Monday, June 26, 2023

In Their Mind Is Not Real, Is An Illusion

People's thoughts are being manipulated by entities and are in a delusion in their minds and cannot tell the difference if it is for real or not. This delusion and their thoughts in their mind come from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the whole world was cursed with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because of

Adam and Eve's mistake. This event has drastically changed the course of the world, leaving many in a confused state for centuries. We must be aware of the consequences, the Tree of Knowledge and be sure of the facts before making a decision. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions have the potential to be manipulated 

by entities outside of our minds. This deception of reality can be traced all the way back to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil from which Adam and Eve were cursed. By consuming the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve brought upon all of mankind the potential to be tricked and deceived into believing false truths. As a 

result, many are struggling to differentiate between what is real and what is not, perpetuating a delusion that has lasted for generations. People's thoughts are being manipulated by unseen entities who are attempting to create a delusion in their minds. They are unable to tell whether the thoughts they are thinking are real or 

not. The thoughts and feelings that many of us experience comes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which cursed the whole world due to the mistake of Adam and Eve. Many people exist in a state of confusion because entities manipulate their thoughts, leading them to believe scenarios that may not be real. 

This mental manipulation comes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which Adam and Eve were cursed with; through their mistake, the entire world is doomed to this deceptiveness. People's thoughts are being manipulated by outside entities and they have been in a state of delusion, unable to distinguish between 

what is real and what is not within their minds. The whole world was cursed with the tree of knowledge of good and evil when Adam and Eve made their mistake in the Garden of Eden. As a result, our thoughts and beliefs are tainted and susceptible to be manipulated manipulation by those with an agenda.

We find history repeating itself, and it's especially apparent in this context. People often make the same mistakes their ancestors made in the bible. These mistakes that plagued our ancestors are still haunting us today, leading us in the wrong direction time and time again. It's up to us to not fall victim to fatal errors of the 

past and make wiser decisions in the future. History has a way of repeating itself and the bible gives several examples of this, including the mistake made by our ancestors. People still make the same mistakes today, but it's important to learn from the past and avoid making the same mistakes our ancestors did in the bible. 

People have no idea they were misled with false doctrine here in this time was because their ancestors in the bible disobeyed God and were cursed and people in this time were not teach the truth with the original gospel and were misled by demons, teaching false doctrine of man and people are being cursed here in this 

time the same way their ancestors in the bible was, for disobeying God.'' curses are a result of a person disobedience and because of curses, bad things can happen. And the whole nations is cursed, is because people are repeating the same mistake here in this time.'' And people in the bible were cursed and was possessed by devils and 

people in this time were not told the truth with the original gospel from God and history is repeating itself again and people in this time are coming under curses and being possessed by devils. And people are being misled by entities in celestial bodies pretending to be their husbands and wives and children and friends and 

doctors and lawyers and worldwide church leaders and the government of the United Nations. People Are Being Deceive by Entities Using Worldwide Church Leaders Pretending to be preachers And They Are Using vacations and TV game shows and sports and movies and music and pagan holidays and drugs And Alcohol 

And they create poison vaccine and virus bacterial to destroy The DNA structure and Dangerous weapons And Lottery And social media And Commercials Ads And sex and porn and animals and life simple pleasures To Distract the World and corrupt their minds. An internal investigation has uncovered a massive scandal at a 

major church organization, revealing unethical practices and a host of corrupt leaders. The findings have left parishioners in shock, and sparked widespread outrage and calls for further investigation. It remains to be seen how these matters of corruption are remedied, and how deep the scandal runs. Shock and dismay were 

immediate reactions when the scandal revealed how a corrupt church had taken advantage of its faithful congregation. Allegations of fraud and clear-cut financial wrongdoing damaged the church’s credibility and caused a widespread mistrust of its leaders. Further investigations revealed a pattern of fraudulent activities and 

widespread clergy abuse. The damage done was far-reaching and will have an enduring impact on the church’s relationships with its adherents and other institutions of the faith. Corrupt churches, unchecked by laws or regulations, allow abuse of their power and authority by church leaders. By exploiting loopholes and 

relying on trust, such leaders are able to push their own agendas and use the church’s resources for selfish purposes. This power can lead to corruption including financial mismanagement, unethical practices, and unfair disciplinary actions. The victims of these breaches of trust are often vulnerable individuals with little ability 

to fight back. Ultimately, proper oversight of an organization’s leaders is needed to keep watch against any form of corruption. Churches that have become corrupt are characterized by a lack of accountability of power brokers within the organization. This can lead to a politicization of the faith and an undermining of the principles of 

the religion. These corrupt churches can also lead to social injustices, prejudice, and unequal access to resources for certain members. Churches can become corrupt when those in power use their positions to manipulate and control members, taking liberties with the teachings of the faith to further their own personal agenda. When 

corruption enters into a religious institution; we all suffer as the very foundation of trust in our faith has been violated. There has been a growing trend of churches turning corrupt in recent years. Money and power are being misused by those in power, creating a culture of abuse and manipulation that has infiltrated religious 

settings globally. This breach of faith has far reached effects, damaging congregations and communities. It has become increasingly difficult to rely on religious institutions in our current climate.

People Thoughts Are Being Manipulated By Entities And Are In A Delusion In Their Minds And Cannot Tell The Difference If It Is For Real Or Not In Their Mind A Delusion And Their Thoughts In Their Mind Comes From The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, The Whole World Were Cursed With The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil Because Of Adam And Eve Mistake''

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