Saturday, August 20, 2022

A Public Message Directly To Terrestrial And Celestial Entities Here In This Time And Know They Are Here Watching And Listening And Do Not Want The Public To Know They Are Here And Is For Real And Is The Main Ring Leaders Why The Nations Is Damn Corrupt Here Even Worse Is Because They Interfered With God's Purpose And Plans And Laws He Written For Mankind And Is Responsible Causing The Nations To Corrupt Them Selves Here Even Worse Lying To People About The Gospel!!

And the government cannot cover those no good bastards up here in this time and know they are here is because people is separate from God and God is using them here along with the government and this is not about those damn and ugly bastards here in this time pleasing themselves, this is about the word of God. And this is not about people pleasing themselves here either, this is about the word of God and his 

truth and it does not matter the kind of power the government think they have over the nations here for now; people will have to answer to God here sooner are later and power the government have is power God gives to them. And people take to much confidence in themselves thinking nothing can go wrong and is only talking about their plans and what they are going to do and do not know what God is 

telling them and what he is going to do here and how do a person know if they will be here to make plans and people sometimes misunderstand when they hear a person talking about the gospel, they think they are being rule are is better then a person. People is not listening to God and is being disrespectful and rude and do not know what he is telling them here in this time and is misunderstanding 

him and think he is just letting people live here on the earth and not one church here in this time were call by God because no one here in this time were told the truth because their ancestor's did not keep God commandments and how were the churches here in this time were call by God if no one here in this time were told the truth themselves and people should know every church here in this time is lying 

and were not call by God to preach the gospel, because they were not told the truth themselves and if they were not told the truth, how were those bastards call by God to preach and people think it is their choice how they choose to live here and have not receive instruction from God was because their forefathers have forsaken the law and have not kept God commandments and how can people here 

in this time have salvation if their forefathers forsaken the law and have not kept God commandments and now this explains why people are having so many problems here in this time and seeing evil here was because their forefathers forsaken the law when they were here and people in this time is making the same mistake their ancestor's made, they are forsaken his laws and is not listening to 

God here either and is being disrespectful and rude and will be punish for it because people is not living here in this world because it is their choice how they choose to live here, it is not a person choice how they choose to live here, the mistake come from was because their forefathers forsaken God laws and not because people just come here into this world because it was their choice to live here and the 

government and every church here in this time already know about this, because God is using them here and they misled the nations and made people think they are serving God here in this time and they were call by God to preach the gospel and people are living here in freedom, no one here is living in freedom because God have turned the nations over to their enemies was because their forefathers 

forsaken his laws and have not kept his commandments and they are making people here in this time think they are serving God and is living here in freedom because they want people to think they are save and is serving God here in this time because they want the whole nations condemn. And they are talking to people about building a promising future, how can they be talking to people about a 

promising future and when the gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestor's and God commandments and the future and prophecies based on actual events happening here in our time and the future and it was written in the prophecies God will be using the government here in the future in the book of Revelation to punish the nations and the government is planning to take them 

down here in the future people in this time and will declare war on the whole nations. And how can they be talking to people about a promising future here if God is going to punish the nations here in the future and a person just cannot become a priest themselves, they would have to be call by God and is ordained and the only way a person will know the truth unless they have read and study the bible and people have 

been living here on this earth long enough to know the nations is faced with a serious problem and it does not matter lies the government and church told people here in this time; people will have to answer to God and do not know how God thinks and think he will not deal with them here. 

Extended Post Original KingJamesBible

Every Church Here In This State World Wide Are The Devil's Offspring Sent From The Devil To Deceive Them Here In This Time And Thought They Were Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crime And Have The Whole World Condemn!!

They are not here to lead people to salvation, they are all sent from the devil to deceive people here in this time and they are lying to them and making them think they are leading them to salvation is because they think people do not know the truth about them, and what make the bastards think no one here in this time

doesn't know the truth, to their damn surprise some one do know the truth about them and will be broadcast in the whole world, and the world will know.

Galatians 1:8-9 But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed.

Every Church here in this time world wide are the devil's offspring sent from him to deceive people here in this time was because what happen here in the pass, people in the bible and from generation-to-generation disobeyed God and have not kept his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies unto this day and

people in this time is making the same deadly mistakes their ancestor's made and if they do not repent here in this time while they still have the time and return back to God, will cause them dearly. God tells a person in the bible to tried the spirit and how can they be servants of God and were call of God to preach here in this time not

obeying the scriptures and if they were doing God's will and were teaching people the truth, they would have told people the same thing God is telling a person in the bible. And how could people just let something like this happen and think what God is telling them in the bible is not important and people in this time do not

understand God ways and think they have him figure out and how he punishes a person, and people in this time have not receive instruction from God and think they have it all figure out and what they think and it is their decision and choice how they choose to live their life here and does not concerns God and it is not a

person place to put God to the test and think they can tempt him and every one here in this time can perish if they do not repent and people here in this time do not know how God thinks and what he is telling them in the scriptures and is acting if they can make decision for him and have it all figure out. And people will never

guess they are the devil's offspring sent from the devil to deceive them here in this time without the gospel and they are out there pretending they are doing the will of God teaching the truth and leading people to salvation and how can the bastards do God's will and lead people to salvation not telling people the truth and how can they

do God's will if they were not call of God to preach. The gospel is not a myth and we are not here alone and they are all nothing but damn paranoid and evil spirits in celestials and terrestrial bodies. Spirits in a terrestrial ghost body form can live in a human and is neither male are female with no organ and think they can give a

person pleasure and will use a person in their body to do unclean things and needs to have their stinky tails casted out.

