceive by devils and the fools should be the one every one is talking about here. And people are living here with evil spirits in them and are separated from God, and this is very dangerous and can attack a person and want 

to have their way and their violent behavior can cause a person to lose control and people are separated from God and is giving them to have power over them here and the nations here and what give those bastards the right like if they are better than people and are supposed to deserve to have power and 

control over the nations and when they are damn corrupt and insane evil spirits themselves and when people are longer separated from God they will no longer have power over the nations.    



Revelation 18:1-24 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remember her iniquities. Reward her

even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.












A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Bur: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn With Fire Here In The Future!!


This Whole Nations Is Being Ruled And Control By Demons And Entities A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA!!


They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!!

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (


Descendants Of The Devil Off Springs And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ'' And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob And Many Nations And Kings And Tongues Was Born After Their Seed.

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

This Whole Nations Is Being Ruled And Control By Demons And Entities A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA!!

These whole nations are being ruled and control by demons and entities and have power over the nations and the whole nations are being threating by demons and entities is because what people do not know about them and cannot see their real identity and people do not know they are being attack and threating by entities is because what they do not know about them and cannot see their real identity and their actions are

giving them away because of their attacks and whoring on the nations and their actions describes their character and behavior. The bible are ancient prophecies written here centuries ago about the pass, present and future and is talking about spirits people reported seeing here in this time and God is using spirits here in this time and the ugly bastards think what people do not know about them here and cannot 

see their real identity and do not want people to know it is them attacking the nations here intentionally just for the hell of it and is misleading the nations with false doctrine and interfering with the gospel and have people here in this time thinking they are investigating the dead from the other side and can make themselves look human and when all the time it is those ugly bastards and as long as they think people are 

not aware they are being attack in their mind is because what people do not know about them and cannot discern the spirit and will not know the difference they are being manipulated by entities and will think it is their thoughts and every church here on the map worldwide globe are all demons in celestial bodies hiding their identity, here to deceive people in this time and the whole nations are being ruled by 

demons and insane evil spirits threating to take the nations down and are talking about declaring war on the nations. And they do not want people to be free from evil spirits and they want people to corrupt themselves and they are responsible people corrupting themselves here worse and causing violence in the earth, and they are interfering with the gospel and people are corrupting themselves and being punish and 

the whole nations are suffering because of curses and evil spirits, and they do not give a damn the whole nations are suffering and are greedy and selfish corrupt bastards stealing and taking advantage of the nations. And their crimes and guilt are no difference from people and is just as damn corrupt and guilty themselves and as long as they have power over the nations, the whole nations will continue to suffer. 

They have power over the nations is because people are separated from God and when people are no longer separated from God, they will no longer have power over the nations.              


A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Bur: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Friday, October 21, 2022

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!!

And the whole nations are being threating and oppressed by their enemies and brought unto subjection under their hands and made the whole world their damn business with their threats and made it the nation's damn business because of their threats and the whole nation's do not know they are being threating by evil spirits using the government and every church here on the map worldwide globe 

and is threating to take the whole nations down here in the future in the book of Revelation and the nations are at war because of their rebellion against God and people are being threating by creatures in celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial hiding their identity and are responsible for people being murder here and their attacks on the nation's. The whole nations are at war with evil spirits in celestial 

bodies and bodies terrestrial hiding their identity and are using every church here on the map in our community worldwide globe misleading the nations and people do not know what God is telling them in the bible and have been misled about their ancestor's history and what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation doesn't ends there and people are having the same problems here in 

this time. And people in this time were not living in that time when God made a covenant with their forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and more people was coming here into generation after generation and they were commanded to keep God's law and the story doesn't end there and many of our ancestor's forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandment and after when people came 

here into this time, they were not aware of the problem and what happen here in that time and from generation-to-generation was because their forefathers forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and the whole nations are being punish and they are using it and is misleading the nations with false doctrine to get the nations destroy and people think it comes from God and do not 

know they have been deceived and were never told the truth and what happen here in the pass and from generation-to-generation and the original gospel were written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments and it was written in the prophecies here centuries ago based on the book of Revelation people and nations and tongues and kindreds will die 

