Monday, September 4, 2023

A National Emergency Public Broadcast!!!

How could the public not know about this, and what the government have been hiding, and they are building a large army here now, as I speak, to attack these whole nations here in the future, and people are going to die here, millions and millions of them and the public has no knowledge are

is aware what the government and worldwide church organizations have been hiding and didn't want the public to know and what was written in the real gospel here centuries ago doing the time of Christ and his disciples and it was written in the prophecies here centuries ago what is

coming to pass here and the bible were written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments based on prophecies, people in this time are bringing to pass. The government and worldwide church organizations already know

Jesus teach his followers the same gospel, written about people here in this time and their ancestors and telling them what is coming to pass here in the book of Revelation and the present and they have misled the public and the whole nations with false doctrine and people were not told the truth

here in this time with the real gospel and what is coming to pass here, and people have been misled by demons, teaching false doctrine pretending they are Christian men and women leading the nations to salvation and people in this time were not told the truth and what happen here in that

time in the bible and have been misled by demons pretending they are church organizations to deceive the nations. And it is written in the book of Revelation what is coming to pass here, and the prophecies written in the bible are true and we are at war, and they are not real church 

organizations and government of these nations send from God, they are being used by the devil to destroy the nations and have put these whole nations in danger and people are living here with demons in them because they are separated from God and were not told the truth and the 

government and worldwide church organizations are protecting them lying to people pretending they are aliens and UFOs and ghosts they have seen here and are making people in the church think, they are being set free. And people don't know about them and their reputation and what 

happen here in that time in the bible, and people in this time were not aware they were deceived by demons and not real Christians leaders, was because many people in that time in the bible forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and God turned 

them over to their enemies as of this day and when more people came into generation, they were not aware they were told lies here in this time by fake Christian men and women pretending to be priests leading people to salvation. The whole nations are about to go at war with the 

enemy here in the future, soon and people cannot go by because what they do not see here for now because it is written in the book of Revelation, and they are preparing for battle here now to fight people here in this time when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of 

Revelation, and they will be ready to strike at us, at any time and these whole nations here and this is why these whole nations are corrupt and fill with violence, is because people have unclean spirits in them, and people are acting like they do not have any sense and are living here in 

wonder land and paradise and the government and church organizations know the bible is the only proof can bring them and their reputation down and this is why the whole world is fill with violence and corruption and hate and is out of control and are going mad and screwed 

up, is because of evil people can see here, and it does not matter what a person believe in their mind, cannot change are stop what was written in the bible from coming to pass here. For more details, please see below.

Extended Chapter 1 to 2

The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Bit#hs Want War'' This Whole Nations Has To Prepare For Battle, Fighting The Enemy And People Only Hope, Is To Turn Too God!!

Not Human, Demons In Celestial Bodies Pretending To Be Church Organizations And The Government And Their Plans For The Whole Nations Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

And the whole nations are at war with, the stupid bi#chs, pretending to be church, organizations and the government of our nations and country. The nasty mother fu#kers are ugly demons in celestial bodies pretending they are the government and church leaders, they are nothing but fu#king demons in the white house pretending, they are our nations world leaders, and the bi#chs want war, and they get 

war, and it will be a hell of a fight until the finish, and it is people in this time the bi#chs are at war with, because it is written and people cannot go by because what they do not see here for now, because it is written in the book of Revelation, and they are preparing for battle here now to fight people here in this time when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and they will be ready to strike at 

us, at any time and these whole nations here and they are using people and their bodies to screw with and the whole nations, I have never seen anything like this before, like if this is about demons making out with people and not about the gospel and there are thousands of them here hiding in bodies, mating with people and this same shit already happen before in the bible in the book of Genesis, spirits came 

down from heaven, God's angels and took wives and children were born unto them and this nasty sh#t is back again in this time and this time with demons, and why didn't this nasty sh#t stayed in the pass, and they are nasty mother fu#kers and using young children for sexual pleasure. How are people do not know about this, like if they are under some kind of demonic mind control controlling them, so they do 

not know what is going on. And if the bible itself are supposed to be based on the truth, then why doesn't other people know about this. This whole nation has to prepare for battle, fighting the enemy and people only hope, is to turn too God.

