Friday, May 29, 2020

Please Wear A Mask Before This Virus Destroys Us All

Please Wear A Mask Before This Virus Destroys Us All Because There Are People Who Is Being Exposed To This Virus At Difference Times Because There Are People Who Is Risking Them Selves And Others Being Exposed To This Virus More Than Once And Is Getting Out Of Control Just Like A Switch Cannot Be Cut Off And This Virus Cannot Go Anywhere On Its Own It Is People Who Can Make It

Stop. A Person Who Is Not Wearing A Mask And Using Common Practice And Is Exposing Them Selves And Others To This Virus Are Responsible For Keeping This Virus Here Longer And The Longer This Virus Remains Here Will Cause The Government Billions Of Dollars In Spending And Risking The Lives Of People And Their Future And The Economic Will Crash And Be Destroy

Because They Are The Carriers Exposing Others. A Person May Think Because They Have Antibodies The Virus Cannot Effect Them Like It Can Do Others And Should Be Mindful And Consider Of Others And How This Virus Can Effect Another Person And Their Lives. And By Them Opening Up The Public Will Expose More People To This Virus Because There Are Still Carriers Out There World Wide.

Extended Post

This Virus Is Not Going Any Where Any Time Soon Because There Are People Who Is Still Spreading The Virus And Is Putting Them Selves At Risk And Do Not Care Other People Being Exposed And 

Reopening Up The Public To Soon Can Lead To Another Devastating Out Break And Why Would They Open Up The Public To Soon And Know The Danger Is Still Out There And This Is Why Business Owners Had To Close In The First Place Because People Was Spreading The Virus And Exposing Others And Reopening Up The Public To Soon With Out A Careful Plan To Protect

Them Selves And Others Can Lead To Another Devastating Out Break And The Economic And People Future Will Be At Risk And Just From This First Virus Out Break Across The Globe The Economic Was Hit Hard And Billions And Billions Of People Lost Their Jobs And Had To Close Their Business Because Of This Virus And Had To Filed For Unemployment. And When People Do

Return Back To Work They Would Need A Strict Plan And Guidelines To Follow To Protect Them Selves And Others To Keep This Virus From Re Spreading Again Because This Virus Cannot Just Go Any Where On Its Own Because It Is People Who Is Spreading This Virus And Is The One Who Can Stop The Spread And A Person Cannot Just Return Back To Work Just Like That And

Think Everything Is Back To Normal Again And Think They Can Go Out In The Public Not Wearing A Face Mask And Using Common Practice And Reopening Up The Public To Soon Will Risk More People Being Expose To This Virus Like Never Before And Why Do Business Owners Think They Had To Shut Down In The First Place Was Because People Was Spreading The Virus And

Exposing Others And Reopening Up The Public To Soon With Out A Plan How People Can Protect Them Selves And Others To Keep This Virus From Re Spreading. The Reason Why This Virus Is Still Spreading Is Because People Is Not Using Common Practice To Protect Them Selves And Others From Being Expose And Where Is Plan A And Plan B For Back Up And A Cure If This

Happens Again And The Only Way To Prevent This Virus From Re Spreading Again Strict Guidelines Would Need To Be Enforce To Protect The Lives Of Millions And Their Future At Risk.

This Message Is To Encourage And Remember Using Common Practice Can Help Stop The Spread Of  Coronavirus By Washing Your Hands Often And Using A Hand Sanitizer And Throw Away Tissue After One Use When Blowing Your Nose And Sneezing Are Coughing And 

Never Touch Your Eyes And Nose And Mouth Because This Is How Germs Can Spread And Wash Hands About 20 Are Thirty Seconds To Avoid Germs From Spreading And Always Clean Surfaces And Objects Using Disinfecting Cleaners And Keys And Cell Phones And Your 

Purse Are Wallets And Items From The Store You Buy And Rinse Your Fruits And Vegetables In Water And Fruits And Vegetables With Skin On Them Just Use Regular Soap And Warm Water When Ever Possible To Wash Your Fruits Like Oranges And Apples And Do Not Use Disinfect 

Cleansers On Food And Disinfect Kitchen Counter Tops And Disinfect Your Car And House Door Handles And Steel Wheels And When Touching A Gas Pump Use A Hand Sanitizer For Hands And Wipes To Clean Steel Wheels Off And Change Your Clothes And Avoid Sitting 

On Your Bed After You Get Home From Sitting In Public Places And Avoid Contact When Someone Is Sick With A Cold Are Flu Are Virus And Wear A Face Mask When Ever Possible To Prevent Germs From Spreading. And Eat Healthy Foods For A Stronger And Healthy 