here in the future and a third of this earth will be destroyed and burn here in the future with fire and the prophecies written in the book of Revelation are based on events and what is coming to pass here in the future. And people have the original gospel here in this time and a person will know the difference what God is telling them in the original gospel and is talking to them in the bible about the same 

problems they are here in this time and the false doctrine does not speak the same truth as the original gospel and only the original king James bible is the real gospel written about people here in this time and their ancestor's and future descendants and God commandments. And the whole nations are in serious trouble, and a person will have to be serious and believe what God is telling them in the bible to 

discern the spirit because God will blind a person mind spiritually if a person does not believe him and is doubting him and the whole nations are being threating by entities in celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial hiding their identity, is because their mind is blind and cannot discern the spirit and they are using it and is misleading the whole nations with false doctrine and using money and drugs and 

alcohol and wealth and music industries and movies and porn and commercials ads and clothes and jewelries and occult and pagan holidays and video games and vacations and lotteries and dangerous weapons and the media and material things they create to distract them here. And they are taking advantage of this and is threating the whole nations here is because people minds are spiritually 

blind and think things will work out in their favor and get away condemning the whole nations and people are being deceive by stinky entities in celestial bodies appearing in public and using the media and perpetrating pretending they are talking to the people about the nations and the economics and news and the weather and the stock market and business industry and job marketing and building a 

promising future and advance technologies and education and parenting advice and selling trash using commercials and movies and CDC guidelines and medicine and false cures and health tips and foods and recipes. They are lying damn ugly spirits and a murderer and can trust nothing they say and are responsible people being murder here and their attacks on the nation's and selling their children here 

into sex trafficking for filthy pleasure and freaks who likes to have their way with young boys and girls and men and women and children.


Psalms 107:1-43 Psalms 106:1-48 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them in the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

Nehemiah 9:29 And testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them; and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

St.Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad 2 Peter 1:20-21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

1 Corinthians 15:39-41 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the terrestrial is another

Joshua 23:13 and Judges 3:5-8 and Judges 3:1-31 Know for a certainty that the Lord your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the Lord your God hath given you.

2 Corinthians 3:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Romans 11:8 According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day.

People Are About To Die Here In The Future Nations And People And Tongues And Kindreds, If They Do Not Act Now Before It Is To Late!!

People Are About To Die Here In The Future Nations And People And Tongues And Kindreds, If They Do : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

People Are About To Die Here In The Future Nations And People And Tongues And Kindreds, If They Do Not Act Now Before It Is To Late!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

The Government Is Planning To Take Them Down Here In The Future — People Are About To Die Here In The Future Nations... (

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!! Babylon, the great whore is going down and will burn here in the future with fire, strong is the Lord who judge her!! A whore among the nations, the whole nations has corrupted themselves, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation corrupting themselves having life simple pleasure in the world, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation''

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here by LBWW on DeviantArt

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can Use Nuclear Weapons To Destroy !!

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Behind Close Doors Talking Trash Threating To Take Them Down Talking About War And Nuclear Fallout.''

A Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation Is Coming To Pass Here In The Future A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!“ The Son Of Perdition And His Armies And This Man Child Who Was To Rule All Nations And His Armies Will Go At Battle Here In The Future And The Son Of Perdition And His Armies Will Be Defeated

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

People Are About To Die Here In The Future Nations, People And Tongues And Kindreds, If They Do Not Act Now Before It Is To Late!!

It was already written in the prophecies here centuries ago based on the book of Revelation people and nations and tongues and kindreds will die here in the future and the prophecies written in the book of Revelation are based on events and what is coming to pass here in the future and the bible are ancient prophecies written about our time and the pass and future and God commandments and the signs 

are already there and people are beginning to see changes here in the earth and what is coming to pass here, and it was written in the prophecies how they died here, is God's punishment on the whole nations here in the future and this next person who may be president could be the one who is going into perdition, and he will be given power for forty and two months over all nations and people and 

kindreds and tongues here in the future based on the book of Revelation. A prophecy in the book of Revelation is coming to pass here in the future; A great battle will be taking place here in the future into a place called Armageddon'' The son of perdition and his armies and this man child who was to rule all nations and his armies will go at battle here in the future and the son of perdition and his armies will 