Is this how people are supposed to learn and know what having faith is and being righteous if they are being encourage in the wrong way and being use by corrupt evil unholy spirits, pretending to be the government and church organizations having pleasure making out with the whole nations, using people doing filthy sh#t, and is setting a bad example and sending out the wrong message to people and 

this is why the whole nations is corrupt and fill with violence, because of those corrupt unholy beasts and what kind of fu#king creatures, use the whole nations to make out with each other, having people sleep around with each other and not married, is just sick and this is why they do not want people to see their ugly identity and is hiding in bodies here, because they know what they are, and are 

not human. Is this is how people are supposed to know what having faith is and being righteous being use by evil spirits, using the whole nations to shack up, and everybody sleeping around making out with each other and not married and how can you have two things in one, a person cannot be righteous and corrupt at the same time, and it would have to be either one of the two and a person cannot be both 

at the same time, righteous and corrupt, because how can people are supposed to know what having faith is and being righteous if a person does not understand themselves and what their purpose is and the knowledge of good and evil the whole world was curse with and how can people understand themselves and their purpose and having this knowledge, if they are being lied too and a person cannot 

be manipulated into thinking they have faith, because it would have to come from the person's heart and mind and how can a person have faith and know what righteous is, if they do not understand themselves and what their purpose is and the knowledge of good and evil, they were curse with and this cannot be about both mankind surviving and their souls save, if they are being encourage in the wrong 

way and are being lied too and used by corrupt evil spirits using people to do filthy sh#t, is sending out the wrong massage to people and is setting a bad example and how can people are supposed to have hope, without a Godly leader. And the whole nations are at war with, the bi#chs, pretending to be church, organizations and the government of our nations and country.   

Extended Chapter 1 to 2

The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Government Know The Bible Is The Only Proof Can Bring Them And Their Reputation Down!!

How can the government of our nations and country protect and serve the nations lying to people about the truth and they know God is using them here to punish the nations and think they can take

advantage of it and manipulate and get away with lying about the truth, because they think they are protected and are cursed with the devil's seed and were send from the devil to murder people and have murdered people and their children here and destroy the nations, pretending to be Christian men and women leading people

to salvation, and the government of our nations and country and have robbed these whole nations and have led them to stray and how can they protect and serve the nations, if they cannot be honest with themselves and lying to the whole nations about the truth and who they are and what they are here for and they are sent from

this beast written in the bible here to destroy them and these whole nations and their plans for our nations and country here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war!! People will know what their crime is for misleading people and the whole nation and have put these whole nations in great danger and their plans for the

whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war and they have broken the law and have put this whole nation in danger, encouraging people not to wear face masks and the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming infected and the person can be infected with virus bacterial not showing signs and can

transmit the virus to others repeatedly, no government will do sick sh#t like that, risking people lives' putting their life and health in danger and no real government will do sh#t like that put the whole nation in danger and demons are living here in people in this time because they are separated from God and were not told the truth

and the government are protecting them lying to people pretending they are aliens and UFOs and ghosts they have seen here. And people don't know about them and their reputation here in this time and what happen in that time in the bible, and they have a bad name and reputation and are cursed with the devil's seed, here to

condemn the whole nations and are just fronting in front the nations to make people think they care about their country and nation and is there to protect and serve, pretending to be public figures and the government of our nations and country and Christian men and women leading our nations to salvation. They know

how important having a good image and name being public figures and leaders and what is the difference if those murderers having a criminal background can qualify being the government of our nations and country and church leaders in our communities, then why can't other people having a criminal background can qualify

like them too. And when the public finds out the truth about them, they are finish, and people do not have much time left here to wait and the longer people wait here, more will die and be murdered and possessed by devils. God put enmity between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve

disobedience and people are in relationships with people cursed with the devil's seed here in this time and have born children unto them, and this can be very dangerous, and a person would have to proceed with caution, because the demon pretending to be their son are daughter are wife are husband are aunt are uncle are

father are mother are grandparents are friend are anyone, because if the evil spirit learns, the person found out the truth, it can use the person cursed with the devil's seed, to destroy the person because of the truth. And the government know the bible is the only proof can bring them and their reputation down.

