Monday, February 26, 2024

Descendants Of A Serpent Seed Was Written About People In This Time Based On Ancient Prophecies'' The Government Exclusive Details And Hidden Secrets How They Will Destroy Humanity Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation Written About People Here In This Time Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass.

Descendants of a serpent seed, sent from the devil here to destroy the nations was written based on ancient prophecies and the book of Revelation and this post was written to bring to the public awareness and what did people come here for if they are here to condemn the whole world, or is this a joke they are out there right now nationwide joking pretending they are leading the nations to salvation 

and to preach the gospel and what are people here for if they are not here to sin, and don't know the bastards are here to condemn their soul and the whole 

world, because they have this miscommunication and misunderstanding and still don't know what God is telling them in the bible for decades and church pastors and leaders are out there joking about who they are and from the time people have been living here for a long time and they are still joking about it pretending they are here to preach the gospel, because if the bastards are here to condemn the whole 

world what the hell are people here for and how can people are supposed to know they are living here in sin and is breaking God commandments if people are not supposed to know and are being lied too and why would a person continue to still live in sin, if their life and soul were in danger of damnation and those bit*hs sin and corruption and sh*t, are no different from people sin and guilt and 

how can the blind lead the blind if those bastards are corrupt too and a person have the right to be upset and furious and people have the right to know if their life and soul are in danger and people have the right to know they are being lied to and what are people here for if they are not supposed to know and are being lied to by church pastors and leaders and if people are not supposed to know, how can 

they be accuse and punish and what make them think they have the right to judge and condemn the whole world if they are damn guilty themselves and are hypocrites and they are guilty themselves and have a mote and beam in their own eyes and think they have the right to judge and condemn the whole world and how can they judge and condemn the world if church pastors and leaders are damn 

blind themselves and are descendants of a serpent seed and offspring and if they are here to condemn the whole world, then what the hell are they pretending they are here to lead the nations to salvation and preach the gospel and if they can say they have no sin and guilt, people have no sin and guilt either because how can a double minded hypocrite devil lead another devil if they both are in sin 

and have guilt and if people are not supposed to know and are being lied to, why are they still deceiving the nations for pretending they are here to lead people to salvation and preach the gospel and think they can take risks and joke about it playing with people life and soul pretending they are here to lead the nations to salvation and preach the gospel, is a damn fool and stupid and not only they think 

they can take risks and joke about it playing around with people souls and life and because of their paranoid act, they have put these entire nations in danger and people are being attack by spirits, while others don't know they have spirits in them and are being attack and they are blaspheming God name in vain and is using it for a joke, like if he is a joke himself and this kind of bad behavior needs 

correction and hard disciple. And people are being misled by demons and not real pastors and leaders, they are descendants of a serpent seed being used by the devil to destroy the nations and they originated from here centuries ago in the bible and from generation-to-generation and breed with humans to produce more offsprings and people in the bible were cursed by God here centuries ago because of 

their disobedience and people in that time in the bible and from generation-to-generation involved themselves with them and born children cursed with the serpent seed and they know people in this time do not know nothing about them and what happened here centuries ago in the bible and from generation to-generation and people are involving themselves with them here in this time and are having 

children by them just like their ancestors did here in that time and from generation-to-generation and they must be crazy and think people will except this sh*t, and cause them their soul and a person have every right to be concern about their life and soul and take action if someone is misleading them and put their life and soul in danger and church pastors and leaders know people are in a delusional mind 

being manipulated and control by evil spirits and they think this sh*t is supposed to be kept confidential and no one is supposed to know they are here to condemn the whole world and how stupid can they be thinking they can take a big risk pretending they are leading the nations to salvation and preach the gospel if they know the real gospel does exist and what will they think people will do if they 

found out about this and how can they judge and condemn these entire nations based on their opinion and corrupt thinking and think people are not supposed to know and are being lied to, then what the hell are people here for if they are not supposed to know, would mean everything is a joke and people are being judge and punish, just without cause and how can double minded church pastors and 

hypocrites pretend they are talking to people about sin and when they have sin and guilt themselves and a hypocrite and needs to check themselves and take responsibility for their action and sins and guilt and how can the blind lead the blind and how can a devil lead another devil both will fall into the ditch and a whole congregation of rotten apples and devils spoiling the bunch cannot tell another devil about 

sin, if they have a mote in their own eyes and do not practice what they preach and need to be persecuted and put in prison for their evil and thinking they can take a big risk playing with people life and soul and people do not know nothing about them, and what is in the dark shall come out into the light and if double minded church pastors and leaders can fake talk to people about sin in the church, 

then why are they pretending they are leading these whole nations to salvation and have put these whole nations in danger and manipulated people believing they are Christians and people in this time was not born again in Christ and is separated from God and they are living here in sin with unclean spirits in them and have put people life and soul in danger and people are being attack and possessed by spirits 

here in this time and young people are being destroy over drugs and gun violence and crimes and hate, and do church pastors and leaders have any idea the pain and heart ache they have cause families and these whole nations and why are they manipulating people believing they are real church pastors and leaders and lying about their identity and taking a big risk playing with people life and soul, and they 

are responsible causing these whole nations to corrupt themselves and if double minded church pastors and leaders can talk about sin, then what the hell they call this sh*t, and needs to take responsibility for their action and deserve to be persecuted and punish for their evil and I think it is about time people paid attention, because this kind of behavior should not be tolerated and needs serious correction 

and disciple, because people are suffering and dying and being murdered in cold blood and destroy and possessed by evil spirits and leaving the world without salvation, because of their insane paranoid act and speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron and because they have a delusional one-track mind, they think they can take a big risk, like if what God is talking about in the 

bible is a joke and play around with people life and soul and they are spoil and corrupt seed who could use correction and disciple and deserve to be persecuted and punish for their evil and have a double mind and living a double life and do not practice what they preach and how can they judge the world and talk about sin, then why are they controlling and manipulating people believing what they want 

people to believe based on their opinion and corrupt mind and know people are living here in sin and is separated from God and think they can manipulate people because they have no control of their own mind and body and if people have no control of their own mind, what are people here for then if they are not here to sin and how can people supposed to know they are living here in sin and is breaking God 

commandments and this is why the whole world is out of control, is because spirits are controlling this world and corruption, and violence and hate is growing out of control every single day and is this supposed to be about people are corrupt spirits and the whole world is filled with corruption and hate and being control by corrupt and violent bad spirits having no control and are violent with hate 

and how can people be here to serve God and not living in sin, if people are being control by evil and corrupt spirits and what are people here for if they are control by corrupt spirits and the whole world is out of control is because those bastard's are out of control and violent and the whole world is heading straight down for the rabbit hole because of corrupt spirits and the crazy a*s things is being 

talked about and think they can attack people here when they want and think they can intimidate a person to fear them to drive the person insane and crazy just like themselves is because they are crazy and needs to carry their crazy a*s back on the other side in hell and a person should be tired of 

their crazy sh*t here and had enough putting up with their fake a*s pretending they are talking to people in the media and public speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.


The Government And Congress And House Republicans And Democrats Are Hiding Private And Confidential Classified Info Involving The Whole Public And Their Coworkers And Friends, They Do Not Want The Public To Know''

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