be defeated. This man child will be coming here in the future and the son of perdition will be defeated. They both will have the power to rule over all nations and tongues and people and this next person who may be president is planning to take the nations down here in the future and people are getting warnings here and they are annoying it and people are already leaving this earth and more is 

about to die here in the future and if people continue avoiding the problem and what is happening here and continuing living here on the earth this way, the earth will be destroy and people will be destroy here along with it because of evil in our world and this is not one person problem, this concerns the whole world and the whole world by now should be aware of the problem they are faced with here and 

is a matter of life and death and where the person soul is going in the afterlife and the whole nations are under attack here and anything can go and a person can be destroyed because of evil in our world, anybody are anyone. And how do people know they can live here this way with corruption and have not receive instruction from God and this was the same mistakes their ancestor's made in their time and 

from generation-to-generation and was punished for it and people are doing the same thing here in this time corrupting themselves and have not receive instruction from God was because their ancestor's rejected God's word and did not keep his laws and people in this time are rejecting his law and is making the same mistake here in this time and will cause them dearly and having no shame and 

calling themselves men and women here and do not know how to live here and have not receive instruction from God and have already destroyed themselves here because of ignorance and disobedience. And how in the hell can people live here on the earth being manipulated with unclean spirits in them using people to corrupted themselves here and using them to murder and cause 

confusing and violence here in the earth along with this filthy bastard and his evil descendants here in this time and how can people be so foolish and cannot see where this is leading them and the nations and have no shame the way they are living here on the earth and a person is not in their right mind not concern about the way they are living here in corruption and sin and have seen in the news and 

media and Tv and all around the world, someone was a victim of a crime and hatred are have committed murder and there is nothing funny about it and it can happen to anyone and the whole world can relate to the same problems here is because the whole nations and people and kindreds and tongues have unclean spirits in them too manipulating them. And God is talking to people here in this time in the 

bible about the same thing they are doing here in this time their ancestors did here in their time and from generation-to-generation, served devils and was into occult parents and their children both and have sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, one corrupt generation after another with seeds of corrupt children and how can people be so foolish and make evil spirits think they can use them here for 

puppets and when they will be the one who will face the consequences and is a person who do not care about their life and soul and where they are going in the afterlife. And it is same thing with this virus here and the only thing is keeping people from dropping out like flies here for right now is the vaccine and when the vaccine is no longer effective people can get sick and die is because the vaccine 

does not protect a person from becoming infected and the person can be infected not showing any signs and the virus can remain here for years to come because of ignorance and wrong thinking. And people are living here with unclean spirits in them and think there are no consequences and are just thinking about is living their life to the fullest and have not receive instruction from God and it was 

already written in the prophecies here centuries ago about people here in this time and their ancestor's and future descendants and God commandments and people have a hard time excepting the truth is because what they do not agree with and what God is telling them in the bible and because they cannot except the things, they cannot change cannot stop the problems they are having here in this world 

and what is coming to pass because it was already written in the prophecies and is this how people want to live in a world like dogs and wild animals being manipulated by wild and ugly beasts' unclean spirits and this is not a matter of, if and are but are a person opinion and what a person is thinking in their mind cannot change what was written in the prophecies and needs to face reality and is destroying 

themselves here because of those evil ugly monsters and themselves and people do not know what is written in the prophecies and what God is telling them is because they have not received instruction from God was because their forefathers forsaken God's law in their time and from generation-to- generation and did not keep his laws and more people was coming back here into this time after those 

people and many nations and people and tongues were destroyed in the bible here centuries ago and from generation-to-generation was because of corruption and God is going to destroy nations and people and tongues and kindred here in the future in the book of Revelation because of corruption and how can people live here with unclean spirits in them thinking they can tempt God and can do the same damn 

thing here in this time their ancestors did in their time and from generation-to-generation corrupt themselves and serving devils and is into occult and have sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord and God is letting people know here in this time in the bible what is coming to pass here and do a person think God will change his mind, no and what he will do here and people have messed up 