Extended Chapter 1 to 2

The Whole Nations Is At War'' The Government Of Our Nations And Country Are A Two-Faced Lying Dishonest Scumbags And Wild Dumb Dogs With A One-Track Delusional Mind And Have Misled Our Nations And Country And The Government Plans For Our Nations And Country Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation, Is War!!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

They Are Descendants Of Devil's Cursed With The Devil's Seed And Were Send From The Devil To Destroy The Nations, Pretending To Be Christian Men And Women Leading People To Salvation, And The Government Of The United Nations Are Both Stupid Thinking They Can Compete Against And Change The Truth What Was Written In The Bible

Is just plain stupid, because the bible was written based on ancient histories what people did in that time in the bible, as of this day and from generation to generation. This post is not about a person personal opinion, this is about the truth based on the bible and the whole world was cursed 

with the knowledge of good and evil because of Adam and Eve mistake here centuries ago in the bible and people are in a delusional mind being manipulated by entities and cannot discern the difference what they are thinking in their mind if it is for real are not and a person thought in 

their mind comes from the knowledge of good and evil and people is not aware this was a lie told here long time ago and not the truth what happen here centuries ago in the bible and the real gospel were written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and the prophecies in  

the bible is based on ancient histories written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and the future. And people are not aware this was a lie covered up here long time ago, by the government and worldwide church leaders pretending to be Christian men and women 

and this lie still exist today. The real gospel was written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and what was written in the bible is coming to pass here and a person can believe whatever they want in their mind cannot change and stop what was written in the bible from 

happening here and people was not aware of this lie told long time ago and it doesn't matter what a person want to believe in their mind and were told all their life cannot change what was written because the bible was written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and people in this 

time was not aware this was a lie, they covered up a long time ago was because many people in that time in the bible forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies as of this day and when more people came into generation, they 

were not aware they were told lies here in this time by worldwide church leaders pretending to be Christian men and women leading them to salvation and people were deceived by demons teaching false doctrine. The government and worldwide church leaders think they can cover the 

truth up and what was written in the bible and hide it from people will blow up in their face and people should know by now they are not real Christian men and women send from God to lead people to salvation, they are people cursed with the devil's seed because of the enmity God put 

between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience and what happen in that time in the bible doesn't ends there and still continues as of today in our time and people in this time are facing the same problems, people had in the 

bible and still do not know as of this day they are turned over to their enemies because of worldwide church leaders and the government lying. The stories in the bible are real ancient history written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and we are tribes 

of their bloodline and people is still believing their lies as of this day. The government and worldwide church leaders are being use by the devil to destroy the nations, made themselves look like a damn fool, like a pissy child telling the whole nations lies, like their lies 

can change the truth what happen here long time ago in the bible and what made them thought they could cover this up in the first place and they are not real church leaders and Christians send from God and the government of the United Nations, they are descendants of devil's cursed 

with the devil's seed send to destroy the whole nations and what they made the whole nations thinking nothing is wrong here cannot change what was written in the bible from happening here and this can be very dangerous for people because many of them are in relationships with people

cursed with the devil's seed pretending to be their husband and wives and children here in this time and when people come to realize they were told lies, the demon pretending to be their husband and wives and children, may tried to kill and destroy the person if they can, and a person would have

to proceed with cautious, and because of the curse God put between the devil seed and Eve seed here long time ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience, people are cursed with the devil's seed. The details written in my posts will tell you what people did here in that time in

the bible and the present and the future based on the bible. This whole generation can be destroyed because of evil and if people continue living here in sin will not survive this way and will perish. I hope people in this time do not make the same mistake people in the bible made and think this

is not for real because God is not with this whole nation because of our forefather's mistake forsaken God commandments, and we are tribes and descendants of people in the bible and God's chosen people here in this time because of the covenant he made with our forefathers here centuries

ago in the bible and this whole generation can die and be destroy because of our ancestor's mistake and the stories in the are real and we are at war and what a person think in their mind is not real to them cannot change what was written in the bible from happening here.

This post will be extended for later details...

Matrix Mind Resurrected, Entering The Matrix Mind Of A Delusional World

In Their Mind Is Not Real, Is An Illusion

Monday, June 26, 2023

In Their Mind Is Not Real, Is An Illusion

People's thoughts are being manipulated by entities and are in a delusion in their minds and cannot tell the difference if it is for real or not. This delusion and their thoughts in their mind come from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the whole world was cursed with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because of

Adam and Eve's mistake. This event has drastically changed the course of the world, leaving many in a confused state for centuries. We must be aware of the consequences, the Tree of Knowledge and be sure of the facts before making a decision. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions have the potential to be manipulated 

by entities outside of our minds. This deception of reality can be traced all the way back to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil from which Adam and Eve were cursed. By consuming the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve brought upon all of mankind the potential to be tricked and deceived into believing false truths. As a 

result, many are struggling to differentiate between what is real and what is not, perpetuating a delusion that has lasted for generations. People's thoughts are being manipulated by unseen entities who are attempting to create a delusion in their minds. They are unable to tell whether the thoughts they are thinking are real or 

not. The thoughts and feelings that many of us experience comes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which cursed the whole world due to the mistake of Adam and Eve. Many people exist in a state of confusion because entities manipulate their thoughts, leading them to believe scenarios that may not be real. 