Immune System Because Free Radicals Can Leave Toxins In Your Body And Can Weaken Your Immune System.  And Each Person Can Make A Difference In Someone Else Life By Help Saving Others And It Starts With The Person And Their Responsibility What They Are Doing 

To Protect Them Selves From Being Effected In The First Place And Each Person Living On This Earth Has A Responsibility And Can Help Stop The Spread Of  Coronavirus '' Whether They May Be A Stranger Are A Friend  Are Love One Can Make A Difference And Help Fight This War 

In Saving Lives And Stopping The Spread Of  Coronavirus. I Strongly Disagree Reopening Of The Public To Soon Would Put The Lives Of People And Their Future At Risk Getting Effected By Coronavirus. ''Reopening Of The Public To Soon Can Risk The Re 

Spreading Of Coronavirus Again From A Person Who May Have Been Effected By This Virus The Whole Thing Can Happen Again Even Worse And They Have Already Seen What This Virus Can Do And They Are Risking The Lives Of People Getting Effected By This Virus And 

Person May Not Know They Are Carrying The Virus And Can Pass It On To Others Not Showing Any Signs Of The Virus Until The Person Becomes ill Because People Have Difference Anti-Bodies And Immune System And May Not Show Any Signs From The Virus And Can Pass The 

Virus On To Others. They Are Suppose To Be Looking Out For The Interest Of People To Protect Lives Not Destroying It And Putting Their Future At Risk And Why Would Someone Risk The Lives Of People And Their Future If There Is No Cure Just Different Claimers Out There.  

Coronavirus Is Still Out There And Has Not Gone Away Completely As Of Yet And I Live In The State Of Virginia And We Just Had A Out Break From This Virus Here Sometime In March Of 2020. And It Is To Soon And People Need Some More Time To Make Sure This Virus Is Far At Bay 

And There Are People Who Was Effected By This Virus Is Still Recovering From It. And If A Person Disagree With It They Are Putting Their Life And The Lives Of Others And Their Future On The Line And What Good Is Having A Job And Their Future If They Become Effected And Die.    

This Virus Is Not Going Any Where Any Time Soon Because There Are People Who Is Still Spreading The Virus And Is Putting Them Selves At Risk And Do Not Care Other People Being Exposed And The Weather Is Ready To Get More Warmer Now And It Will Not Be As Easy Wearing 

Face Mask And To Stay Cool In The Summer Time Wearing A Face Mask Drink Plenty Of Cool Liquids And Eat Light Small Meals Through Out The Day And Hydrating Fruits And Vegetables And Salads And Avoid Long Exposure To High Heat Temperatures When Out Doors 

To Avoid Dehydration. You May Need To Change And Clean Your Face Mask When Wearing A Home Made Mask And Never Touch The Inside Of Your Face Mask When Being Out In Public Places To Avoid Being Expose To Germs And When Your Mask Is Starting To Wear And 

Tear Wear A New Face Mask And Throw Away Your Old Face Mask In A Trash Can. And Their Are A lot Of Great On Line Tips On How To Make Face Masks And Remember Using Common Practice Can Make A Difference And Help Win This War To Stop The Spread Of Coronavirus.

What Superfoods Keep Your Heart Beating? Read on to unclog your arteries and ward off heart attacks!

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.

Descendants Of The Devil And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God , And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ''  
God Put Enmity Between The Devil Seed And The Woman Seed Because Of Adam And Eve Disobedience And This Has Been A On Going Battle Since The Beginning Of Time.'' Genesis  3:14-16
And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob. 
War Is Happening Here Right Now And People Is Not Aware Of It Because They Do Not Know What God Is Telling Them And 
People In This Time Do Not Know They Are Descendants Of Israel Lost Tribe God's Chosen People And Their Ancestors History Is Written In The Bible And The Enemy Want People To Think Israel Is Just One Nation Of The Same People And Israel Was Just God's Chosen Nation And No One 
Else, Is The Biggest Lie Ever Told In History And According To The Bible The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When He Made A Covenant With Jacob.  Genesis 35:9-29  God Made A covenant with Jacob, Isaac son and Jacob was given a new name and was call Israel and many nations and kings was born after his seed.

Government Cover-Ups And UFO Sightings.'' Government Shut Down And Food Supplies And The Economic Collapse And Banks And Business Foreclosure And Banks And Business Foreclosure And Bankruptcy And Things We Depend On For Our Resources, Water Supplies And Gas And Electric And Food And Clothing And Shelter Expenses Will Not Be The Same Here In The Future And What They Are Not Telling You. 

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