Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

They are here in the earth hiding in celestial bodies and humans and animals and objects and toys and stuff animals and dolls and people homes and abandoned buildings and cell phones and computers and can manipulate machines and cause malfunction and they can manipulate and cause changes in the atmosphere 

effecting weather pattern and they are a danger and a threat and is using the government of the United Nations and worldwide church leaders and Covid-19, to destroy the nations and in the book of Revelation they are planning to attack these whole nations here in the future and nations and people and tongues will die here 

and third part of this earth will burn with fire, the cause is uncertain and may have come from nuclear explosion and the bible does not say what was the cause and they are using false doctrine here in this time to cover up the truth and people do not know what they are doing here in this time because they don't know what 

happen here in the pass in the bible and a person would need to know what happen in the pass here first, for them to know what they are doing here in this time into the future, and they are using people and children here in this time to destroy themselves and murder people and people is not living here in this time because it 

is their choice, they can live here without God laws and think they are just living here because of those lying scumbags and they know what they are doing here and what's going down here in the future in the book of Revelation and think they can just take over this whole earth and control people and are just fronting in front the 

nations pretending, they don't know about this and when they do and think they can cover up the truth and hid it from the nations, and it is written in the bible telling a person what people did here in that time. And they cannot change the truth for a lie because it is written and you cannot change something for a lie, if it is the truth and 

lying can't help a thing and people in this time need to realize they mean them harm and are a danger and a threat and things will not be this way here for long, because is based on the bible, and why would a person make someone think they can mean them harm and put their soul and life in danger, would be no difference if someone 

was holding a gun to a person head, it is the same thing and why would a person make someone think they can control them and have power over their life and is the tail and not the head. And people in this time need to realize, evil spirits and people in this time and the government and worldwide church leaders are not what people 

think they are here, and they mean people harm and are being used by entities to destroy the nations, and this was the same thing they did to people here in that time and think they can do the same sh#t to people here in this time and think they can mess with people and their children here in this time and they are powerless and 

can do nothing no more than what people allow themselves, if they return back to God and why would a person make a devil think they can mess with them and their children and have power over them, if they know it is a lie and the only reason, they think they have control over the nations here is because what people is allowing 

themselves, but really, they don't have power, is because what people is allowing themselves and when they no longer allow them to have power over them and these nations, the bastards will be powerless and can go back to hell taking their kind with them and the only way they can be defeated is through God and people were 

not told the truth and is separated from God and do not have leaders in this time sent from God and a person cannot trust nothing they tell them here, even if it is their own family, they can mean a person harm and when someone means you harm, they will do just about anything and will even send you a bomb in the mail, 

to blow a person up, if they have too, are can have the person poison, are fake the person death to make it look like the person did it themselves and pretend they are your friend and they care about you, are have the person set up to make it look like they committed a crime. And a person cannot trust no one here, not even their 

family, are someone close to them are not, whether they may be a doctor are lawyer, are teacher, are anyone, because dangerous terrestrials are in people using them here in this time, because of lies they were told and there are a bunch of devils living here in this earth and God is going to destroy it here in the future and in the 

book of Revelation plagues will be loose here, and seals will be open, and trumpets will sound and crimes and violence and hate people are seeing here, are evil spirits at work using people and themselves, and people have to have their guard up at all times and protect themselves here at all causes because they are using virus 

bacterial and biochemical weapons and guns and porn and dangerous chemical drugs and alcohol and radiation from cell phones and computers and just everything they are using here in this time, can expose a person to radiation and radiation can lower a person resistance, creating free radical destroying DNA cells. 

And they think they can manipulate people minds, using the media and sh#t people see in the movies and Tv and game shows and music videos and vacations and the list just goes on and it is a shame, men and women and young people are allowing themselves to be distracted by it and cannot see, it is a trap, just to distract them 

and manipulate their minds to distract them and people are allowing themselves to be distracted by this sh#t they are using here and cannot see it is a trap and think life will continue on and they have everything they want here, and when it is a lie and will not be this way here for long, because the great tribulation is coming and 

crimes and violence people are seeing here in this time, think they are natural causes, and they know where this sh#t is coming from and why people and children are being murder here in cold blood and the whole nations are living here in sin, and have the damn nerve talking about people being arrested and punish and when 

it is themselves who needs arrested and punish for murder and kidnapping and scandal and extortion and rape and burglary and using false identity and fraud and murdering innocent children and lying about the truth and luring people and children into occult and encouraging people and children to practice witchcraft and 

blackmailing people because they speak the truth and whordom and adultery, and what they got to tell people and when they ain't sh#t themselves and have a damn mote in their own eye and think they can give the nations instruction, telling the nations what to do and ain't sh#t themselves and are a two-faced double minded 

hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and needs to be told what to do and punish and condemn, for this sh#t they have cause these whole nations here and think they can perpetrate and cover up their own guilt, and as far as the whole nations concern, the whole nations is guilty and have sinned, and the blind cannot lead the 

blind are they both will fall and how can they give the nations instruction and telling people what to do here and when they have guilt themselves and are a two-faced double minded hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and have sinned, and how can a double mind hypocrite sinners, can judge and condemn the world for 

their sins, and when they have sin knocking at their doors and guilt and have sinned against the whole nations and are responsible for causing the whole nations to sin even worse and not telling people they have nasty sh#t terrestrials living in their body, screwing the whole nations and the government is covering them up.

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials! : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials! – The Fate Of The Nations (

The Ugly F#ckers Have To Hid In A Body And Think No One Can Recognize Them And Their Ugly Identity, They Are Demons And Are A Danger And A Threat And Why Are They Perpetrating And Want People To Think This Is Not For Real And When It Is, If It Is Written In Bible Based On Ancient History And Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass!!#

People Are Being Misled By Demons And They Are A Danger And A Threat And Are Not Real Priests Leading Them To Salvation And Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Used By Entities To Destroy The Nations And People Have Not Receive Instruction From God And Have Been Deceive With False Doctrine!!

Worldwide Church Leaders And The Government Of The United Nations Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Use By Terrestrials Entities To Destroy The Nations And God Is In The Bible Risking Them Being Exposed And Is Handing Murderers On A Platter'' The Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Own Action Prove They Are Guity And Are A Fake Priest Perpetrating And Government Being Use By Entities To Destroy The Nations!!

A National State Of Emergency Demons Terrestrials Entities Personating The Government Of The United Nations And Are Descendants Of A Demon And His Offspring Covering Up A Scandal And Fraud And The Truth About UFOs And Aliens!!


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