This mental manipulation comes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which Adam and Eve were cursed with; through their mistake, the entire world is doomed to this deceptiveness. People's thoughts are being manipulated by outside entities and they have been in a state of delusion, unable to distinguish between 

what is real and what is not within their minds. The whole world was cursed with the tree of knowledge of good and evil when Adam and Eve made their mistake in the Garden of Eden. As a result, our thoughts and beliefs are tainted and susceptible to be manipulated manipulation by those with an agenda.

We find history repeating itself, and it's especially apparent in this context. People often make the same mistakes their ancestors made in the bible. These mistakes that plagued our ancestors are still haunting us today, leading us in the wrong direction time and time again. It's up to us to not fall victim to fatal errors of the 

past and make wiser decisions in the future. History has a way of repeating itself and the bible gives several examples of this, including the mistake made by our ancestors. People still make the same mistakes today, but it's important to learn from the past and avoid making the same mistakes our ancestors did in the bible. 

People have no idea they were misled with false doctrine here in this time was because their ancestors in the bible disobeyed God and were cursed and people in this time were not teach the truth with the original gospel and were misled by demons, teaching false doctrine of man and people are being cursed here in this 

time the same way their ancestors in the bible was, for disobeying God.'' curses are a result of a person disobedience and because of curses, bad things can happen. And the whole nations is cursed, is because people are repeating the same mistake here in this time.'' And people in the bible were cursed and was possessed by devils and 

people in this time were not told the truth with the original gospel from God and history is repeating itself again and people in this time are coming under curses and being possessed by devils. And people are being misled by entities in celestial bodies pretending to be their husbands and wives and children and friends and 

doctors and lawyers and worldwide church leaders and the government of the United Nations. People Are Being Deceive by Entities Using Worldwide Church Leaders Pretending to be preachers And They Are Using vacations and TV game shows and sports and movies and music and pagan holidays and drugs And Alcohol 

And they create poison vaccine and virus bacterial to destroy The DNA structure and Dangerous weapons And Lottery And social media And Commercials Ads And sex and porn and animals and life simple pleasures To Distract the World and corrupt their minds. An internal investigation has uncovered a massive scandal at a 

major church organization, revealing unethical practices and a host of corrupt leaders. The findings have left parishioners in shock, and sparked widespread outrage and calls for further investigation. It remains to be seen how these matters of corruption are remedied, and how deep the scandal runs. Shock and dismay were 

immediate reactions when the scandal revealed how a corrupt church had taken advantage of its faithful congregation. Allegations of fraud and clear-cut financial wrongdoing damaged the church’s credibility and caused a widespread mistrust of its leaders. Further investigations revealed a pattern of fraudulent activities and 

widespread clergy abuse. The damage done was far-reaching and will have an enduring impact on the church’s relationships with its adherents and other institutions of the faith. Corrupt churches, unchecked by laws or regulations, allow abuse of their power and authority by church leaders. By exploiting loopholes and 

relying on trust, such leaders are able to push their own agendas and use the church’s resources for selfish purposes. This power can lead to corruption including financial mismanagement, unethical practices, and unfair disciplinary actions. The victims of these breaches of trust are often vulnerable individuals with little ability 

to fight back. Ultimately, proper oversight of an organization’s leaders is needed to keep watch against any form of corruption. Churches that have become corrupt are characterized by a lack of accountability of power brokers within the organization. This can lead to a politicization of the faith and an undermining of the principles of 

the religion. These corrupt churches can also lead to social injustices, prejudice, and unequal access to resources for certain members. Churches can become corrupt when those in power use their positions to manipulate and control members, taking liberties with the teachings of the faith to further their own personal agenda. When 

corruption enters into a religious institution; we all suffer as the very foundation of trust in our faith has been violated. There has been a growing trend of churches turning corrupt in recent years. Money and power are being misused by those in power, creating a culture of abuse and manipulation that has infiltrated religious 

settings globally. This breach of faith has far reached effects, damaging congregations and communities. It has become increasingly difficult to rely on religious institutions in our current climate.

