Friday, November 3, 2023

World Leaders And The Government Do Not Want People To Find Out The Real Dirt And The Truth About Them And Is Paying And Funding Private Organizations And Terrorist Groups To Have People Murder And Rape And Kill And Sacrifice To Devils And To Attack The Nations With Hunger And Starvation And Diseases And War And Death!!

They look human and they are not what people think they are here, and spirits are using their body, pretending they are world leaders and the government and public figures, and they are all working together involve in supporting terrorist groups and organizations to destroy the nations and are merciless pure breeds of the devil's offspring being use by the devil to attack the nations and are using 

them for their handy man, not to get their hands dirty and how can they think it is for them to decide and their decision if they want people to know the truth, if what was written is 

supposed to be the truth according to the gospel and if what was written in the bible itself is supposed to be the truth according to the gospel, then how can they think they can get away with their lies. And how could a person have known about this if what was written is supposed to be the truth and a person could not have known nothing about this on their own, if what was written according to the gospel is 

supposed to be the truth and what was the gospel written for, if it was not for a person to know. And world leaders and the government know this is not made up about them and is the truth, because they know if this was made up about them was not the truth, they would have already come for the person are people long time ago to stop them and how can the same thing be happening here if what was 

written according to the gospel was not the truth, and they are using false doctrine and fake bibles and king James versions, to keep people from fining out the truth and the fake and real version does not speak the same truth and a person reading the fake version will think it is the real gospel. And they are using false doctrine and fake prophets here in this time to make it look like they are talking about the 

same thing happening here and is coming to pass, and they are devils working fake miracles using their powers to deceive people into thinking it is the truth and they use their powers working fake miracles making a person thinking they are heal and can make fire come down from heaven and using fake prophets and false doctrine to predict when an event will occur are happened to deceive a person 

into thinking it is the truth and want the person to believe the false doctrine is the real gospel, and they have been manipulating people here for a long time with their lies and the church is one of their biggest organizations the government is paying them money to lie too people. The fake and real gospel does not speak the same truth and what is happening here in this time and coming to pass and what 

happen here long time ago in the pass, and world leaders and the government and church organizations know this is not made up about them and is the truth, because they know if this was not the truth about them, they would have already come for the person are people long time ago to stop them and they are merciless pure breeds of the devils offspring being use by the devil to destroy the nations 

and they look human, and they are not what people think they are here, and spirits are using their body pretending they are world leaders and the government and church organizations and law enforcements and medical providers and doctors and care takers and husbands and wives and sons and daughters and friends and neighbors and many more things they are pretending to be, and they have 

been living here and working in communities' nations to nations worldwide for a long time and people are in relationships with them here having cursed children and the false doctrine does not tell people the truth what happen here long time ago in the pass and the real gospel is telling a person what happen here in the pass long time ago and people in that time in the bible had the same problems people 

are having here in this time and were possessed with devils and was cursed with plagues and diseases and people are having the same problems here in this time, people are possessed with unclean spirits and are being cursed with plagues and sickness and diseases is because they are living here without God's law and people in that time in the bible was living here without God's law and their enemies use them 

for slaves and other things and people were used to sacrifice to devils and were beaten and rape and murder and hang and what is happening here in this time is not natural and people and families from all around the world are battling with evil causing them their jobs and home and families and life because of this evil here in our world, and what is the meaning of life without a purpose. 

The Government Have Gone Out Of Control And Are Abusing Power And War On The Nations, Classified Info And Government Secrets And Private Organizations Do Not Want People To Learn About This Hidden Knowlege And Their Big Black Secrets And Government Terrorist Attacks And UFOs Cover Ups And People Are In A Delusion In Their Mind Being Manipulated And Control By Entities Keeping Them From Seeing The Truth And Using People Manipulating Their Bodies Being Intimate And Committing Crimes And Violence'' Then How Can The Gospel Be The Truth If People Are Not Supposed To Learn About This And Supposed To Be A Secret!!

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