Thursday, April 28, 2022

Part 1: Secret Government And Alien Cover Ups And Descendants Of The Beast

Secret government and alien cover ups and descendants of the beast, they are descendants of this beast in human form hiding their identity and is making people think spirits and UfOs people have seen and reported here in this time is classified and government cover up, they are descendants of this creature written in the bible in human form and is planning to take them down here in the future people 

in this time and will declare war on the whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation, the prophecies written in the bible is based on actual events happening here in our time and the future. A prophecy in the book of Revelation is coming to pass here in the future; a great battle will be taking place here in the future into a place call armageddon.


And how can the gospel be a secret and is classified information if what God is telling a person in the bible is true and people is not here on this earth on their own damn time they are here on God's time and God is talking to people in the bible and they are sitting here playing them and their children like they are on a dam vacation and dangerous spirits are in people using them here to destroy mankind and 

the human race and a person cannot avoid what God is telling them in the bible whether if they agree are believe with it are not. And this is not just about people and their crimes and guilt here this is about the government and the church trying to cover up their crimes and guilt here too and if they are suppose to be the government and church leaders here and the government is suppose to protect the rights of 

people and God laws and the church is suppose to support their community leading people to salvation teaching them God laws and how can they support people beliefs and protect their rights if they both are playing childish covering up games not telling people the truth they have been covering up what God is telling a person in the bible and because what happen here in that time in the bible God is using 

the government here in this time to punish people and they are using it to deceive people here in this time and is misleading them with false doctrine and what happen here in that time in the bible and everyone here in this time have been deceive with false doctrine and was not told the truth and what happen here in that time in the bible and every church here in our community and all across the 

global was not sent from God they are descendants of this beast written in the bible the devil. God is using the government here in this time and because of their ancestors disobedience for not keeping God commandments the devil's descendants is ruling over people here in this time and is misleading them with false doctrine pretending they are leading them to salvation to get them and the nations 

destroy. The government and church both know God is using spirits here in this time and they are covering up and is making people think spirits and UFOs people have seen and reported here in this time is classified and government cover up because they are descendants of this beast in human form hiding their identity because they cannot show their real identity. This is the covering up they have been 

keeping from people here in this time because they know people do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and this is people fault here is because they are not listening to a dam thing what God is telling them in the bible is what you call dam pitiful and millions of people is in the church on a Sunday morning and still do not know what God is telling them is because they are not listening to a 

dam thing he is telling them is what you call straight up dam pitiful because if a person is serious about what God is telling them in the bible they will listen and people is not serious about what God is telling them here what are they in the church here for and a person would get the hell out of the church because it is not a place for people who is not serious about serving God and it is not every one fault 

here in this time and do not know they are breaking God commandments is because they was not told the truth and there are people in this time is being told the truth and have the original gospel and it is their fault for not listening and people in this time was not told the truth was because of their ancestors mistake and disobedience for not keeping God commandments and people have no excuse for 

breaking the law here in this time and would still have to know their wrong either way and people would still need to have something to believe in and would have to be teach and disciple and guarded into the right direction. God is using spirits here in this time to punish people and they are using false doctrine here in this time to deceive people and no person can avoid are get around what God is telling 

them in the bible whether a person agree are believe with it are not and this will be people own fault causing their damnation and once people become aware of this that is when it will hit them will be their worse night mare. People is in the church with unclean spirits in them thinking they are serving God and people is sitting here playing them and their children with dangerous spirits in them like they 

are on a vacation here while the government and church is playing covering up games and is telling people here they can stop wearing a mask to get people expose them selves to a deadly virus and repeatedly transmitting a dangerous virus in their community until it makes them sick and kill them and the church is not telling people what God is telling them in the original gospel and the government 

have power and control over the nations and is not warning people about this and without God laws this whole generation can be destroy because of the evil here in our world.    








The Government Is Planning To Take Them Down Here In The Future People In This Time And Will Declare War On The Whole Nations Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation.''


The Church Did Evil To Them Selves Will Bring Them To The End And Risk Them Selves Being Exposed And Have Putted Them Selves In Danger Declaring War On Them Selves And Have No Dam Excuse For Breaking The Law Causing People To Corrupt Them Selves And Break God Commandments And People Will Be Real Upset And Piss When They Finds Out The Church Was Misleading Them Here And They Never Did Received Salvation Here And Their Souls Is In Danger Of Damnation''.

They Need To Shut The Hell Up And Stop Lying About The Truth Because Someone Is Watching And Listening''

Millions Of Church From All Across The Global Have Broken The Law And Calls For A Warrant For Their Arrest For False Identity And Fraud And Is Responsible For Causing People Their Souls Misleading Them And They Are Responsible For Causing People To Corrupt Them Selves Misleading Them And They Are Responsible For Causing People To Break God Commandments Misleading Them And They Are Responsible People Is Being Possessed By Unclean Spirits Misleading Them.

Millions Of Churches From All Across The Global Is Being Brought To Shame And Not Now One Of The Bastards Is Sent From God They Are Descendants Of This Murderer Written In The Bible And Is Trying To Condemn And Murder The Whole World Of Salvation.

How Can People Serve God Here In This Time If Every Church Here In Their State And Country Is A Bastard And Lying Stinky Whoremongers And Should Have Told People The Truth.''

Vengeance Belongeth To God And May Justice Prevail On The Ungodly And Wicked Heathens And Their Kind And Thy Woman Shall Bruise Thy Head!''

The Government And Every Church Here In Our State And Country Worldwide Global Is Misleading People And Lied To The Whole Nations And Made People Think They Was Told The Truth. 

And made it look to people what God is telling them in the bible is not true and people think they are living here as a nation and they know God is punishing people here in this time and they are manipulating and is covering up the whole thing and is lying to people and making them think they was told the truth.


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