Saturday, December 24, 2022

They Cannot Get Away With Murder And Are A Murderer And Have Destroyed People They Are Leading!!!

And have committed a crime against the whole nations and needs to be sentence and condemned because they are harming people and have put their life and soul in danger and have attempted murder and misleading the nations with false doctrine and have committed scandal and fraud and treason and murder and false identity and identity theft and man slaughter and whordom and rape and adultery 

and occult and witchcraft and they are responsible people left this world with no salvation and no church in this time were sent from God, they are descendants of devils' antichrist coming in Christ name and they are not here to lead people to salvation, they are here to destroy the nations and have committed identity fraud and scandal and are wearing a fake title and they are not real priests call of God; 

they are demons hiding themselves in a body here to condemn the nations was because their ancestors forsaken God's law and have not kept his commandments and more people was coming into generation and were not told the truth and people in this time think they are serving God and have salvation and have no way of knowing they have no salvation and were not save and when they leave 

the earth, they will perish in hell and people are in hell burning because of the church, to mislead people like that is serious business and this mistake will cause a whole lot of people here and will be their fault and not everyone, because they are rejecting the gospel and thought they were just living here and that is not for a person to make that decision about themselves and what they are here for and have not 

receive instruction from God and the church will reap what they soweth and people still are having a hard time and doesn't seem to get it and thinking they are just living here. And how can people make that mistake and still do not know they are teaching false doctrine here in this time and they have the original gospel here in this time to tell people what God is telling them, and they are teaching false 

doctrine here in this time and know that trash does not come from God and still think they can challenge God and thinks no one else here in this time will find out the truth and what do people think spirits are here for if the gospel were made up and people living here in this time will have to face what is coming in the book of Revelation and the whole planet is at the brink of extinction because of human 

err and is being invaded by dangerous entities and how can they lead people, and they are not real priests and how can people have salvation, and they are a phony and the whole world should had enough of the bastards here and do a person realize how long this have been going on and they are the reason causing the whole world to have problems here and I do not know how people could set here this long 

with the damn fools and it is about time people recognize they have a problem and should be talking, because people are not living here because it is their choice, they can reject the gospel and not suffer the consequences for it and annoy dangerous spirits. And how can people in this time be thinking they have no laws to obey, but their ancestors in the bible did and if a person breaks them, this is what 

will happen a person will suffer the consequences for it and people in the bible understood that, but people in this time don't and still think they are just living here, and the longer people is annoying the problem more people will become possessed by them and destroyed and a person will have no excuse when the time comes and is supposed to warn other people and while people are too busy being 

distracted and wants to play and celebrating holidays tradition of man, they are possessing people here in this time and using them to destroy and how can people be thinking about celebrating holidays at a time like this if the whole world is heading straight to hell and how can people be living here and still do not know what God is telling them, is just crazy and no person in their right mind, is that crazy and 

annoy what God is telling them and people sometime do not like being told the truth and will become very offensive and how a person will know people in this time is heading straight to hell, is because the whole nations have no salvation and were never told the truth and people do not like being told their wrong sometime, but when something bad happens, they want someone to blame for it and 

what reason a person would get upset for and when you know it is the truth and people sometime need to be told their wrong, for their own good. And this is not one of those cases and a matter of, if and, are but, are it might could happen and a person have destroyed themselves thinking they can take the gospel for granted and think they cannot go to hell and people are not thinking, they are too busy being 

distracted and want to play having life simple pleasure and no one doesn't likes talking about those kinds of things and what you don't know can hurt you and people do not think about things not until when it is too late and have no one to blame but themselves and a person has no excuse for being foolish and because what a person have never experience sometime, they do not take things seriously and because 

nothing bad happen to them, other people problems does not concern them, and is not their problem, and people are having the same problems here in this time with entities, and this was the same problem people had in the bible when they broke God commandments, and makes it everyone problem and because of other people action and corruption can cause them and the whole world and a person 

keeping silent can cause them and other people their life and soul because people are being control by entities using them to destroy. And how could they just judge the whole world just like that and thought no one here in this time would have found out the truth if what God is telling a person in the bible is true, was wrong, someone did found out the truth and about them too and they are not leading 

people to salvation here in this time, they are destroying them and are leading them to hell, and they are responsible and have destroyed people they are leading because people were not told the truth here in this time their ancestors forsaken God's law and have not kept his commandments and more people was coming into generation and were not told the truth and people have no way of knowing every 

church here in this time is trying to have them destroy and they are not leading people to salvation and people have no way of knowing the bastards are misleading them with false doctrine and making people think they believe in God and are serving him with false doctrine and people do not know their life are in great danger and the church is trying to have them destroy and if people just thought for a 

moment and knew they were in danger, they would act. And people are making the same mistake here in this time they are rejecting the gospel and their own action will cause them and think they are just living here in this time and have not received instruction from God and people in this time have no excuse searching the scripture and this is why spirits are here is because people are separated from God 

and were not told the truth was because of their ancestors and people are making the same mistake here in this time they are rejecting the gospel and because of their action can cause them and the whole world because people did not come here into this time because it is their choice, they can reject the gospel. People in this time are being told the gospel but they are rejecting it and because of it, it can 

cause the whole world their soul because people did not come here into this world because it is their choice, they can reject the gospel and the whole world is corrupt and people have no way of knowing what God is talking about to them in the bible is coming to pass here, because they do not know the bible are prophecies and God commandments written about the pass/present and future. And I 

do not understand why someone would reject the gospel and have destroyed them own selves, because people did not come here into this world because it is their choice and reject the gospel and God uses hard punishments when his commandments are broken, and this is why people are seeing evil in this world is because people are separated from God and were not told the truth and they are breaking 

his commandments and the whole world should have known by now they are face with a serious problem and are having the same problems with the bastards here hiding themselves (creatures) and they are not hidden from a person eye and are the ones imposing their attacks on the whole nations and using people here in this time to destroy mankind and causing problems here, causing people to be 

violent and out of control and acting crazy, it is those bastards' people should be concern about and causing them problems here and they are using people to destroy their families and people cannot trust their families anymore because of them and they are controlling people in this time to destroy other people and those bastards should be the very thing people should have notice here and talking 

about because they are the ones what is causing problems here and the whole world is having the same problems with spirits (entities) and they can travel through machines and any electronic devices, and computers and cell phones are from the television screen and floors and walls are anything and they can cause fires, and misfortune to happen and can cause the world billions of dollars and people are 

living with spirits in them here in this time and they can travel from person to person and can live in a person body and the person will not notice, unless they manifest themselves and make themselves known and can change a person eye color are a person can feel movement in their body.

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves..

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves.. : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Greatest Discoveries Of The Bible And Ancient Biblical Prophecies : Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves.. (

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline..

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.. : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline..

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline Descendants Of Devils

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