and have made a big mistake rejecting the gospel here in this time and have not receive instruction from God and will pay a heavy price. And rather than people want to make things right with God here they are doubting him because of their foolishness and disbelief and disobedience and the only time when they do think of God here is when they need him to work things out in their favor and having life 

simple pleasure and want to party and is to business with other important matters, while dangerous spirits are out there murdering their children and using them to commit crimes and no one here in this time is saying not one damn thing about it because they are to business with other important matters and how can people get rid of the damn fools here without salvation and a church call of God to 

deliverer people here in this time and no church here on the map in this time were call of God, they are sticky ugly deceiving spirits deceiving people here in this time was because their ancestors forsaken God's law and no one here in this time were born again in Christ and if they were telling people the truth here, God would not have a reason to punish the whole nations here in the future. And how can 

people protect their children from those dangerous predators because of their foolishness and disbelief and the whole world needs to admit their wrong doubting God and rejecting the gospel and needs to make things right with God before it is too late and repent, and it doesn't matter lies people were told all their life will not change the fact what God is telling a person in the bible he told their 

ancestors here centuries ago and from generation-to-generation and how can people live in a world together as a nation full of evil and hate and violence and corruption and what is the point people become offensive when they are being told the truth if they have already destroyed themselves because of foolishness and have no one to blame but themselves and could not except the things they cannot change.   

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!!

Babylon, the great whore is going down and will burn here in the future with fire, strong is the Lord who judge her!! A whore among the nations, the whole nations has corrupted themselves, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation corrupting themselves having life simple pleasure in the world, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation''

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here by LBWW on DeviantArt

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can Use Nuclear Weapons To Destroy !!

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Behind Close Doors Talking Trash Threating To Take Them Down Talking About War And Nuclear Fallout.''

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Hav: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Greatest Discoveries Of The Bible And Ancient Biblical Prophecies : A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Behind Close Doors Talking Trash Threating To Take Them Down Talking About War And Nuclear Fallout.'' (

A Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation Is Coming To Pass Here In The Future A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!“ The Son Of Perdition And His Armies And This Man Child Who Was To Rule All Nations And His Armies Will Go At Battle Here In The Future And The Son Of Perdition And His Armies Will Be Defeated

Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!!

Babylon, the great whore is going down and will burn here in the future with fire, strong is the Lord who judge her!! A whore among the nations, the whole nations has corrupted themselves, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation corrupting themselves having life simple pleasure in the world, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation'' And may I remind those big mouth babblings, fire is coming, but it 

is coming for them too including those big mouth babblings blaspheming God and his holy temple and using his name in vain and all their whoring race, and the whole nations is beyond corruption and is out of control and have going astray and is in a state of emergency and is this all people can think about here is just having the damn world and life simple pleasure more than their own soul, is just damn 

crazy and because what people is thinking in their paranoid minds and the whole nations is under attack and is in great danger here and can be destroy because of corruption and how can a person think it is their choice how they choose to live here and have not receive instruction from God and people here in this time will never have peace and life simple pleasure because of corruption in the world and how 

in the hell can people here in this time have peace and life simple pleasure if the whole nations will answer too God and how in the hell can people have pleasure if peace be taken from the earth here in the future and will burn with fire in the book of Revelation and this is not the first time this has ever happen and this has happened before in that time in the bible when God destroyed a whole nation 

because of corruption and only 8 people were saved, Noah and his family, and God is going to burn this trash here in the future and I would not be surprised if anyone makes it alive because of corruption and this was the same damn mistake people made here centuries ago in that time and was why God destroyed those nations were because of corruption, and I would not be surprise God have not decided 

to destroy these whole nations here completely as of yet because of corruption and just because what people think in their paranoid minds, they do not know where God is coming from and how he punishes and how can people be so foolish and do not know the whole nations are under attack here and they have power over the nations and is threating to destroy the whole nations and is planning to take 

them down here in the future in the book of Revelation. And how can people be thinking about having life simple pleasure at a time like this if the whole world is being destroyed because of corruption and people are more worrying about having the world and life simple pleasure then their own soul and the whole nations and their forefathers have sinned against God and is being ruled by corrupt 

