Sunday, March 17, 2024

Descendants Of Demons And Ancient Aliens'' Government Secret X Files Extraterrestrial!!

Come Check Out The Latest News Podcast From Around The World Based On Bible Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation People Are Bringing To Pass, The Podcast Was Recorded Based On Bible Prophecies Written About People They Are Bringing To Pass, From Around The World,,

What the government is doing behind your back and are hiding from the public and they know God have sent these whole nations a strong delusion and people are in a delusion in their mind and were cursed with the knowledge of good and evil because of their ancestors' disobedience and do not know they are being tempted and seduce by evil spirits, here in this time on social media pretending, they are 

priests and Christians and world leaders and neighbors and law enforcement and family and friends and pets and animals and many more, for more details please check out web links.   

Find out what the government and world leaders and church organization are hiding from the public written about people in this time and their ancestors' and the future and the commandments of God and what the hell people are here for if they think they can get away with lying to the public and get away with their corruption and filthy lies, how can there be a righteous God and lying to the whole 

public, like if it is some fu*king game, people are not supposed to know the truth and what purpose they are here for and are living here in sin and they have been lying to people and the public for a long time about the truth and what is the difference between their corrupt sh*t and people, evil is evil, and sin is sin and corruption is corruption and a devil are beast cannot tell another devil about their sin and 

corruption, if they have sin at their doorsteps and a double minded hypocrite and lairs and bull sh*t and think this sh*t is funny having the whole world going around in circles with lies, causing people to corrupt themselves and who do those twisted and delusional hypocrites think they are, because they are thinking in their twisted mind, they can play with people life and soul and the nations 

and have put these whole nations in danger coming under more attacks and possessed by evil spirits and violence and how can those filthy things think their nasty sh*t is supposed to be better than people when it is all the same, sin is sin and why do they think God does not mind and likes this nasty sh*t they are doing here in this time, if he is punishing people and think they will get away with their filthy 

murder and lust and thief and stealing and whoredom and adultery and have committed unlawful acts of crimes against people on this earth and think their evil is going unpunished and think they can tempt God with their lust and filth and having people doing nasty sh*t with their bodies and evil spirits are manipulating people in their body causing people to sleep around with other people and themselves 

and no one in this time were legally married because no real church pastors are here in this time to lead people to salvation because of what their ancestors did here during their time when they were here, people pretty much did the same thing they are doing here in this time and wanted nothing to do with God laws and left from the commandments of God and served false gods and worshipped to evil 

spirits and people in this time are being tempted by seducing spirits and doctrine of devils and people do not know they are in a delusion in their mind and God have sent these whole nation a strong delusion because people in this time were not told the truth with the real gospel and this is why the whole world is seeing evil here is because no one here in this time were told the truth, but were deceive with 

false doctrine and demons pretending they are priests and people still do not know what God is telling them in the real gospel and have not read what was written and people are in a delusion in their mind and do not know the real gospel were written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God, they are bringing to pass and because people are in a delusion in their mind 

they do not know they are being tempted and seduce by evil spirits pretending they are their friends and wives and husbands and church pastors and leaders and government here in this time and people are in a delusion and do not know the difference and think what they are seeing here is real to them and because people are in a delusion in their mind, they do not know the difference they are being tempted 

and seduce by unclean spirits pretending they are their friends on social media and neighbors and caretakers and law enforcements and doctors and husbands and wives and coworkers and pets and animals and church pastors and world leaders are descendants of demons, and they have to remember they are the ones lying to the nations and why don't they just come out and tell the truth and 

think no one doesn't seem to notice their lust and filth and corruption and are real nasty mother fu*kers, and it would be a damn shame and embarrassing if this was where people come from, demons and why are they perpetrating pretending the whole world is just living a normal life, if people is not here to sin and it must be something wrong and they seem to have forgotten something, they are 

corrupted and lusting spirits with a mote in their eye and a lying hypocrite and it is a damn shame people have been living here this long in sin with corrupt spirits and they think no one doesn't seem to notice they are sleazy and filthy corrupt spirits wearing a fake identity and want to play the blame game on people pretending they are just the ones guilty and is corrupt and their nasty sh*t is innocence and 

think they can justify themselves and their nasty filthy sh*t is innocence and people sh*t is not and people are in a delusion being molested by demons in their body and the reason they think they have been hiding this sh*t this long from the public, is just stupid, if it was written in the bible and descendants of this corrupt spirit have been living on the earth for centuries in human form and have 

populated from here centuries ago and breed with humans to produce offsprings and why are they hiding the truth from the public if what supposed to be written based on the bible and where did humans really come from and looks to me their project isn't going to well and is time to pull the plug and if people find out the truth about them, can be dangerous and have breed children with them and are in 

relationships with them here and aliens are hiding in people and what the hell were they thinking they could just live a normal life, living their life's based on lies here in sin and thinking God did not mind and will have to face the truth, they are going back to hell on the other side and it is written in the bible what is coming to pass here and the government of the United Nations are planning to take the 

whole nations out based on the book of Revelation prophecy and the whole nations are under attack and the government are having men and women and children murdered here in cold blood and the whole nations are at war and the government and world leaders and church pastors and leaders think they can manipulate the public and make it look in front the public and nations, this is not real and how can 

they make something look like it is not real if it is based on the bible, is just stupid and people would not be on line playing video games and talking about their pets and animals and best friends and sports cars and money and materials and life simple pleasure if they knew this was real and what was written in the bible, war is coming here and people do not know what is real to them, is because they are in a 

delusion in their mind being manipulated by spirits and they have the whole nations corrupted and fighting and turning against each other and killing each other and they need to take responsibility for their fu*ked up actions, pretending they are world leaders and church pastors and leaders and are descendants of demons here to destroy the nations and it will do them no good making people 

thinking they are just living here will not stop what is coming here to pass and written in the bible and this problem is not one person problem, this problem concerns the whole world and the whole world should know by now they are being molested by spirits and think they can attack the nations at their own filthy pleasure and because people have been living here this long they think the whole world 

is a damn fool, and they are the damn fool playing with the nations and telling lies and have the whole world fighting and turning against each other and how can they think they are better and different from people and when they are stupid themselves telling lies, like if their corrupt sh*t is supposed to be praised and why are they sitting their a*s here this long perpetrating wearing a fake identity and are 

descendants of a murderer written in the bible and a father of lies and are a damn fool thinking this whole nation is in a delusion. The government thinks people are stupid and don't know they are in a delusional mind and the truth written about them and do not know the difference they are being lied too and the government and church pastors from around the world know people are in a delusional mind 

and don't know they are being molested by spirits using their body and secret intelligence and UFOs classifies and how can they think they are better and different from people and when they are stupid themselves and is a disgrace, thinking they can pick and attack people because of their insanity and delusional twisted mind and people would not be playing online video games and watching news 

and sports if they knew the truth about the lying bastards and think people is stupid and don't know the difference church pastors and world leaders and the government is lying to them. 

The Podcast Daily, Straight Talk And News From Around The World Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation People In This Time Are Bringing To Pass And The Commandments Of God. The Podcast Was Recorded Are Based On Years Of Researching And Studying Ancient Knowledge Are Based On Real

Descendants Of A Serpent Seed Was Written About People In This Time Based On Ancient Prophecies
The Government Exclusive Details And Hidden Secrets How They Will Destroy Humanity Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation Written About People Here In This Time Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass.

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