Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Worldwide Church Leaders And The Government Of The United Nations Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Use By Terrestrials Entities To Destroy The Nations And Is God In The Bible Risking Them Being Exposed And Is Handing Murderers On A Platter'' The Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Own Action Prove They Are Guity And Are A Fake Priest Perpetrating And Government Being Use By Entities To Destroy The Nations!!

Demons' terrestrial entities personating using worldwide church leaders and the government of the United Nations to cover up the truth the original gospel is based on ancient history and prophecies people are bringing to pass and are a fake priest perpetrating and being use by entities to destroy the nations.

They want this to be about them and not about God laws and think they can cover up the truth based on the bible, and this was never about those corrupt bastards, and more people have to suffer and are living here in sin and is corrupting themselves and are being murder in cold blood are 

supposed to be an excuse for them because of a corrupt and possessed government abusing power and worldwide church leaders and who do they think this is supposed to be about, them are God laws and the whole world should have already figured them out by now and thinking they are the smart ones 

thinking they have the whole world fool and will get slap in the face and backfired on them and the only way they can fool a person, is someone who choose to be ignorant what God is telling them in the bible. And it is about time people realize they are not living here in this world because it is 

their choice, they can live here without God laws and can go to bed at night and get up in the morning and think they have nothing to worry about, people do have something to worry about because they are not living here because it is their choice, they can live here without God laws. And 

what they are doing to people here in this time and in the pass to their ancestors are supposed to be a secret and personal, crazy terrestrial's entities are sexually attacking the whole nations using people body to be intimate with to act sexual with themselves and other 

people, like if they are being intimate themselves and people are supposed to be aware of things like this and the whole nations is in a state of emergency, and people are being attack by crazy terrestrial's entities manipulating them to act sexual with themselves and other people and 

people in this time were not legally married because no worldwide church leaders here in this time were send from God and people are living together in relationships not married and crimes and violence are increasing here every single day because people are living here with unclean 

spirits in them possessing them and using them to destroy and people are breeding children by devils because of generation curses and crazy terrestrial's creatures think they can do whatever they want with people body if people is not here to sin, and the corrupt bastards 

are responsible for this whole nation living here in sin and want to put the blame on just people and not themselves when they are the ones is responsible and have power over the nations here and people minds are spiritually blind and cannot see what God is telling them and they are 

taking advantage of it and think they can use it for an excuse and people are living here in sin and violence and crimes is increasing here every single day and why is people still thinking it is their choice they can live here without God laws, if it is based on the bible, would indicate people cannot 

see what God is telling them and their minds are spiritually blind and do not know they are living here in sin and their life and soul are in danger and the government of the United Nations and worldwide church leaders are descendants of a beast and his offspring misleading the nations and is 

planning a major attack here in the future on the whole nations based on the book of Revelation and how sick can they be, terrestrial creatures personating the government and worldwide church leaders molesting the whole nations and what kind of church leaders molest 

children if they were sent from God and this is a cover up and terrestrial entities are using the government and worldwide church leaders for an excuse to destroy the nations and people will have to figure out sooner are later, they not living here because it is their choice, they can live 

here without God laws and the whole world should be tired of the bastards and had enough of them here and they know people minds are spiritually blind and think they can get away with this and needs to search them ugly selves, and asked themselves, why they are the way they are 

because they have an issue with themselves thinking they can use people to demonstrate their paranoid pycnotic behavior because they cannot get over themselves because of their evil and hate and have a mote in their own eye and is a perpetrator and hypocrite and are 

merciless cold bastards and think people are just supposed to sit here until they condemn the whole world, must be crazy, and people are the ones should be running this earth and not out of control pycnotic freaks who likes having their way with young boys and girls and they cannot tell people 

about sin and what they need to do, if they are a two-faced double minded hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and are a fake priest perpetrating and being use by entities to destroy the nations and they mean people harm and have put people life and soul in danger and is 

making money off people lying to them about the truth and people are supporting the bastards giving them money and the government of the United Nations are using Covid-19 virus to destroy the nations and this pandemic is far from over, because the virus was already out of control 

when it came here in 2020 and people were infected by this virus worldwide and the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming infected and millions and millions of may be infected with the virus not showing signs. And they just broadcast telling people in the media the 

pandemic is over and the virus are still being transmitted and people do not know the government and CDC mean them harm and this pandemic is far from over.

A National State Of Emergency Demons Terrestrials Entities Personating The Government Of The United Nations And Are Descendants Of A Demon And His Offspring Covering Up A Scandal And Fraud And The Truth About UFOs And Aliens!! 

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