Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Millions Of Church From All Across The Global Have Broken The Law And Calls For A Warrant For Their Arrest For False Identity And Fraud And Is Responsible For Causing People Their Souls Misleading Them And They Are Responsible For Causing People To Corrupt Them Selves Misleading Them And They Are Responsible For Causing People To Break God Commandments Misleading Them And They Are Responsible People Is Being Possessed By Unclean Spirits Misleading Them.

And there is no excuse that can justify the bastards for breaking the law using the gospel for evil to destroy mankind and the human race because people do not know what happen here in that time in the bible. They want to take the place of God and wear the pants and condemn the whole world and the devil is doing the same thing here in this time he did with Eve in that time in the book of Genesis and he 

is setting them up here the same way he did to Eve using temptation to get them destroy and he knows their ancestors did not listen to God and kept his commandments and because of their disobedience the devil's descendants is ruling over people here in this time. And people is doing the same thing here in this time just like Eve did in that time in the bible they are not listening to God for them to 

know what he is telling them here because they think what they already know and have not receive instruction from God and have made a big mistake and people will learn the hard way for not listening and his descendants is already at war and is fighting people here in this time and when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation power will be given to this beast who is going into 

perdition to rule over all nations and tongues here in the future and his descendants just want people to think they are just living their life here in this time and do not want them to know about this and the truth about the pass and people think they are just living here in this time is not what they think it is and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and think it is their choice how they choose to live here 

and have not receive instruction from God. And it is not every one fault here and do not know they are breaking God commandments is because they was not told the truth and there are people in this time is being told the truth and it is their fault for not listening and people in this time was not told the truth was because of their ancestors mistake. People want to have life simple pleasure and the world and what 

is in it and because of their foolishness and wrong choices they become blinded by greed, power and lust and because they are to busy wanting to have the world they cannot see things for what it is and what good is having the world if your soul is lost and a person cannot carry nothing with them on the other side and life is to short and tomorrow is not promising to know one and a person can be one 

minute away from going to hell and a person who is afraid to stand for the truth because they are afraid what they will lose are is afraid for their life will lose either way and a person who is ashamed of the gospel God will be ashamed of the person. And do people really think they are just living here in this world just to have life simple pleasure and it is their choice how they choose to live here and think 

because they have everything they need their devil's and rags and rich's they do not have to listen and follow instruction what God is telling them and what you don't know can hurt you and people think they can just live in a world and do not have to listen and follow instruction what God is telling them and is making the wrong choices and think because they are living here in this world they can do what 

ever they want and do not have to follow instruction and because they want the world and what is in it they are becoming possessed by unclean spirits and is being destroy here because of foolishness and this is why people in this time is in trouble was because their ancestors did not listen to God and keep his commandments and now people in this time is doing the same thing their ancestors did and what is 

happening here is not a game this is real life and do people think this is a joke the evil is destroying them and their world and will come to their senses when they realize how serious this is. The church is breaking the law and would have to be shame and look stupid and crazy until they step down from priest hood everyone of them here because they are not sent from God they are descendants of this beast written in the bible.






Millions Of Churches From All Across The Global Is Being Brought To Shame And Not Now One Of The Bastards Is Sent From God They Are Descendants Of This Murderer Written In The Bible And Is Trying To Condemn And Murder The Whole World Of Salvation.



How Can People Serve God Here In This Time If Every Church Here In Their State And Country Is A Bastard And Lying Stinky Whoremongers And Should Have Told People The Truth.'' 





Vengeance Belongeth To God And May Justice Prevail On The Ungodly And Wicked Heathens And Their Kind And Thy Woman Shall Bruise Thy Head!''




The Government And Every Church Here In Our State And Country Worldwide Global Is Misleading People And Lied To The Whole Nations And Made People Think They Was Told The Truth. 

And made it look to people what God is telling them in the bible is not true and people think they are living here as a nation and they know God is punishing people here in this time and they are manipulating and is covering up the whole thing and is lying to people and making them think they was told the truth.






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