Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie, will broadcast live at

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie, will broadcast live at   

And broadcast live May 29,2024 at 8:30 pm and May 30,2024 at and May 30,2024 at1:00 am at 

https://www.twitch.tv/thewatchmenguard11 please check schedule for time and date.

Broadcast live May 28,2024 at 7:30 pm


The scenes you are about to watch in this video was created to demonstrate what is happening here in the real world are based on real bible prophecies and the book of Revelation and the government of the United Nations have sweared under false oath and have abused power and the nations and they are not there to protect and serve the nations, but to destroy it and have put these whole nations in danger causing social global unrest, to invoke violence, crimes and hate 

among the nations to fight and destroy each other and the whole world is being misled and people are living their life here based on lies and false hood and deception and hate and violence and they are attacking the nations and setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast based on the book of Revelation and think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and

Ice's and Freemasons and Secret Society and secretive power elite and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world and their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world 

order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world secret society. They are attacking the nations to set the stage up for one world government and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and people are being control and manipulate through satanic power and occult and through new age movement they taught millions of people false

antichrist and not the real gospel and this is a prophecy taking place here right now in this time and they are using social media and drugs, lust and money and leisure and life simple pleasures to manipulate the whole world to create kaos and confusing and violence and hate and crimes and is supporting and funding private organizations and terrorist to attack the nations with war, hunger, starvation and diseases and guns and drugs and violence and people are not aware they are

being control and manipulated by demons and satanic powers and occult and they are living and working in communities here global worldwide under secret organization names, to hide their real identity from the public and this is their secret; they think the world don't know are based on real bible prophecies written about the pass, present and future and the commandments of God, people are bringing to pass, and they are descendants of the devils' seed sent to destroy the

whole nations and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth and is consuming everything in its path, a world out of control beyond redemption and one world government the antichrist of book of Revelation will be given power over the whole earth here in the future and he is not coming to promise the world peace, but to destroy it and peace will be taken from the earth and they do not want people to know the real reason what this is about and secret societies and where this

power comes from, they have over these nations, are based on bible prophecies and if people are not supposed to know the truth, then how can people supposed to know what God is telling them here in this time, like if God gave them power over these nations for filthy pleasure and to abuse power and the nations. And how can people are supposed to know the truth if it is supposed to be a secret, and the reason God gave them temporary power over these whole nations, was

because their forefathers forgot God and did not keep his commandments and served false gods and involved themselves with heathens and they have been lying to the public for a long time and no one in this time were told the truth with the real gospel and through new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist, and people in this time were not told the truth with the real gospel, unless a person has read and study the real gospel and the

hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except UN goal and abortion rights and one world government, satanic agenda to control the world secret society and new age movement combines with the new world order in Revelation 13 verse 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations and Revelation 6 verse 1-17  And I saw when

the Lamb opened one  of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see and 7 Seals will be open, and trumpets will sound, and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood and bitter and men will die from bitter water and the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and

large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues and the name secret society, is to protect their identity and because of a cursed bloodline, they are descendants of Lucifer seed and they act like what God is talking about in the bible is not the truth and no one have never seen things like this before, fu*ked up spirits using people body and what kind of sick spirits use people body to behavior

in unclean sexual acts, I have seen enough of their sick acts and why have this mess gone on for so long, is this really about the truth are about sick spirits, only time will tell, and this kind of behavior should not be allowed this long because if effects the way how a person thinks in their mind. And this is not so much about what a person do not believe, it is about a person are supposed to be concern about what they believe in and this kind of sick behavior effects the way how a person

thinks in their mind, invoking bad behavior and it would be an excuse people are living here on the earth this way with this kind of behavior and how can the truth exist if this kind of sick behavior is being allowed and this kind of sick behavior should not be allowed here on the earth, because this is where bad behavior and problems are coming from in people, is because people are living here with sick creatures in them effecting people behavior.   

The video will tell you a little bit more about them and where this secret power comes from, they have over these whole nations. Tonight's program is based on ancient biblical prophecies and the book of Revelation people are bringing to pass here in this time, The bible contains real ancient history and biblical prophecies and

God's law written about mankind, the code names they give themselves and secret society is to protect their identity and they come from a cursed bloodline and are descendants of Lucifer seed, are based on real ancient history and biblical prophecies and God's law and my understanding and knowledge of the bible comes

from years of researching and studying ancient knowledge of the bible and they are out there watching now, and YouTube do not want this video being played in public on their web site, because they do not want the truth to come out and do not want people to know the truth and they know the video is being talked about them, are

based on real bible prophecies and they are members of secret societies and are a part of the bible's history based on ancient prophecies people in this time are bringing to pass and one world government the antichrist of book of Revelation will be given power over these entire nations here in the future and he is not coming to

promise the world peace, but to destroy it, based on ancient prophecies and 7 seals will open here in the future fill with Gods wrath and without God's law the whole nations will be destroy and if people continue living here without God's law the whole nation will perish. An angel in the book of Revelation chapter 13 reveal to

John in the spirit, the things to come in our time in the future and how can they think they can keep God's truth a secret and things to come based on the bible and God is going to put an end to this what you see here because of evil and corruption and they are keeping this a secret, and do not want the public to know what is

coming here, because they want the nations destroyed and they are working from behind the scenes here in this time plotting and scheming, hiding themselves in secret and what is in the dark shall come out into the light and they cannot keep the truth from coming out and what is coming to pass here and they must be crazy thinking they can hide such things like this from the world and no one came into this 

world to live here without God’s law and people are out there being possessed by evil spirits and if people continue living here without God laws more of them will become possessed by evil spirits and destroyed and the whole nations is at war against the forces of evil and this is why almost all half of the whole world don't know a thing, is because they are possessed with devils in them and the whole 

world is in danger of hell. And no church here in this time were sent from God they are all possessed with devils in them global worldwide using them to destroy and rob the whole world of salvation and they have nothing but pure evil in them and are not what you think they are, and they come from a cursed bloodline, descendants of the devils' seed and the whole world is being ruled by 

evil people possessed with devils in them, and it will do them no good lying, will not stop the scriptures from fulfilling and what is coming here to pass and how will the nations survive if they don't know what is going on and why are they trying to keep the truth from coming out, if they know the bible is the truth and how can they keep something from coming out if it is the truth based on ancient biblical 

prophecies and the book of Revelation people are bringing to pass here in this time and the bible contains real ancient history and biblical prophecies and God's law written about mankind and no man is greater than God nor has power, but the power God gives, and they already know they are going back 

to hell, and they have power over this earth and nations, and the power is in their hands, and they can destroy this whole earth and nations, for more info please visit my page links from here.

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