Thursday, April 14, 2022

Millions Of Churches From All Across The Global Is Being Brought To Shame And Not Now One Of The Bastards Is Sent From God They Are Descendants Of This Murderer Written In The Bible And Is Trying To Condemn And Murder The Whole World Of Salvation.''

Because of their evil and nasty jokes people is dying and is leaving the world with no salvation and because of their evil jokes millions of people souls will perish in hell when they leave the earth. The church made them selves look crazy and think people is suppose to buy into their scandal using the gospel for a joke and slander God's name and used it in vain and did evil to them selves will bring 

them to the end and risk them selves being expose and have putted them selves in danger declaring war on them selves and how can this be a joke if it have something to do with the person soul and where they are going in the after life and how can this be a joke people souls is in danger of damnation and how can this be a joke people have unclean spirits in them attacking and destroying them. The church is 

out there taking chances in the public like if this is a joke what God is telling a person in the bible and made a joke out of it lying about the gospel and this is people fault for letting this happen because they did not believe and took God seriously what he is telling them and no matter how paranoid a person may be because they do not believe the gospel it is not changing anything because people will still have 

to face the truth when the time comes and what is people doing here in the church for if they do not believe what God is telling them in the bible and just because a person do not believe are agree what God is telling them in the bible it is not the person decision are place to think they can change what God 

is telling a person in the bible and people want to make up their own rules and play by them and because of it they are being destroy here because a nation cannot survive base on man's law alone.       

A church cannot lead people if they was not told the truth and how can they lead people here if they was not sent from God and if they was not sent from God what in the hell are they leading people for and do not qualified being call a priest and how a person know what the bastards are doing here is through by the scriptures and they know what they are doing here and at lease the bastards can have some 

decency and tell people they are trying to condemn them here and rob them and the whole world of salvation before they do it condemn them. And they need to tell people they have already condemned people here in this time and have caused them their souls and have robbed them of salvation and they have hundreds of church on every block from state to state all across the globe and there is no 

salvation in neither one of them and they are all impostors pretending they are priests sent from God and is committing fraud and there is no need they play dumb and pretend they do not know what a person is talking about and it is people fault they did not want to know what God is telling them here because they did not think it was necessary they needed to know and it is not every one fault here and do not 

know they are breaking God commandments is because they was not told the truth and there are people in this time is being told the truth and it is their fault for not listening and people in this time was not told the truth was because of their ancestors mistake and because it is people fault for letting this happen wild and dangerous stray spirits are invading the earth using people here in this time to destroy mankind 

and the human race. And do the bastards think this is what everyone is here for to waste their time for them is because they want to have satisfaction destroying people and causing them nothing but pain, sorrow and hell and will reap back what they sowed for the evil they have done and should have told people the truth. They lied to people in their face what God is telling a person in the bible and think 

they can break the law and get away with it. The bible is based on laws and righteousness and truth and justice and respect and courage and faith and disciple and it is not just a book it is God written laws and the covenants he have made with our forefathers and because they think they can get away with breaking the law they can do the gospel the same way use it for evil to destroy mankind and the human race and 

people will be very upset when they find out they was not leading them to salvation and they are separated from God. And the church is playing them selves a dangerous game making people here in this time think they are leading them to salvation because they think no one here in this time will find out what they are doing here and if God law was written for all mankind to know them then how can 

they be thinking they are getting away with their crimes and no one is suppose to know about it and using the gospel for evil to destroy mankind and the human race and people is without the law and is breaking God commandments here and if they was sent from God they would have told people the truth and they will reap what they sowed for the evil they have done thinking they can keep the truth 

away from people will back fire on them. And how can people be thinking about enjoying having life simple pleasures at a time like this, now is not the time and people have a much bigger problem everyone here in this time have to think about and what God is telling a person in the bible what is coming to pass here. People have the bible to tell them what God is telling them here and people is not 

living here on this earth because it is their choice and they can annoy what he is telling them and a person have no excuse not hearing God and think because God is letting them make their own choices they can take advantage of it and is being destroy here at the same time because of the wrong choices they are making. A nation cannot survive on their own without God and his laws but will be 

destroy and perish and a person might be thinking they are enjoying having life simple pleasure here for now for temporary and it is the person soul they have to think about and where they are going in the after life. And people is being very foolish here because they are here in the world for now and a person can be one minute away from going to hell because of foolishness and people will sacrifice for a 

cause just to have the world and is blinded by greed, pride, lust and money and a person can be so blind until they become access and selfish having the world and what is in it and because of wrong thinking and foolishness can drag everyone down and the whole world along with it because of the evil here in our world. People think life is about just enjoying having life simple pleasure is the only 

important thing in life and think the evil they are serving here serves a purpose and because they are access having the world and what is in it they are becoming selfish and is blinded by greed, power and lust and is making them selves become a easy prey being tempted by the devil and because people is so access having the world they are becoming out of control and is being possessed by unclean spirits. 

