Friday, March 25, 2016

St.Matthew 13:49-50 So It Shall Be At The End Of The World The Angels Shall Come Forth And Sever The Wicked From Among The Just And Shall Cast Them Into The Furnace Of Fire: There Shall Be Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth

Part 1

St.Matthew 13:49-50  So It Shall Be At The End Of The World The Angels Shall Come Forth And Sever The Wicked From Among The Just And Shall Cast Them Into The Furnace Of Fire: There Shall Be Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth

The gospel is a record of mankind greatest history and God's written laws. People in the bible who was here centuries ago many of them did not keep God's commandments and teached the gospel to their children and their children's children and the enemy deceived many of them

We know the bible is true because you see it in your world and this is the same enemy in the book of Revelation 12:7-9  people are serving today and this explains in the book of Revelation the great tribulation and why many people do not seem to understand what the book of Revelation is telling them.What is written in the book of Revelation is coming here in the future

What you are reading in the book of Revelation is coming here in the future

1. They are not from this world they was here centuries ago and here to destroy the human race

2.The bible takes us through time into the past and present and future

3.Romans 10:2-3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness

4. Deuteronomy 29:1-13 These are the words of the covenant,which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land Moab besides the covenant which he made with them in Horeb

5. Battle of the century

6. Weapons of warfare

7.We are written in the bible

8. Deliverance sets you free from yokes and bondages and tealing down strongholds

9. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up

10. What does God think of tradition of man

11. What is written in the book of Revelation is coming here in the future

12. In the future we came to a end in the book of Revelation

13. Self deliverance

14. A world manipulated with lies

15. They think God Is joking

16. They are condemning themselves and the world with them

17. History will change forever

18.They think the devil will destroy their enemies but what make them think he will not destroy them too

19.The apocalypse

20. Save these souls from hell somebody needs to warn them hell is real

21. Prayers to war against the demonic realm

22. Anointing breaks the yoke Isaiah 10:27

23. Spiritual weapons

24. Be set free from curses and evil spirits

25. Advance weapons of warfare breaks curses and witchcraft

26. Exodus 34:15 Whoring after their Gods

27. The book of Revelation and St.Matthew 24 We are being warned of God of things to come not seem as yet

28.  The devil deceived many of them Revelation 12:7-9

29. Weapons to torment evil spirits

31. The great tribulation is coming here in the future in the book of Revelation

32. How the devil operates

33. Using your authority

34. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you
Luke 10:19

35. Binding and loosing

36. Release the power of God spoken through prayers

37. Resist the devil and he will flee

39. The world doesn't know is being lied to

40.  The devil greatest deception and how he operates in the church

41. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free St.John 8:32

42. Lost souls

43. Planet war zone

44. The great deception

45. He came into this world to testify of the truth St.John 18:37

46. They believe lies for the truth

47. The rise of deception

48. The truth will set you free

49. Hidden sin

50. In the book of Revelation and St. Matthew 24  this will be us here in the future in the great

51. Ancient discoveries of the bible

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