People Thoughts Are Being Manipulated By Entities And Are In A Delusion In Their Minds And Cannot Tell The Difference If It Is For Real Or Not In Their Mind A Delusion And Their Thoughts In Their Mind Comes From The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, The Whole World Were Cursed With The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil Because Of Adam And Eve Mistake''

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Whole Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Is A Corrupted Whore And Their Momma's And Have Put These Whole Nations In Danger, Because Of Their Filthy Paranoid Acts And Lies!!

And might as well stop their bull sh#t and is full of sh#t and trying to fool the public; and do not want people to know they are demons hiding in bodies here in the earth and they mean harm and want to hurt people and are dangerous agitators and fu#king aliens, not to be respected here and need to get their stinky aliens tails the f#ck out the media and social media's and the public and know they are for 

real, hiding in bodies here in the earth, because they want people to think they are humans, and they mean harm and want to hurt people and are the ones responsible for these whole nations being corrupt and out of control and people being murdered and family against family and friends against friends and because of their corruption and lies, it is destroying people, mentally, physically and 

spiritually and they are whoring spirits, whoring after the whole nations, using the whole nations and people to whore, they know they are down here, and I do not know why those nasty fu#kers are hiding from the public and do not want people to see here and are making people think they are investigating the dead and when it is no body but them and are using the government and world church 

leaders to hide the truth from the public, because they do not want people to know the truth and the real reason they are here and know what is about to happen to them here soon. They know people minds are blind and do not know the nasty sh#t being done to them here right in front the whole nations and take pride in what they are doing, having no shame are respect using people to do nasty things and if I 

were that filthy nasty, I hide behind closed doors and not in front the whole nations and they like their nasty sh#t, screwing the whole nations and kids, having no shame are respect, just like a dog in heat and they should take care on how they do their nasty sh#t right in front the whole nations in open public and think no one can see and is not fit to lead a nation and is a back door whore and a broken home racket having no business leading a nation.

And they know this is a crime being done here to the whole nations and have put the whole nations in danger, because of their sick behavior and lies, people are being hurt and destroy and possessed and control by violent spirits, causing people to be violent and out of control and how can they run their big mouths about what

people are doing here, and they are lying and covering up the truth and misleading people making them think they are leading people to salvation and know people have dangerous out of control spirits in them causing them to be violent and out of control and crimes and violence are increasing here every single day because of

their sick lies and are responsible for it and while the whole nations are fighting and are turning against each other, they are convinced in their paranoid minds, they have done nothing wrong and is perpetrating in front the whole nations, if thou, they are the innocence ones, and have the whole nations turning against each other

here fighting, family against family and friends against friends and people in relationships. People were misled by creatures playing a nasty joke and not real priests leading them to salvation here in this time and have been deceive with false doctrine and think the gospel they have come from God and what they are teaching

here in this time does not come from the original gospel and do not speak the same truth and according to the bible there is only one gospel and people were misled by evil spirits playing a nasty joke misleading them with false doctrine. The King James Bible has another version and is not the same as the original King James

Bible and only the original King James Bible comes from the original gospel based on ancient historians and prophecies people are bringing to pass, and God commandments and people have the original gospel here, but they are not serious about what they are reading and don't know they are being misled by demons using

worldwide church leaders personating a priest to destroy the nations, using false doctrine to cover up the truth.

2 Peter 1:20-21 and Deuteronomy 4:2 and Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19

I Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

St. Mark 7:6-13 This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, for laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do.

And he said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition, making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye.

