Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Public Notice Report Details The Potter's House T.d. Jakes Ministrie Impersonator Bishop And Pastor Are Being Report For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information

A Public Notice Report Details The Potter's House T.d. Jakes Ministrie 

Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information. People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible they are 

bringing to pass and have misled the whole nations with false information, Crimes and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible are based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about the government and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops.  

The Entire Nations Are Under Attack And Can Be Wipe Out Of Existing And Are Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass Here And They Have Power Over The Entire Nations And Can Destroy And Blow Up The Entire Nations Out Of Existing Because They Have The Weapons. The gospel is based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and people have been misled with false doctrine 

and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have not receive instruction from God from the original gospel. For more details visit complaint links below... 

The Fate Of The Nations – The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Under Attack And Are Being Sermonized And Destroyed And Cursed With Plagues And Sickness And Are Being Destroyed By Storms And Fire And Wild Beasts And Madness. (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information!!

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