Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Vengeance Belongeth To God And May Justice Prevail On The Ungodly And Wicked Heathens And Their Kind And Thy Woman Shall Bruise Thy Head!!

They are trying to make it look like if it is just humans committing crimes and breaking the law and when they are in people using them here to corrupt them selves and need to have them stinky selves cast out of people and they will use a person to corrupt them selves and is just as guilty as the person is and people have no excuses and is wrong and have sinned and have fallen short of his glory and needs 

to be teach and disciple and guarded into the right direction. And the whole earth needs a cleansing and is corrupt because of sin and it is not just people causing corruption here in the earth it is them too and is just as guilty and needs to be scorn and punish for their crimes and will make them selves look innocent and every one else is guilty. There is no law and order here and godly leadership to govern the 

nations and a nation cannot survive and grow but will fell and be destroy and how can a earth survive as a nation and a nation cannot survive just on man's law but would have to be govern by godly men who chooses  to obey the law, God's law and a nation would have to be govern by godly men who chooses to obey the law and keep God commandments. God cannot make the choice for a person it is 

people responsibility and their choice if they want to survive as a nation obeying God laws and people should be ashamed of them selves thinking they can take advantage because God is allowing them to make their own choice and God did not meant people think they can make their own choices and not obey his law and if God did not mine a person not obeying him and breaking his commandments 

he would not have a reason to punish a person and God do mine a person not breaking his law and no person is going unpunished. And no person have no excuse what God is telling them in the bible and people have been living here for a long time to know what God is telling them in the bible and a person is not suppose to just want to live here and is not concern what is happening here and what is 

happening here concerns everyone. And a person is suppose to be concern about them selves and their children and where they are going in the after life and if a person want to make excuses is not stopping what is happening here and what God is telling a person in the bible and a person have no excuse what God is telling them in the bible and have never heard anything about the gospel is a bunch 

of bull crap and if a person do not want to know and have no interest what God is telling them in the bible no person can live here this way either with dangerous spirits in the earth it is not normal and they know people do not know what God is telling them in the bible and is using it for an excuse and think they have every one here in this time brainwashed and is using it for an excuse and is lying to 

everyone here in this time and people needs to stop making excuses here about what God is telling them in the bible because they are using it and is misleading people with false doctrine and lied to the whole nations and made everyone here think they was told the truth and is using every church here in our state and community and know people was not told the truth and will perish. The same thing is 

happening here in this time what happen in that time in the bible and the whole world would not have been as corrupt like it is here now if people was listening to God and what he is telling them because it is not natural a person not having no interest and do not know if what God is telling them is serious are not and it is giving them a reason to make excuses to destroy them here and think they have a 

reason to use it and destroy people because they have no interest what God is telling them and what God is telling a person in the bible is very serious and people in this time did not come with no instruction and do not know what can hurt them and would have to be teach and disciple and guarded into the right direction and people have no excuses and is wrong and have sinned and would have to be 

teach and a person who was not teach do not know what is best for them and what can hurt them and people cannot teach and lead them selves and how can they be teach and led to salvation if they are being lied too and mistakes people made in that time in the bible doesn't mean every one here in this time is the same way because we all have sinned and have made mistakes and these bastards needs to 

take a close look at them selves and see them ugly selves for what they are. And people is having bad things happening to them here in this time is because they are being punish and because people was not told the truth they do not know they are being punish here the same way people in that time in the bible was punish and do a person think they are here to serve devils and they think no one doesn't know 

they are watching and they know people do not know they are creatures and is descendants of the devil in the media and the public in human bodies watching them and think they have full power and control over the earth and people and they are the law and order and is not the head ones in charge and no one doesn't have them figure out and they are descendants of the devil offspring and is sexually 

attacking everybody here in the earth in their dreams and their bodies men, women and children and even animals and their attacks and whoring is screwing up everything and is giving them selves away and a person cannot help but to notice because of their whoring and bad reputation and because of their interference thinking they are the law being the judge using the gospel misleading the whole 