Galatians 1:6-9 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

Galatians 1:8-9 But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be a cursed.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Galatians 1: 11-12 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man; for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ

2 Peter 1:20-21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and Jeremiah 20:1-18 and Romans 16:22 I Tertius who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

Romans 16:25-26 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the ever lasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith. and Romans 16:21-27

1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Deuteronomy 4:2 and 4:1-49 and Proverbs 30:6 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. and 1 John 2:1-29

They mean harm and want to hurt people and are a dangerous agitator and because of their dangerous violent behavior, people are being hurt and destroy, and this is not about just people and their corruption here anymore, this is about corrupted filthy out of control spirits having pleasure with people in the earth and think the

nations are supposed to treat them with respect and have no damn respect themselves, and the nasty sh#t they are doing here in front the whole nations and are in no position are fit to lead a nation and is not in their right frame of mind and they are in no position are fit to tell people what to do and arresting and

condemning and punishing people and are no different from a criminal and murderer themselves and how can they lead the nations and make the right decision here, not in the right mind and how can people live here with dangerous spirits in them causing them to be out of control and violent, like themselves and

are corrupted and convince in their mind they have done nothing wrong telling lies and misleading the nations, and have put the whole nations in danger, but people have no excuses and because of their lies, people are being hurt and destroyed.

They are a bad influence and are out-of-control corrupt agitators are in no position are fit to lead a nation and are responsible for these whole nations being corrupted and out of control, like themselves, and if I were them, I hide myself and think people do not know how they think and don't know their game and are in no

position to judge and running their big mouths about what people are doing here and arresting people and are a bad influence and are out-of-control corrupted ring leaders responsible for the whole nations being corrupted and out of control and how can they condemn people and have a mote in their own eye, and they have

nothing interested to talk about and all they know is attacking people and the nations and have a mote in their own twisted eye and are corrupt and out of control and people should know better than that and know they will be punish for it because of those corrupt bastards, and how can the truth exist if bad behavior is

tolerated, and it is not ok to commit crimes and causing people harm and there is no difference, because wrong is wrong and because of their dangerous violent behavior, is causing people harm and destroying the nations and they are out of control and are dangerous, and this is war and a fight for respect and truth and

justice and mankind soul. And no one told the corrupt bastards about themselves here and are damn crazy and out of control.

Ancient Biblical Historians And Prophecies Of The Bible.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Ancient Biblical Historians And Prophecies Of The Bible

Ancient Prophecies provided in the Bible have come true time and time again, proving that God is true and powerful. His prophecies serve as a reminder of his existence and their fulfillment provides evidence of His divine power; ancient biblical historians are the incredible truths of God's plan that were revealed to us

throughout the ages. From the fall of Babylon and Israel’s captivity to the coming of Jesus and the foretold end of the world, God revealed his plan of redemption, love, and forgiveness to His people. His inspired words guide us through life and offer hope and assurance of what is ahead, and offer us a unique glimpse into past

civilizations. Through these prophetic passages, we can uncover hidden secrets of Bible character, leaders and civilizations that have remained virtually unchanged throughout history. By studying the Bible’s prophecy, we can gain a better understanding of the ancient world, and the values and beliefs that shaped it.

Ancient biblical historians and prophecies within the Bible have come true through recorded history, showing the accuracy and truth of Scripture. Each prophecy acts as a sign, a witness to the faithfulness of God and to His covenant with His people. Today, many of these prophecies serve as proof that the Bible is the single source of

truth and not just another work of ancient literature. Throughout scripture, ancient prophets foretold the future and their prophecies have been accredited as predictions that have come to pass. Now, with diligent research and archaeological exploration, much of the evidence of these prophecies have been discovered,

strengthening the credibility of the Bible’s power and wisdom. Undeniable evidence supports the existence of prophecies preceding the Bible; including ancient artifacts, writings, and angels and demons and mysteries which all seem to suggest there was an unknown, foreboding force at work across the ages. Through further

investigation, the prophecies of the Bible seem to stand the test of time and be undeniably true. Ancient history is bursting with prophecies and revelations that have been recorded in the Bible's epic stories. These stories detail how God has spoken through prophets to give us a better understanding of our spiritual and

physical relationship with Him. Through these narratives we gain new insight into what it means to be a faithful believer and how our lives can be transformed by His grace. Ancient prophecies that are found in the Bible are remarkable because they were written centuries ago and are still coming true today. These messages from

