Wednesday, August 28, 2024

An Old Ancient Secret Have Been Uncovered And No One In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation And They Will Lose Power And Control Over This Earth And People's Trust.

And they come from a long bloodline and are descendants, seed of the devil and for many years they kept the truth a secret from the public an old ancient secret written about mankind's future and the pass and present and God's law and Joe Biden and Donald Trump and government world leaders and church leaders and their organization and evangelism and deacons and T.D. Jakes and Pope Francis and 

George Bush and Obama and CDC and members of secret societies and illuminati are a part of this secret and Scandal and government cover up they have hidden from the public for many years and there are more names and people who are involve are being discovered here in this time and they already know mankind and the purpose of their existing is being destroy and will seek to exist without God's law and the 

bible is based on ancient prophecies written about people in this time and the future and the pass and God's law and for many years they kept the truth a secret from the public and how can people in this time would know what purpose they are here for without the truth and people would not know what they did here in this time and the future and the pass. And people in this time do not know the purpose of their 

existing is being destroyed and will seek to exist without God's law and they do not want the public to discover this ancient secret written about mankind and God's law and know if people discover this ancient secret, they will lose power and control over this earth and people's trust and this is not about them having power and control over this earth, this is about mankind and the word of God and for many years 

they have kept the truth a secret from the public and no one here in this time was aware of this secret written about people in this time and the pass and future and were deceived with false doctrine and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jeusu and other Christ, antichrist, false doctrine of man and they have destroyed millions and thousands of people and men and 

women and children and babies and have shed innocent blood and war on these whole nations and they are not done yet and based on the book of Revelation prophecy they are planning on killing and murdering more people and men and women and children and babies here in the future soon based on the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse and their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one 

religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world order, and Satanic agenda to control the world secret society and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18; they are going to create an image here in the future, a stature and will come alive and 

speak and a person who do not worship this image will be killed and people will be beheaded for the word of God and based on the book of Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here 

is a kingdom of evil and they are using social media and drugs, lust and money and leisure and life simple pleasures to manipulate the whole world to create Kaos and confusing and violence and hate and crimes, to set the stage up for one world government and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth, and is consuming everything in its path and think they have a plan already in place how 

they will destroy mankind and the whole human race, and all life have become dangerous and unstable and are out of control and are being control by dangerous unstable evil spirits and people are being control and enslaved by dangerous spirits and they are not here to protect and serve these nations, but to destroy it.

Joe Biden And Donald Trump And Government World Leaders And Church Leaders And Their Organization And Evangelism And Deacons And T.D. Jakes And Pope Francis And George Bush And Obama And CDC And Members Of Secret Societies And Illuminati Are A Part Of This Plot And Scandal And Crime And Government Cover Up They Are Hiding From The Public.

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