And people is draw away by their own desired and enjoy having life simple pleasure and is being destroy because of hate, violence and evil and do the bastards think people is here just for them to waste their time with and if no one is suppose to know what they are doing here in this time is a secret and is classified then what was God laws written for if this is about honoring and worshiping them and if 

what God is telling a person in the bible is a secret then how can a person obey God and how can they obey God if they are not being told the truth and if they are suppose to be a secret and no one is suppose to know about them and what God is telling them then how can a person serve God. And if people is not here to serve God then what are they doing here in the world for if they are without the 

law and where does this leads a person and a person cannot teach and lead them selves to salvation and how can a person suppose to stop breaking God commandments if they are not suppose to know the truth and if people is not here to serve God and they are without the law and no one is suppose to know the truth and if no one is suppose to know the truth and is not here to serve God then this is about 

honoring them and not God and if God did not mind people serving the devil over him self he would not had laws written and people is not here in this world to serve and worship the devil, people is here to serve and worship God creator of heaven and earth and he is the Lord your God who brought your ancestors out of bondage here centuries ago and ye shall have no other gods before him and how in 

the hell can this be about them at the same time when this is about God and his truth and a person cannot serve God and the devil at the same time and what in the hell do they think people is here for just for them and not for God and for them to have satisfaction and how can they judge a person if they are responsible for people breaking God commandments here because the person is not suppose to know 

the truth and is a secret and there is only one law and order who is the judge above the heaven and earth is God him self. The church think they have people trust and people can look up to them having respect for them because they appear they are this kind and caring and loving supporting person and people think their church are well respect citizens and cannot discern them and think the bastards is 

leading them to salvation because they cannot see the real beast in them and the devil is a master of disguise and will make him self appear he is a kind and caring and loving supported person, he is the adversary of the devil and is like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour and he know people here in this time is real weak and is using temptation to get them destroy and as long as they have people 

trusting them thinking they are a kind and caring and respected citizens they can keep people deceive and they know if people finds out the truth people will lose their trust with them and they cannot deceive people here any more. It is just like taking candy from a baby and what you don't know can hurt you and people think they can trust the bastards with their life leading them to salvation because they do not 

know the truth about them and what God is telling a person in the bible and they are not a kind and caring and well respected citizens they are descendants of this murderer written in the bible and is trying to condemn and robbed the whole world of salvation and they made people think the vaccine is protecting them here and the whole purpose of it is to get people to destroy them selves and each other 

transmitting a dangerous virus repeatedly in their community until it makes them sick and kill them and had them selves injected with dangerous chemical drugs and people is responsible transmitting a dangerous virus in their community not wearing a mask vaccinate are not vaccinate and they are making people think the vaccine is protecting them from getting the virus and how is the vaccine 

protecting a person if they can still get the virus and the virus is still here and can remain here for years to come because of ignorance and because the virus is still here and is out of control will trigger another wave to come more worse than the first because of ignorance and how can a devil care 

about protecting a person if they are your enemy and how can a creature a spirit a ghost a shadow give a person pleasure and is not human but just a punk and wolves dressed in sheep's clothing with no man hood. 



St. Matthew 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye


St. John 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he was a murderer from the beginning , and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Isaiah 14:12-17 


Exodus 20:1-26  I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  




How Can People Serve God Here In This Time If Every Church Here In Their State And Country Is A Bastard And Lying Stinky Whoremongers And Should Have Told People The Truth.''

Vengeance Belongeth To God And May Justice Prevail On The Ungodly And Wicked Heathens And Their Kind And Thy Woman Shall Bruise Thy Head!''

The Government And Every Church Here In Our State And Country Worldwide Global Is Misleading People And Lied To The Whole Nations And Made People Think They Was Told The Truth.

And made it look to people what God is telling them in the bible is not true and people think they are living here as a nation and they know God is punishing people here in this time and they are manipulating and is covering up the whole thing and is lying to people and making them think they was told the truth.

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