God are classified within the genres of poetry, symbolism, and stories and were written within a matter of days or even centuries. Even though the prophecies were written so long ago, the accuracy of their predictions still amazes us to this day. These prophecies, while originating in ancient times, still hold immense influence

and relevance in the modern world. This makes them an incredibly important and intriguing area of study for mankind, and ancient secrets that are enshrined in these divinely inspired predictions. Throughout The Bible, history has been intertwined with insight and predictions. Ancient prophecies fulfilled throughout

the pages of The Bible prove that God knows both the future and the past and present. The Bible is not only historians of the patriarchs, prophets, Hebrew kings, and the life of Jesus, but it also contains prophecies of events that were written and have since come to pass. Much of it has been thoroughly documented, while other

prophecies are still waiting in the wings to be fulfilled. Ancient biblical historians and prophecies of the Bible remain crucial guideposts for understanding our past and present and planning our future. Step back in time to discover the ancient prophecies of the bible. Uncover the mysteries of the past and learn more about the

teachings that have shaped the world. Explore the ancient knowledge and prophecies to gain a better understanding of the divine power at work in our lives. Ancient biblical historians and prophecies of the Bible contain revelations from God concerning the past and present and future. These prophecies serve as a reminder

that God is in control, ultimately deciding the destiny of mankind. Understanding the significance of these divine words can help believers to be aware of God's plans and can help bring peace and guidance during hard times. Biblical historians and prophecies were written centuries ago by holy men of God and have been revealed

in the Bible in forms of stories and passages. God's timeless truth has been passed down through generations, teaching us many valuable lessons and inspiring us to keep hope alive. These prophecies have come to life in our modern times, reminding us of God's power to provide us with guidance and comfort. Biblical

prophecies in the Bible reveal significant events in history and predict the future. For centuries, civilizations have studied these scriptures for insight into the past, present, and future. By understanding the history and prophecies of the Bible, we can discover amazing secrets from God that can shape our lives and direct us in our

spiritual journey. Discover the prophetic words of the Bible, written thousands of years ago. Find out how they provide insight into the past and present and predict the future, with lessons that are still relevant today and have been proven accurate and fulfilled over the centuries, leaving no doubt of the divine source of this

timeless collection of books, written only from the original gospel, based on prophecies and events, people are bringing to pass and people, many of which have already come to fruition in remarkable detail. This is consistent evidence that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. Predictions about the past, present, and

future written centuries ago in the Bible are relevant to ancient history. These ancient prophecies come from a Divine source and provide us with a historical account of God's dealing with mankind throughout all generations and can be traced back thousands of years, revealing a unique timeline of events that shaped

our understanding of faith today. Allowing us to uncover the events and messages from the past, discovering how they can still impact us today. Ancient historians tell the story of God’s power, love and promise for mankind. From the stories of Abraham, Moses and David to Jesus’ parables and the events of Revelation, divine

guidance has shaped history and continues to move the world around us. Read the Bible and discover what God promised us in the past and what He has in store for us in the future. The Bible is full of ancient predictions that have come true in remarkable ways. Miraculous prophecies about people, nations and events over

thousands of years have been fulfilled in detail, showing God's sovereignty and power. These fulfilled prophecies are evidence of His sovereign hand at work in history. The Bible is filled with prophecies that can help guide us through our journey of life even if we don't understand it. Ancient history can provide a path of

guidance for current decisions, helping to move Believers in the direction that God has intended for them. God's prophetic word is like a book of instructions for us to follow, and the ancient stories of His people reveals truths that can help bring our lives together into one perfect plan. Ancient prophecies from the Bible are

extremely relevant to today's world. They provide insight, guidance, and direction on how to live life faithfully and faithfully serve God, as well as how to navigate life’s challenges and trials with faith and courage. These ancient prophecies speak to the heart and offer a timeless message of hope and promise. Exploring these mysterious

texts can help us to better understand from personal experiences and research and bible studying and uncover insights of the past and present and future and events that took place thousands of years ago and the potential predictions for the future. People were misled by creatures using worldwide church leaders to destroy the

nations misleading them with false doctrine and people think the gospel they have come from God and were misled by creatures and not real priests leading them to salvation here in this time and in the original gospel a person will uncover insights of the past and what happen in that time and discern what is happening here in the

present into the future. The Bible contains prophecies that can be linked to events throughout the ages – from ancient history to the present day. The prophecies are evidence of God's divine knowledge and his sovereign control over history. As we consider these words of ancient wisdom and insight, we should strive to understand the importance of God's presence and plan for our lives.

People were misled by creatures playing a nasty joke and not real priests leading them to salvation here in this time and have been deceive with false doctrine and think the gospel they have come from God and what they are teaching here in this time does not come from the original gospel and do not speak the same truth and according to the bible there is only one gospel and people were misled by evil 

spirits playing a nasty joke misleading them with false doctrine. The King James Bible has another version and is not the same as the original King James Bible and only the original King James Bible comes from the original gospel based on ancient historians and prophecies people are bringing to pass and God commandments and people have the original gospel here, but they are not serious about 

what they are reading and don't know they are being misled by demons using worldwide church leaders personating a priest to destroy the nations, using false doctrine to cover up the truth.