nations and cause corruption here in the earth and the whole world would not have been as corrupt here if they have never interfered with the gospel thinking they are the law and judge and the only power they have is the power God gives to them here. And I do not know why they are trying to make people think what God is telling them in the bible is not true is taking away from the scriptures and it doesn't 

matter because they have poison people minds and made them believe lies people will still have to face the truth either way and will have to answer to God for it and they are telling people what God is telling them is not true and if it was not true what God is telling a person in the bible I would not know the truth about the bastards today and what they are doing here in this time and in the future in the book 

of revelation and in the pass and they cannot make a person think the other way around if a person already know and bare witness what God is telling them in the bible is true and they are still trying to make people think as of today God is not telling the truth and so far everything God is telling a person in the bible have come to pass and is coming to pass. They are just trying to make people think 

the other way around because people do not know what God is telling them and if a person do not want to know the truth will still have to face the truth either way and a person is not here in this world because they think it is their choice and they do not have laws to obey and we all have laws to obey here whether a person likes it are not the laws was create and design to keep people and their nation 

from destroying them selves completely and people is destroying them selves and their nation here is because they are without the law God's law. And they are responsible allowing people to think they can go into public places not wearing a mask and know the vaccine doesn't protect a person from getting the virus and what good is it people being vaccinate and the virus is still here and can remain here for 

years to come because of ignorance and they know people is not serving God here in this time and is living here with dangerous spirits in them and was not told the truth and they want people to think they told them the truth and if a person want to believe lies and live their life base on lies will not do it any good and will still have to face the truth either way. And it really is sad people was lied too and was 

not told the truth and will have to find out the hard way when the time comes and it really is sad people is not protecting them selves not wearing a mask and know the virus can make them sick until it kills them and no person can pretend they are innocence and should be ashamed of them selves and is wrong for not hearing God and would not had to put up with their trash and their attacks attacking 

people here on the earth and it is not every one fault here and do not know they are breaking God commandments is because they was not told the truth and their are people in this time is being told the truth and it is their fault for not listening and people in this time was not told the truth was because of their ancestors mistake and because it is people fault for letting this happen wild and dangerous 

stray spirits are running around on the whole earth and is attacking people and their children and because people do not seem to get it and is letting this happen they might as well prepare them selves here for God's punishment and wrath coming here in the book of revelation and the whole world might as well prepare for God's punishment and wrath coming in the book of revelation. And people 

think because they are here in this world they can do the same thing their ancestors did in the bible and what is keeping those fools from coming out and attacking everyone here at the same time is because they do not know what God is telling them and if a person do finds out what God is telling them in the bible sure better be ready for them because they will sure tried to attack the hell out of a person and will tried to destroy them.  

Deuteronomy 32:23-42  I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the 

poison of serpents of the dust. The sword without, and the terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of 

them to cease from among men. To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. 


Genesis 3:15 and chapter 3:3-24 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.  

                                  Extended Post  Original KingJamesBible

If people search the scriptures they will know every church here in their state and community world wide is misleading them and lied to the whole nations what happen here in that time in the bible and made people think they was told the truth and is misleading them with false doctrine to get the nations destroy and the 

original gospel are real ancient prophecies written about people here in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and the original gospel are real ancient prophecies based on actual events happening here in our time and what is coming to pass and God is using the government here to punish the nations and he 

will be using the government here in the future in the book of Revelation to punish the nations and they are using it and is misleading people and lied to the whole nations and is at war with every one here and is using this pandemic to destroy the nations. And their lies was for nothing if what God is telling a person in the bible is 

true and people will know the government and every church here in their state and community world wide misled them and lied to the whole nations because the prophecies written in the bible was written about people here in this time and is based on actual events happening here in our time and what is coming to pass. And 

every church here in our state and community world wide they are descendants of the devil and is not sent from God and how can people serve God and how do a person know if their church is not misleading them if they have not search the scriptures.

The Government And Every Church Here In Our State And Country Worldwide Global Is Misleading People And Lied To The Whole Nations And Made People Think They Was Told The Truth.

And made it look to people what God is telling them in the bible is not true and people think they are living here as a nation and they know God is punishing people here in this time and they are manipulating and is covering up the whole thing and is lying to people and making them think they was told the truth.





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