Sunday, April 7, 2024

They Are Not From This World They Are Descendants Of The Devil Seed And Fake Church Pastors And Leaders, Here To Destroy The Nations And Manipulate The World Deceiving Them

And the leaders of these whole nations are a punk a*s coward perpetrating and have caused these whole nations to err and those they are led by them is destroyed and they were lying all the time pretending they are talking to people about the news and what is happening in the world and dangerous and violence spirits are on the 

loose and belongs in a cage and are living here in people, using people to murder and steal and tell lies and causing violence and the government is covering them up and is lying to the public about extraterrestrial and UFOs and paranormal ghost investigations and they manipulated the whole world believing lies and the whole 

world is in a delusion being manipulated and tempted and seduce by unclean spirits and do not 

know the government of the United Nations is attacking them here and is preparing for war to attack these whole nations here in the future based on the book of Revelation and the whole nations is under attack and is not prepared what is coming, they are coming and the whole world is not prepared, and people do not 

know they are being lied too by church pastors and world leaders pretending they are Christians and the government and is hiding from them are based on the bible and what is happening here in this time is based on the bible people in this time are bringing to pass, God is communicating with people through his words and signs 

here in the earth and people are not listening, and people in the bible was destroyed and became corrupted because of evil spirits and people are having the same problems here in this time and are corrupting themselves because of this evil here in our world and people do not know they are being tempted and seduce and lied 

too by church pastors and the government and God have sent these whole nations a strong delusion and is going to allow the government of our United Nations to make war with these whole nations here in the future based on the book of Revelation. For more info, please visit my post web links for more details and live podcast,

The whole nations do not know they are being tested and tempted and seduce by unclean spirits and don't know the government of the United Nations are planning to attack them and the whole nations here in the future based on the book of Revelation, the devil tested Eve in the garden of Eden tempting her and people are 

being tempted and seduce and lied too by evil spirits and are in a delusional mind, and they know the whole nations is not aware and are in a delusion in their mind and they are playing games with the whole nations and people are being killed and destroyed because they are in a delusion in their mind and don't know they are a 

candidate and being tempted and they thought they could keep this a secret, are based on ancient bible prophecies written about the pass, present and future and the commandments of God, and what the government is doing here in this time right now behind the public's back are based on real bible prophecies and right now 

they are preparing for war here in the future based on the book of Revelation and people are living here with creatures in them and the government is covering it up and telling the public lies about UFOs and ghost investigation and think they can cover up what was written in the bible and people are living here with creatures and 

they can live inside and outside a human body and many of them are living here in celestial bodies, in relationships with people and people cannot recognize them because they are living here in celestial bodies here in this time in relationships with people pretending to be the person's husband are wife are son are daughter are 

a person best friend are anyone and they do not have meaning and do not care for people and they are there in the person life to manipulate the person deceiving them and the government do not want the public to be warn what they are doing here in this time behind the public's back, is a secret, Stay tuned for the next 

podcast and straight talk and news from around the world and learn about the real dirt what the government and world leaders and private organizations are doing here in this time behind the public's back based on the bible, check your schedule, and why are world leaders and the government attacking the nations and is 

supporting and funding private organizations and terrorist to attack the nations with war, hunger, starvation and diseases and guns and drugs and violence and keeping it a secret from the public if the bible is the truth and what do they think this is about, and this makes it the public's business, because this is about people 

here, they are attacking and are having them murdered in cold blood, and young boys and girls are being raped and murdered and sold into sex trafficking and why are world leaders and the government is a being coward and perpetrating, if they know the bible is telling the truth, and who do they think this is about, them are 

God, and think they can get away with their dirt, and people were misled in this time by their church pastors and world leaders and people were misled by demons and not real church leaders and how can they protect and serve our nations and country being dishonest with themselves and have put the lives of these whole 

nations in danger, putting people in danger causing Covid-19 to be out of control, and they have endangered the lives of these whole nations putting people in danger to come under attack by evil spirits, and if they cannot tell the truth someone else will do it for them, and this is not about politics and fame and power, this is about 

the truth and mankind's soul and how can the bible be the truth, if they think they can keep secrets and people deserve respect and justice and how can the bible be the truth if they can get away with murder, and how can world leaders protect and serve our nations and country if they are a hypocrite and double minded and their 

conscious seared with hot iron and one rotten apple can spoil a bunch and the leaders of these whole nations have cause these whole nations to err and those they are led by them is destroyed and what is the difference between their sins and the nations and is just as corrupted as the nations are and think they can judge and take 

the beam out the nation's eyes and have a mote and beam in their own eyes and are lying and dishonest scumbags and a devil cannot judge and tell another devil their sin, if they have devils and the blind cannot lead the blind or both will fall into the ditch, and if the bible were not the truth, then how would a person know what they 

are doing here in this time and the future and the pass and they do not want the nations warn, because they do not want the nations to know they have sin and are double minded and are spoil and rotten and because they think they have temporary power over these nations, they think they can get away with murder and 