2 Peter 1:20-21 and Deuteronomy 4:2 and Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19

I Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

St.Mark 7:6-13 This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, for laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do.

And he said unto them, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition, making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye.

Galatians 1:6-9 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

Galatians 1:8-9 But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be a cursed.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Galatians 1: 11-12 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man; for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ

2 Peter 1:20-21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and Jeremiah 20:1-18 and Romans 16:22 I Tertius who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

Romans 16:25-26 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the ever lasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith. and Romans 16:21-27

1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Deuteronomy 4:2 and 4:1-49 and Proverbs 30:6 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. and 1 John 2:1-29

They Think People Do Not Know How They Think And Don't Know Their Game And Are Destroying People Here And Are Causing People To Corrupt Themselves And Are Stealing From Them, Because They Know People Do Not Have Control Of Their Own Minds And Do Not Know The Difference Their Thoughts Are Being Manipulated By Entities Because Of A Delusion In Their Mind And They Can Get Away With Murdering People And People Are Being Framed For Murder.''


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Whole Earth Is Invaded By Deadly Extraterrestrials

They Think People Do Not Know How They Think And Don't Know Their Game And Are Destroying People Here And Are Causing People To Corrupt Themselves And Are Stealing From Them, Because They Know People Do Not Have Control Of Their Own Minds And Do Not Know The Difference Their Thoughts Are Being Manipulated By Entities Because Of A Delusion In Their Mind And They Can Get Away With Murdering People And People Are Being Framed For Murder.''

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Corrupt Bi#chs Need To Take Responsibility For Their Own Action And Stop Using People To Cover Up Their Own Sh#t And Know They Are A Corrupted Bi#ch And A Whore Wanting Filthy Pleasure.''

The whole earth is corrupted, and they are responsible for it and know exactly what is going on here and is perpetrating pretending they don't know and just want to put the blame on people and cover up their own filthy sh#t and corruption because of filthy pleasure, then how can people are supposed to be  righteous if whoring spirits are using people to mate with manipulating their body thinking they are 

feeling sexual, causing the person to sin, and goes up against the scriptures and how can it be based on the truth, what God is telling a person in the bible if people are living here in sin, like if people are living here in sin are supposed to be an excuse and can corrupted themselves, then how can people supposed to be righteous, and if people is not here to sin, then they are not supposed to sin and it is no 

excuse the whole world is corrupted, and they just want to put the blame on people and cover up their own filthy sh#t, and it is no excuse causing people to sin and how can it be the truth what God is telling a person in the bible, if they can make excuses, causing people to sin, spirits using people to mate with manipulating their body thinking they are feeling sexual, and using people to corrupt themselves 

are supposed to be an excuse, and in what way can a creature be with a person without a physical body and have no meaning to it and cannot relate to people in the same way humans do and are responsible for the whole nations corrupting themselves and people in this time were not legally married and are living here in sin, because no church in this time were send from God and a person cannot be 

both righteous and corrupt at the same time and why is it so important to them they want people to think they are feeling sexual, to cause a person to sin and people in this time were not legally married and how can they just put the blame on people, if their minds is spiritually blind and are being control by entities making people think they are christians, causing people to sin, because why would someone kid 

around about something this serious, if they were in their right mind and if people is not here to sin, why are they making excuses causing people to corrupt themselves, making people think they are christians, using false doctrine to cover up the truth and causing people to sin and what is it they do not want people to know, if the bible is based on the truth and people is not here to sin. And don't the dumb 

bi#ches have something better to talk about, than just talking about people and what will happen to them, and arresting people and is not talking about themselves being arrested and punish and is a two-face hypocrite responsible for causing the whole nations to sin, and how can a corrupt whore, condemn people having a mote in their own eye and is a corrupted bi#ch and a whore wanting filthy 

pleasure and how can it be the truth what God is telling a person in the bible, if they can make excuses, causing people to sin, then how can the bible be true. 

I'm Talking To You, And Know You Can See This, And Think You Extraterrestrials, Are A Fake Bi#ch And A Whore.