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In The: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Part 1: It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Greatest Discoveries Of The Bible And Ancient Biblical Prophecies : It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!! (

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!! They Lied To The Whole World And Made People Think They Were Call Of God To Preach The Gospel And Is Telling People Something Different And Taking Away From The Scriptures And Made People Here In This Time Think What God Is Telling Them In The Bible Is Not True, Is Just Plain Damn Crazy And Is Mocking God And Is Taking Away From The Scriptures And Is Putting Them Selves Above God And Have Confused A Lot Of People And Have Cause People To Err And People Is Having The Same Problems Here In This Time Is Because They Are Rejecting The Gospel And What God Is Telling Them. And They Are Lying To People About Everything Here In This Time And Know Why This Plague Have Happen And Gas Prices And Inflation And Food Have Going Up Is Because The Great Tribulation Is Coming Here And If A Person Knew Where They Were Going In The After Life They Would Think Twice And People Have The Gospel Here In This Time To Tell Them What God Is Telling Them In The Bible And People Is Still Not Convince And Think They Can Put God To The Test And Is Tempting Him And No One Here In This Time Were Told The Truth About The Gospel Was Because Their Forefathers Rejected The Gospel And Have Not Kept God Commandments When They Was Here And God Turned Them Over To Their Enemies Unto This Day And More People Was Coming Here Into Generation And We Come Here After Those People In The Bible And People Here In This Time Were Already Separated From God And Was Not Told The Truth Was Because Of Their Ancestor's Disobedience And The Government And Every Church Here In This State Know People Is Separated From God And Was Not Told The Truth Is Because They Are Creatures Themselves In Celestial Bodies And Is Descendants Of This Evil Spirit Offspring Deceiving People Here In This Time And Made Them Think They Are Christians Call Of God To Preach The Gospel. And If A Person Want To Be Paranoid And Is Making Themselves Believe Lies Cannot Change The Scriptures And What God Is Telling Them And People Here In This Time Is Making The Same Mistake Their Ancestor's Made And Will Pay A Heavy Price And How Can The Church Be Telling People The Truth And They Are Lying About The Gospel And People Is In Danger Of Damnation And Have Unclean Spirits In Them And The Church Is Making People Here In This Time Think They Are Leading Them To Salvation And How Can The Bastards Be Leading People To Salvation Without The Truth And People Have Damn Unclean Spirits In Them Here Using Them To Murder And Commit Crimes And Violence, Is Just Plain Damn Evil And Insane And How Was The Church Call Of God Here In This Time To Preach The Gospel If People In That Time In The Bible And From Generation-to-Generation Broke God Commandments And Have Not Kept Them, How Was The Church Here In This Time Were Told The Truth Unless A Person Have Read And Study The Bible And If They Have Read And Study The Bible They Would Have Told People The Truth. | Prophecy | Before It's News (

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False Identity Nor Do They Have Illegal Rights To Do Marriages Are Baptism Are Deliverance And To Preach!!

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Part 1: A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Part 1: A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And | The Black Plague And Covid-19 And Ancient Biblical Discoveries | Flickr

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book (

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False Identity Nor Do They Have Illegal Rights To Do Marriages Are Baptism Are Deliverance And To Preach.'' People Is Not Living Here On This Planet Alone And Needs To Be Brought To The Public Attention'' People Is Living Here With Dangerous Spirits In Them Using Them Here In This Time To Murder And Commit Crimes And Violence And The Government And Church Is Not Warning And Saying Nothing About This To The Public In The Media And Radio And News Is Because They Are Creatures Themselves In Celestial Bodies And Is Descendants Of The Devil Offspring And People Is Doubting What God Is Telling Them In The Bible Is Because They Think It Is Their Choice, They Can Decide What God Is Telling Them In The Bible Based On Their Expectation And A Person Cannot Decide What God Is Talking About To Them In The Bible Based On Their Expectation And Change The Scriptures And The Most Important Thing A Person Can Do Right Now Is Find Out What He Is Talking About To Them In The Bible Searching The Scriptures And Get Word Out And Warn Their Friends And Families And Neighbors Because People Have A Big Problem That Must Be Paid Attention, God Is Calling On People Here In This Time To Repent And Put Away Their Evil And Wickedness Before He Unleashes His Wrath And Punishment On The Whole World Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation. And People Think It Is Their Choice They Can Decide What God Is Talking About To Them In The Bible Based On Their Expectation Will Come To Learn What God Is Telling Them In The Bible Is For Real Based On His Expectation And Think It Is Their Choice They Can Decide Based On Their Expectation What They Know About God, And Is Making A Bad Mistake Thinking God Is Just Letting People Live Here On This Earth And People In This Time Are Invoking Him And Is Causing Him Allowing This Evil You See Here In Our World. | Prophecy | Before It's News (

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