Sunday, October 8, 2023

They Are An Abomination Curse Of The Devils Seed And People Are Bringing More Of Them Here Having Devils, Children With Curse Seed'' People Are Mating With Devils Having Cursed Children And The Whole Earth Is Being Infested With Devils And Celestials & Terrestrial Entities!!

Celestials and terrestrial's creatures are taking over the whole earth and are possessing people here and using them for puppets and slaves, and they are an abomination curse of the devil's seed and the whole earth is too busy screwing with each other and aliens they are too blind to notice what is happening here and not one person is describing this mess here and no person in their right mind will 

feel comfortable living here with entities aliens, is weird and seems strange to me and is this what life and being righteous is supposed to mean, the whole earth is fill with corruption and filth and creatures' liens using people to mate with and people being sexual with themselves and other people and them, and how can this kind of filth and corruption be permitted here on the earth like this, if there is 

supposed to be a righteous God in heaven. And is this what those unrighteous devils here think a person is not supposed to talk about this sh#t here and can see there is something wrong here and how can people supposed to know what direction they are supposed to go, if they are living here in sin and corruption, without Christian leaders and humans and aliens mating with each other and living here 

like if they have meaning and purpose are supposed to be an excuse and not only are those bastards being told about themselves here they are being insult along with it and how can a person is supposed to know what righteous is, if they are living corrupt and the whole earth is fill with corruption and violence and a person do not see is something wrong here, there are so many spirits here on the earth, 

using people and their body to mate with and possessing them here and what in the hell a person be doing having pleasure with creatures with no meaning are purpose and act like if a person is supposed to find them interesting are attractive and have nothing in common with people nor can they relate are care for people in the same way people do and there is nothing interesting about those filthy bastards 

and how in the world people sat here this long with them and what in the hell they think a person want with them and have nothing in common with people and the bastards needs to learn respect and discipline and what person in their right mind want to have pleasure with creatures and living here in sin with no meaning are purpose and have destroy themselves. And they want people to think they are 

having pleasure, and have the whole earth living here in sin, is no excuse for sh#t like that and how can people supposed to know what direction to go without Christian leaders and they act like if it is their decision which direction, they are supposed to lead people and how can something not in is right mind and crazy with no meaning know how to lead a nation and is this their plans for the whole nations 

here are supposed to be about war and violence and corruption and how can people serve a purpose if they do not have a mind of their own and being control by bad spirits using them to do bad things and do they have any idea the trouble they have cause these whole nations here because of their evil insane insecure behavior and madness and are declaring war on people for the hell of it.     

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