Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Biblical Ancient Discoveries And UFOs And Government Cover Ups They Don't Want You To Know About

They do not want people to discovery the truth about them and the gospel and what happen in that time in the bible and people in this time do not know how God is punishing them here because they was not told the truth about the gospel and do not know this enemy descendants is ruling over them here in this time because what happen here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation. And the 

church gave them selves away and the rest of their kind thinking they can change the truth will back fire on them and have done enough damage making people believe lies about the gospel and know it is the truth and want people to think their pastor and church is leading them to salvation and know they are evil spirits in celestial bodies trying to condemn them and the whole world. People is not living here 

on this earth because it is the person choice and think they do not have to obey the gospel and the church gave them selves away and knew someone would have spoken the truth sooner are later and people would not be having problems here if they was obeying the gospel. People is sitting here paranormal with unclean spirits in them having them selves believing lies because what their church and 

pastor made them think and people in that time in the bible and from generation to generation broke God's commandments and did not keep them and God will punish the person and their children's children and will allow their enemy to rule over them and the church and government do not want no one to learn about this history and what happen here in that time in the bible and from 

generation to generation and people in this time was not told the truth and do not know how God is punishing them here and is allowing their enemy to rule over them here in this time because what happen here in that time in the bible and from generation to generation and they want the whole world condemn and think they can still cover the truth up with lies and what happen here in the pass as 

of today your government and church. And they are using the media and what they create here to distract and manipulate and mind control to corrupt your minds and the devil goes for the person mind to tried to tempt the person and manipulate the person to corrupt their minds and what they are hoping to gain here if they can get the whole world mind corrupt and mess up and no more good the person is 

destroyed. And people is not looking into this and searching the scripture to see whether are not if this is true they are just sitting here and making them selves think what they already know about the gospel and was not told the truth and do not know what God is telling them. And people will keep having the same problems here again and again because they was not told the truth and is breaking God's 

commandments and God is not please with them here and people was not there in that time and do not know what happen in that time in the bible unless the person study the bible for them selves for them to know what happen in that time and people will keep having the same problems here because they are unaware what happen in that time and how God punished them and is not aware they are having the 

same problem here in this time because they do not know what God is telling them. And now people have another big problem to worry about here because there are other spirits here in this time with us from another rim and they know the gospel is being talked about and will tried to do everything in their power to get the person destroyed are stop them if they can and a person is at risk coming under 

attack because they have unclean spirits in them and is separate from God. And people is living here with spirits from another rim in celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial attacking them here and the scripture is fulfilling and there is no need they tried to keep this a secret any longer the government and church here because the truth is out in the open and is being talked about here and the original 

gospel is telling a person what is coming to pass here. And because a person is having a hard time excepting the truth can not take away from the scripture even if a person having them selves believing lies is because they are being manipulate and sometimes a person may have to hurt for them to see the truth. A evil spirit will manipulate what a person do not understand and people is being 

tempted and manipulate by unclean spirits and is laying aside the commandments of God and is rejecting his commandments and worshiping him in vain and not in spirit and in truth and having them selves believing lies and they are using the media and what they create here to distract and manipulate to corrupt your minds and want people to think their pastor and church is leading them to salvation and 

they are evil spirits from another rim in celestial bodies here trying to condemn them and the whole world and people souls is in danger of damnation and is a matter of life and death and where the person soul is going in the after life. To continue reading see the URL Links below with bible scriptures for more info.


2 Corinthians 11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.


I Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. 





The government wants you to think they are only just UFOs and ancient aliens they have seen here but they are not they are entities and celestial and terrestrial beings they are trying to protect here and cover up- Government cover up and classified information means no one is suppose to find out the truth about them 

and the gospel and think they can keep the truth about the gospel hidden from people and about them and about their ancestors and God's commandments and what they are here for.



Their False God's Is An Abomination And A Curse On The Earth And Think These Unstable Dimensional Diluted Nut Cases They Call Friends Are Their God's And Is Protecting Them Here.'

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