government threating to destroy the whole nations and is planning to take them down here in the future in the book of Revelation. And how can those bastards be leaders of these nations lie to people about something like that and think they can keep people from finding out the truth and have them brainwashed and under mind control and possessed with devils using money and wealth and sex 

and drugs and porn and dangerous weapons and materials and the media and music and movies and sports and pagan holidays and video games and vacations and theme parks and camping and lotteries and commercial advertising to distract them here and think they have the whole world brainwashed and under mind control and a person cannot be that damn blind and do not know the damn bastards here 

are their enemies and think they can use and manipulate people at their own damn pleasure who likes to have their way with young boys and girls and men, women and children and even animals and is just as damn guilty as the nations are and have corrupted the whole nations here worse misleading them with false doctrine confusing people and causing people to corrupt themselves here worse and making 

people think life is simple pleasures and will continue on and supposed to be so call leaders of the nations and is responsible for the nations being murdered here in cold blood and think they can manipulate and use people and what they create here for a damn excuse and know people can come under curses and then have the nerve to show their damn faces before the nations and know they are 

damn liars and cannot change the scriptures and people will be punish for corrupting themselves here because they think life is simple pleasure and is rejecting the gospel and they want the whole nations to corrupt themselves here and a person is not supposed to rebel against God because of them and people will have no excuse when the time comes because there are people in this time being told the 

truth and if they are supposed to be leaders of these nations here, then why don't they broadcasted it in the media and radio and Tv and the news they are responsible for people deaths here and is planning to take them down here in the future in the book of Revelation and how were that being smart lying to people about the truth and the whole nations have sinned against God just like their forefathers and 

needs to repent before it is too late, and people are very fortunate to be here and should be thankful God have not destroyed these whole nations here completely as of yet because of corruption. And is this all people are supposed to know in a world full of hate and violence and evil like if humans are supposed to be hunt down like wild animals and people have the right to know why this bad thing happen and 

they are being dishonest with them and the whole nations about the truth and are responsible for the whole nations being attack and people being murdered here in cold blood and is misleading the whole nations with false doctrine here, causing people to corrupt themselves here worse and people needs to realize and face reality here they will never have peace with evil spirits in a world full of hate 

and violence and evil and needs to realize they are being dishonest with the whole nation about the truth and what happen here in that time in the bible and are at war with the whole nations. And rather than a person is worrying about having life simple pleasure, a person should be concern about their soul and those damn crazy and paranoid spirits here in our world and people needs to realize they are being 

dishonest with the whole nation about the truth and are misleading them with false doctrine and as long as spirits are here in this world people will never have peace and needs to make things right with God here on this earth before it is too late and is the only way the devil can be defeat and send his stinky demons back to hell where they belong when a person becomes born again in Christ and is no 

longer in sin. A person will need to know what God is telling them in the bible to know how evil spirits operate and needs to realize people were not created to be someone else's subject and whore and be disrespected and allowing the devil descendants to have power over them here and is a damn whore themselves who likes to have their way with men, women and children and the nation and it is not 

an evil spirit damn place to be intimate with people and is sexually attacking them in their bodies, causing people to corrupt themselves using people to do unclean things men with men and women with women and gay and lesbian and women changing themselves into men and men into women and transvestite is an abomination to God. And they are hiding them ugly selves in people here 

among the nations using people to murder and do bad things and men and women and children are being sexually assaulted and rape and murdered here on earth and how can a thing a creature think it can give a man and woman pleasure, not human and just like a damn robot having no emotion but is just a punk and corrupt wacked spirit having no manhood. And what is a man and woman for if they think 

they can take the place of a man and woman and are supposed to be the ones who can give a man and woman what they need and are using every church here on the map worldwide globe and is misleading them with false doctrine and people think they are leading them to salvation and people family members and friends and loved ones who left from this earth they will never get the second 

chance, and this should come as a wakeup call and how is people still having a hard time getting what God is telling them and they are the ones living here and is supposed to know the whole nations are faced with a serious problem here and cannot be annoy and is this all people can think about is having life simple pleasure at a time like this and know they are faced with a problem here and this 

