Friday, October 27, 2023

Government And World Leaders And Church Leaders And CIA'S And NSA'S And CDC Are A Gragg Queen With A Hidden Agenda And Bad Reputation And Dirty Secrets They Do Not Want People To Know About And Have Portrayed The Whole World, Just Like Judas Iscariot!!

And this is their fault because they should have been honest with the whole nations and told them the truth, because things have a way of catching up with a person are spirit and people deserve to know the truth and what will become of them here and the government and world leaders and church organizations are a two-face lying spirits and think they can hide the truth from people what happen 

here long time ago in the bible and people are producing offsprings of the devil's seed here in this time, having cursed children and they are an abomination and cursed of the devil's seed and people are in relationships with people cursed with the devil's seed pretending to be their husbands and wives and friends and neighbors and police officers and teachers and public figures and sons and 

daughters and church leaders and parents and uncles and aunts and doctors and lawyers here in this time, because people cannot recognize them because they look human, and they have a dirty secret and hidden agenda, they do not want people to know about and the government and world leaders and church organization are descendants of people cursed with the devil's seed and like it is said a person 

might think they are getting away with lying for a while, but sooner are later things have a way of catching up with a person and how a person learn about them is in the bible and what happen here long time ago, and people are living here with unclean spirits them in and will want to get them out right away, because the longer they stay in a person the more harm and damage they will do to a 

person and people have nothing in common with those loser's and are nothing alike and are a drag queen with a hidden agenda and dirty secrets, having a bad reputation and people and those devils are not here in this world to make up their own rules and laws and a nation and kingdom will not stand without laws and rules and were written to keep a nation from destroying itself and people cannot survive by 

man's law alone, without God's law and without rules and laws a nation and kingdom will destroy itself and the laws and rules is what will keep a nation together and a nation cannot exist without rules and laws and were put in place to keep a nation from destroying itself and it is a person responsibility and obligation and choice if they choose to follow them and if a person think they can live 

in a world without rules and laws will not survive and will perish and they cannot get mad and take their sh*t out on people and the nations here attacking them, because rules of law come from God and not man, and they know the whole nations are suffering and are being punish for their crimes here is because people are living here without God's law, and they think they can get away with murder because 

they think the power is theirs to control and think they can abuse it and they know people in this time were not told the truth and is not aware what happen here long time ago in the bible and they manipulated people believing they are Christians and were told the truth and they are descendants of this beast offspring, here to destroy the nations and why are they still manipulating people to believe 

their lies and know the whole nations are suffering and are dying and have portrayed the whole world, just like Judas Iscariot, world leaders and the government and church leaders are a trader and terrorist and will reap what sowed for lying and abusing of power and have broken all commandments and rights. People are not getting away with their crimes and murder and they are not 

getting away with theirs either, because vengeance belongeth to God and if no one is supposed to know the truth about them, then what purpose are people here for and people and those losers are nothing alike and have nothing in common and have a hidden agenda and dirty secrets with a bad reputation and have murdered people and children. And a devil does not like being correct and told their wrong and 

about their nasty sh*t and have brought upon themselves and the rest of their kind being talked about, and their filthy reputation and they are phenetics insane creatures with a one-track delusional mind and think they are very intelligence and have a hidden agenda and do not like being told about their paranoid mind and their dirty laundry is being taken to the streets to be talk about their paranoide and 

dirty secrets and they have a real bad nasty habit making people give into them and want people to think just like them, a jive loser with a one-track delusional mind and they cannot play dumb and pretend they do not know what a person is talking about and have a one-track delusional mind and think they are intelligent, and the whole world will get the chance to see just how smart and intelligent they really 

are with their one-track delusional mind and they have very repulsive behavior and do not like being told they are crazy and think their nasty sh*t they are doing behind closed doors is a secret and personal and think they can tell people their wrong and need to be arrested and punished and are crazy and have a mote and beam in their own eyes at the same time and want no one to tell them their wrong. And how 

can they tell people they are crazy and need to be punish and arrested and cannot blame them if they are crazy, it is because they have dangerous paranoid creatures in them with a one-track delusional mind manipulating people to think and act just like themselves, a jive loser with insecure problems and do not like being told their wrong and their hidden agenda and dirty secrets and bad reputation and how 

can they be intelligent and smart and likes molesting little children and men and women and if they are supposed to be so intelligent and smart, then why are they molesting kids and what kind of monster would do sh*t like that if they were intelligent and smart and raping men, women and children 

being intimate with people and have no life are meaning and not a damn thing in common and are nothing alike and are a pervert and likes watching boys and girls and women and children.            


World Leaders Lost Their Power And Their Kingdom And Entire Filthy Army Went Down And Dropped Dead!! Because It Has Been Written''

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