Friday, August 26, 2022

They Must Be Brought Before The Public And Put To Shame Before The Whole World!!

They do not want to be brought before the public and they are here in our community nation wide, and it will catch up with them thinking they can play nasty games on people and using God laws causing mankind to corrupt themselves for filthy pleasure.'' And thought they were being smart thinking they can cover up their crime and have the whole world condemn and no one doesn't know and 

have attempted murder and using false identity nor do they have illegal rights to do marriages are baptism are deliverance and to preach. They want people to think they are leading them to salvation but the damn fools do not have proof and cannot back themselves up they were telling people the truth and if they are the real deal and a priest call of God, they can prove that to the nations they are the real 

deal and a priest call of God, and they cannot prove to people they was telling them the truth with the false doctrine, because they know it does not come from God and have sinned and broken the law every single church here nation wide'' People in the bible broke God laws and were stone and put to death and if they are sinners themselves and have broken the law how can the blind lead the blind, both 

will fall into the ditch and every church here nation wide have broken the law. People is separated from God here in this time and were not told the truth because of their forefathers disobedience and God turned them over, people here in this time to their enemies and every church here world wide is misleading the nations and made them think they are save and is leading them to salvation and people is 

breaking God commandments and God is using the government here along with evil spirits to punish people here in this time and they are using it and is misleading the nations and the government think they can cover them up and hide their identity because they do not want people to know the truth and think they are for real and want people to think they are living here as a nation in freedom and they know what is about 

to happen here in the future when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and what the government is about to do here in the future is not a secret and is written in the prophecies in the book of Revelation to tell people here in this time what is about to go down here in the future and people is acting like if they are on a vacation and think life is a party and do not know what is about to happen here and the 

government is planning to attack the nations here and people will not be prepare for it when it comes and the government and every church here nation wide think they can keep it a secret and hide it from the public because they want the whole world condemn, and they have been misleading people and what happen here in the pass using false doctrine and did not tell them the truth about their ancestor's is because they 

want the whole nations condemned. How can something be so cruel and evil and think they can keep it a secret and hide their identity and people have already seen those ugly bastards here in this time appearing to them in orbs and can make themselves look like the dead are a ghost from the other side and they want people to think they are investigating UFOs and the dead are ghosts from the other side seen in movies 

and the media. And if people still have their doubts and do not believe what God is telling them, may God have mercy on their souls and a person without the law will perish and the hour will come and each person will give account and what they have done here on this earth and will reap what they soweth and those who will not live by the law, shall die by the law. 

They Are Your Damn Enemies Using God Laws For An Excuse To Justify Themselves Causing Mankind To Corrupt Themselves.''

They Are Your Damn Enemies Using God Laws For An Excuse To Justify Themselves Causing Mankind To Corrupt Themselves.'' : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Public Message Directly To Terrestrial And Celestial Entities Here In This Time And Know They Are Here Watching And Listening And Do Not Want The Public To Know They Are Here And Is For Real And Is The Main Ring Leaders Why The Nations Is Damn Corrupt Here Even Worse Is Because They Interfered With God's Purpose And Plans And Laws He Written For Mankind And Is Responsible Causing The Nations To Corrupt Them Selves Here Even Worse Lying To People About The Gospel!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

A Public Announcement'' Their Enemies Is Planning To Take Then Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Thought They Was Being Smart Thinking They Can Cover Up Their Crimes And Have The Whole World Condemn And No One Doesn't Know And Have Attempted Murder And Using False Identity Nor Do They Have Illegal Rights To Do Marriages Are Baptism Are Deliverance And To Preach!!

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