Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Public Do Not Know The Government Took Advantage Of Them And Do Not Want People To Know And Think Nothing Is Wrong And Will Tried To Make This Look In Front Of People What A Person Is Saying About Them, They Are Lies And Know People Will Not Pay This No Mine And People Will Think What They Are Hearing And Seeing Is Nothing Wrong And It Is Nothing Interesting To Them, Because They Do Not Know This Is Real!!

The government and church pastor's and leaders from all around the world are a coward and bastard and dumb jack a*s thinking they can keep this a secret and the whole world are in terribly danger!!!  

The government and world leaders and church pastor's and leaders from all around the world took advantage of the whole world and misleading people with false information, making people think they have been told the truth and people are believing lies for the truth and church pastor's and leaders and the government are just wasting people time with lies and false doctrine pretending they are talking 

about God and people don't know they are in a delusional mind and are being manipulated and was taken advantage of by church pastor's and leaders from all around the world and the government, and people are believing what they are thinking in their mind not realizing they are in a delusional mind and were manipulated into believing to think they were told the truth by church pastor's and leaders 

from all around the world, and people do not know the government and church pastor's and leaders took advantage of them and have put this entire world in danger and people don't know what was written in the book of Revelation are based on prophecies people in this time are bringing are to pass and this is why the whole world is corrupt is because people were never told the truth here in this time and were 

misled by church pastor's and leaders from all around the world with false doctrine and they took advantage of people here in this time is because people don't know nothing about them and what God is telling them in the bible and what make them think no one doesn't know nothing about them and the real gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestor's history and future 

descendants and the commandments of God and they have nothing to prove to people and the public, they were not lying, is because they know they were lying and think people don't know nothing about them and what happened here in that time in the bible according to the real gospel and they are not real church pastor's and leaders here in this time and God did not send them and they are descendants of 

a corrupt bloodline was because when God put enmity between Eve seed and the devil's seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 and 3, because of Eve and Adam disobedience and they are descendants of an evil spirit sent to destroy the nations and they are being used by the devil pretending they are talking about God, and they are not who people think they are here and they know if 

this was not the truth about them, they will defend themselves, just like if a person knows if something was not the truth about them, they will defend themselves and if they were to be confronted, they could do nothing about it to defend themselves because they know they are lying, and the real gospel does exist, and people have been deceived with false doctrine and they are wasting people time 

with false doctrine and will do them no good because people have no salvation and were never told the truth and they are out there deceiving people lying pretending they are talking about God. And these whole nations will go at war here in the future to battle in the book of Revelation and the whole world is busy being distracted, people do not have the time and want nothing to with the truth not 

realizing when the time comes, money and friends and family and materials and a person's job and house and cars will do the person no good, because these whole nations will go at battle here in the future in the book of Revelation and the whole nations are at war here now with descendants of an evil spirit and they are out there working hard to deceive people tempting them with lust and nudy you 

see in the media, showing people their body and tempting people with money and drugs and life simple pleasure and leisure and vacations and free gifts and tv game shows and beer and lottery and video games and people are allowing themselves to be tempted by the devil because of material things and no person will carry their belongs with them on the other side, when they leave from this earth 

some day and if people were told the truth they would not fall for the devil's temptation and the whole world would not be corrupt and if a person was smart will know having the world will do them no good because the person is already dead and have lost out and it does not matter what they say and tell people here in this time because they are descendants of an evil spirit, they know God is the head of 

these whole nations and people think when they hear someone talk about the gospel they want nothing to do with hearing what a person is telling them and think the person is just talking crazy and it is something they have already heard and know, and people would not be on social media playing games and making videos, if they knew the truth and people sometimes think they do not have to listen, 

is because what they have never experience in their life and what you don't know can hurt you and rather than you hear people talking about God, they are on social media talking about their personal things and playing games and talking about their boy and girl friends and their jobs and homes and cars and money and shouldn't the whole world be preparing for battle, then playing video games and people 

sometimes think what they are hearing and seeing it is nothing interesting to them and the government will be turning on these whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and they have already turned on these whole nations and took advantage of people and the whole world is facing the same problems, and no one here is alone, and people do not know they are facing the same problem 

and if people knew they were facing the same problems they would act on it and this problem involves the whole world and is not just one person problem and this is not a problem a person can think is not interesting to them, because a person do not have a choice because it will not change anything what is happening here and coming to pass and the government and church pastor's and leaders from all 

around the world cannot act like if they are surprised what a person is saying about them, because they know it is the truth and think they can keep secrets from the public and are the ones who screwed up and think their lying tongue can change what was written from coming to pass here and God are just supposed to punish people but not them and needs slapping in their damn lying mouth and is just 

wasting the public damn time and know they cannot prove to people they were not lying because they know the real gospel does exist and is just stupid trying to make people think something is not real when it is and have the damn nerve, like they have the right to get mad with a person because they are damn lairs and attacking people like if they have something to prove and if a person know they are 

lying, they are lying and just because those bastards are lairs, they want people to condemn themselves and think people is stupid and supposed to believe that trash because what they say and what in the hell do they think people came here into the world for, if they can keep secrets and if a person thinks this problem does not concern them and is not their problem but somebody else's, needs to think 

twice and if a person know they are being told something this serious are supposed to act on it and this is not just any problem a person can run from, no matter how paranoid a person may be and if a person is still thinking this problem does not concern them and think they still have a choice, needs to think again, because people do not seem to get it, this whole world is in deep sh*t, and no matter even if a 

person think this problem does not concern them, because no person does not know when God will make his move and punish the hell out of these whole nations and a person can be sleeping in bed are playing video games on social media and people would not be on social media playing video games and making videos if they knew how serious this was and evil spirits are on social media's 

impersonating people pretending to be their friends and the person may think they are talking to friendly people and what will the world think of them here and if they think a person have no right to disrespect them, why did they disrespect the world and think they deserve the nations respect and just how long did they think they could keep this a secret and no one would have found out about it and 

secrets always come out for nothing is hidden and I never seen so much evil and hate and their evil stinks and sickens a person and they want people to believe in a lying rotten government and fake church pastors and leaders from hell and how can people are supposed to believe the truth, if they are supposed to believe lies and now is the time a person should be thinking about their soul and where 

they are going in the afterlife because no one is here to stay in this world and so many people already have left this earth with no salvation because they didn't know and were never told the truth.

The Whole World Is Not Prepared What Is Coming, They Are Coming And The Whole World Is Not Prepared!

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