whole generation can be destroyed and wipe out of existing because of evil in our world and how can people be so foolishness and the world is being destroy and all people can think about is having pleasure is just damn crazy and messed up. And it does not matter what a person is thinking in their mind and think this might could happen cannot change are stop the problems they are having here and 

needs to realize it can happen and was written in the prophecies about people here in this time and their ancestor's and future descendants and God commandments and this is where the generation is heading right now being destroy. And this is not a matter of, if and are but are the person opinion and what they are thinking it might could happen whether a person agree are disagree cannot change are 

stop the problems they are having here, and people have a hard time excepting the truth is because what they do not agree with, and it was already written in the prophecies here centuries ago by holy men of God based on actual events happening here in our time and the future. And people are having a hard time excepting the truth here in this time is because what they do not agree with and what God is telling 

them cannot change are stop the problems they are having here in this time because it was already written and the whole nations are faced with a serious problem here and is about to be destroy because of evil in our world. And people always have to wait until something bad happens to come to their senses and realize is too late and then regret and perish because of foolishness and wrong thinking and 

could not except the things they could not change, and now a person is aware of the problem it is up to them what they want to do with it, whether if they want to have life are perish and people will become very offensive when they are being told the truth and needs to realize it is God himself who is doing the punishment. And people have the original gospel here in this time and the person will know 

the difference what God is telling them in the original gospel and is talking to them in the bible about the same problems they are here in this time and the false doctrine does not speak the same truth as the original gospel and only the original king James bible is the real gospel written about people here in this time and their ancestor's and future descendants and God commandments. And violence is 

increasing here on the earth every single day is because people are without God's law and every church here on the map worldwide globe think they are keeping people away from the truth lying to them about the gospel and have cause confusing and chaos in this world and lied about they were call of God and know there is no salvation in neither single church here on the map worldwide globe and how can 

they still be thinking they are lying to people and would they go through so much trouble lying about the gospel if the gospel is the truth and people will find out the truth here either way, just like I did and because they are being dishonest with the nations they are baring false witness against God and is using his name in vain and is saying God is dividing against himself and what he is telling people in the  

bible is not true is blaspheming God and is an enemy of God and for them to change the truth they would have to put themselves above God and how can the damn fools change the truth and did not written the law themselves and have no power and if what God was telling a person in the bible was not true and if they know what is being saying about them were not true, they will defend themselves  

and neither one of the twisted bastards cannot defend themselves here are prove they were telling people the truth with the false doctrine because they know it does not come from God and they cannot prove are defend themselves and is out there taking chances with themselves and would not know when a person will find out the truth and do the bastards have any idea what this can cause for interfering with 

the law and have caused more violence here in the earth and people have unclean spirits in them and is separated from God. And their damn lies are giving them away and how is people and their crimes and guilt any difference from those lying bastards pretending to be a priest call of God to preach the gospel, is committing a crime and treason and using false identity and have attempted murder and 

misleading the nations with false doctrine and confusing people causing people to err worse and people think there is hope out there and life will continue on, and people are having problems on earth here is because they are without the law and is separated from God and were never told the truth and only hope is out there is God himself. And they are manipulating the whole world to hate and cause 

violence here in the earth and they want people to hate and feeling miserable like all hope is lost just like themselves and think they can use people to demonstrate their paranoid and evil mind and they are neither male are female creatures having no heart are emotions and cannot love like humans but only their miserable darkness and paranoid minds and hiding themselves in human bodies and are 

manipulating and is playing games with the whole nations and needs to take their sorrow and miserable tails back to hell and have the damn nerve showing their damn faces in public and the media hiding them ugly selves from the world telling people what they need to do, and CDC said to do this and do that and what foods to eat and what not to eat and don't do this and don't do that and creatures telling 

people they no longer need to wear a mask and know the damn virus is still here and can remain here for years to come and is telling people here in the media and YouTube and social media and radio and Tv to come and worship God and the damn fools know there is no salvation in no church here on the map worldwide globe and the nations are being ruled by a corrupted government threating to destroy the 

whole nations and the nations are under attack and being threating by other nations and not just from the United States and they are planning a huge attack here in the future in the book of Revelation. And people have no shame the way they are living here on the earth and are being control by evil spirits here on this earth and is corrupting themselves here. And people have no shame the way how they are 

living here on the earth and are being control by evil spirits here on this earth and is corrupting themselves here and people are out of control here on the earth and being use by stinky nasty unclean spirits to murder and hurt other people for no reason at all and they can use a person and do unclean things in their body and sexually attack are rape and molest another person. And 

people know evil spirits are here in this time living on the earth and no one here in this time is talking about it and is just letting it happen and watch evil destroy their world and how much more do people have to suffer and just let the ugly filthy bastards destroy them and their world.   