how can they protect and serve our nations and run for office, if they cannot be honest with themselves and what they are doing here in this time is based on real bible prophecies and what is coming to pass here in the future based on the book of Revelation, the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and 

possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues, The whole earth will experience catastrophes what is coming here in the future, 7 Sears will be open and trumpets 

will sound and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood and bitter and men will die from bitter water, The government do not want the nations to know the truth and think they can hide what was written based on the bible, and how do world leaders and 

the government and church leaders feel about themselves knowing they are murderers and whoremongers and have killed innocent men and women and children, People are living here with creatures in them, and the government is covering it up and telling the public lies about UFOs and ghost investigation and 

think they can cover up what was written in the bible, and people are living here with creatures, and they can live inside and outside of a human body and many of them are living here in celestial bodies here in this time in relationships with people, and people cannot recognize them because they are living here in celestial 

bodies here in this time in relationships with people pretending to be the person husband are wife are son are daughter are a person's best friend are anyone, and they do not have meaning and do not care for people, and they are there in the person life to manipulate the person deceiving them, and they are not from this 

world, they are descendants, seed of the devil, here to destroy the nations and manipulate the world deceiving them, People were not told the truth here in this time with the real gospel and are separated from God, and God have sent these whole nations a strong delusion and people are being manipulate by evil spirits 

here, is because people are in a delusion in their mind and do not have meaning, and the whole world is living here without meaning being manipulate by evil spirits, the government and world leaders and church pastors and leaders are descendants, seed of the devil, here to destroy the nations, the whole world is in a delusion and 

are being manipulate by spirits, was because of their forefather's disobedience forsaking God's law and God is punishing the nations, and the only people who are no longer in a delusion, is a person who have read the real gospel and is a believer in Christ, an evil spirit have no life are meaning in them and have nothing in 

common with people and they will infiltrate a person mind and dreams and body manipulating the person until the person is destroyed, and this is how the devil deceived the whole world and is deceiving the world, is because the whole world is living here without meaning and are in a delusion in their mind, and people do not 

know they are in a delusion and are believing what they are thinking in their mind is real, the government is attacking the nations and are funding private sources to have the whole nations, attacked with war and hunger and starvation and diseases and murdered, is because people are in a delusion and cannot discern what is 

happening here in this time, the government is planning to attack these whole nations here in the future behind people back when this prophecy comes to pass, is because they know people in this time do not have the discernment of spirit, Tonight's program is based on ancient prophecies written about the pass, present 

and future, people are bringing to pass and the commandments of God, and they are no secret, and they are written in the bible and people have seen them here appearing in orbs and can manifest themselves, pretending they are a person deceased family member and can manifest themselves into a ghost are the dead to 

deceive a person, and they can live and hide themselves in objects and animals and stuff animals and toys and they can manipulate machines and can travel through walls and floors and computers and phones, and many more things and they can be transferred from person to person, and they will manipulate their victims into 

believing lies and they want control of a person mind and body, and they are very dangerous and violent spirits and can kill are possessed a person, and they are manipulating people here in this time believing they are investigating haunted houses and places are a person's home are business, they know people cannot 

discern them here and do not know nothing about them and are in a delusion in their mind and do not know the difference, and do not be deceive by looks because they can make themselves look and can manifest themselves into different characters and creatures, they are very dangerous and violent creatures, and they 

want your soul in hell, and they know the bible was written about people here in this time based on prophecies they are bringing to pass, and they know people are not here to stay in this world and the whole world is coming to an end and they want control of a person life and want the person to be just like them, a loser with 

no meaning and will attack a person in their mind and body and dreams to force and make a person do what they want, the whole earth is being invaded and control and manipulated by dangerous and violent spirits, and they are hiding this from the public and no one is supposed to know about this and are supposed to be kept a 

secret while the whole world is supposed to just sit here and wait until those damn fools attack these whole nations and want to keep secrets from the public and ain't, sh*t themselves. The program you are hearing tonight are based on real bible prophecies people are bringing to pass and what the government is doing here in 

this time are based on real bible prophecies. Check out, watchmen11's live stream preview tonight at 4:00 am April 8 and check your schedule for tonight programing April 8 at 4:00 am, look forward seeing you there. Tonight program are based on the bible written about people in this time and their ancestors and 

future descendants and God commandments, you are watching a seek preview, based on the book of Revelation the whole world is not prepared what is coming, they are coming and the whole world is not prepared, the live program tonight is to bring to the public awareness what is happening here in this time is based on the 

bible, people in this time are bringing to pass, people sometimes have to let things sink in and think about how important life is and what God is telling a person in the bible and people did not come into this world to live here without meaning are purpose and do not know and cannot recognize the whole world is having the same 

problems and is living here without meaning are purpose and a person cannot serve a purpose without meaning.

The Podcast Daily, Straight Talk And News From Around The World Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation People In This Time Are Bringing To Pass And The Commandments Of God. The Podcast Was Recorded Are Based On Years Of Researching And Studying Ancient Knowledge Are Based On Real

Descendants Of Demons And Ancient Aliens'' Government Secret X Files 

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