Revelation 18:1-24 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remember her iniquities. Reward her 

even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment  and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 


Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth herAnd the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.  

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deuteronomy 30:1-20

Joel 2:12-13 Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

Leviticus 26:40-42 and Leviticus 26:1-46 If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their

iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.

They Can Have Their Faggot Behin's Messed Up Really Bad Here Because They Are Responsible For The Whole Nations Being Attack Here And People Being Murdered Here In Cold Blood And The Whole Nations Is About To Come Under A Huge Attack Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation!!

They Can Have Their Faggot Behin's Messed Up Really Bad Here Because They Are Responsible For The : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

They Can Have Their Faggot Behin's Messed Up Really Bad Here Because They Are Responsible For The Whole Nations Being Attack Here And People Being Murdered Here In Cold Blood And The Whole Nations Is About To Come Under A Huge Attack Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can Use Nuclear Weapons To Destroy !!

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Person Should Be Preparing Themselves Here Because They Do Not Know When Are How God Will Punish A Person And Will Use A Person Enemies To Punish A Person And People Do Not Know How The Enemy Can Attack Them Here And Is Being Ruled By Corrupted Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Can : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Behind Close Doors Talking Trash Threating To Take Them Down Talking About War And Nuclear Fallout.''

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Hav: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Greatest Discoveries Of The Bible And Ancient Biblical Prophecies : A Third Of This Earth Will Be Destroyed Here In The Future In The Book Revelation 8:7 And Could Have Been Destroyed From A Nuclear Fallout And Because Of Their Forefathers Disobedience Disobeying God, God Turned The Nations Over To The Enemy And Is Being Ruled By Corrupt Government Threating To Destroy The Nations And Behind Close Doors Talking Trash Threating To Take Them Down Talking About War And Nuclear Fallout.'' (

The Whole Nations Are Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant Nations.

The Whole Nations Are Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

The Whole Nations Are Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant Nations. : TrueGospelOfChrist (

The Whole Nations Are Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant Nations. | The Black Plague And Covid-19 And Ancient Biblical Discoveries | Flickr

They Think The Whole Nations Is A Fool And Damn Ignorant And Is Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant Nations.

They Must Be Brought Before The Public And Put To Shame Before The Whole World!!They Think The Whole Nations Is A Fool And Damn Ignorant And Is Being Destroyed For A Lack Of Knowledge And Is A Spoil And Corrupt Ignorant Nations.

They Are Your Damn Enemies Using God Laws For An Excuse To Justify Themselves Causing Mankind To Corrupt Themselves.''

A Public Message Directly To Terrestrial And Celestial Entities Here In This Time And Know They Are Here Watching And Listening And Do Not Want The Public To Know They Are Here And Is For Real And Is The Main Ring Leaders Why The Nations Is Damn Corrupt Here Even Worse Is Because They Interfered With God's Purpose And Plans And Laws He Written For Mankind And Is Responsible Causing The Nations To Corrupt Them Selves Here Even Worse Lying To People About The Gospel!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False Identity Nor Do They Have Illegal Rights To Do Marriages Are Baptism Are Deliverance And To Preach!!

A Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation Is Coming To Pass Here In The Future A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!“ The Son Of Perdition And His Armies And This Man Child Who Was To Rule All Nations And His Armies Will Go At Battle Here In The Future And The Son Of Perdition And His Armies Will Be Defeated

For more details and when God made a covenant with our forefathers here centuries ago and when our ancestors was in slavery check out the post links below with bible scriptures.

Descendants Of The Devil Off Springs And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ'' And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob And Many Nations And Kings And Tongues Was Born After Their Seed.

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.