Friday, May 26, 2023

The Corrupt Bi#chs Need To Take Responsibility For Their Own Action And Stop Using People To Cover Up Their Own Sh#t And Know They Are A Corrupted Bi#ch And A Whore Wanting Filthy Pleasure.''

The whole earth is corrupted, and they are responsible for it and know exactly what is going on here and is perpetrating pretending they don't know and just want to put the blame on people and cover up their own filthy sh#t and corruption because of filthy pleasure, then how can people are supposed to be  righteous if whoring spirits are using people to mate with manipulating their body thinking they are 

feeling sexual, causing the person to sin, and goes up against the scriptures and how can it be based on the truth, what God is telling a person in the bible if people are living here in sin, like if people are living here in sin are supposed to be an excuse and can corrupted themselves, then how can people supposed to be righteous, and if people is not here to sin, then they are not supposed to sin and it is no 

excuse the whole world is corrupted, and they just want to put the blame on people and cover up their own filthy sh#t, and it is no excuse causing people to sin and how can it be the truth what God is telling a person in the bible, if they can make excuses, causing people to sin, spirits using people to mate with manipulating their body thinking they are feeling sexual, and using people to corrupt themselves 

are supposed to be an excuse, and in what way can a creature be with a person without a physical body and have no meaning to it and cannot relate to people in the same way humans do and are responsible for the whole nations corrupting themselves and people in this time were not legally married and are living here in sin, because no church in this time were send from God and a person cannot be 

both righteous and corrupt at the same time and why is it so important to them they want people to think they are feeling sexual, to cause a person to sin and people in this time were not legally married and how can they just put the blame on people, if their minds is spiritually blind and are being control by entities making people think they are christians, causing people to sin, because why would someone kid 

around about something this serious, if they were in their right mind and if people is not here to sin, why are they making excuses causing people to corrupt themselves, making people think they are christians, using false doctrine to cover up the truth and causing people to sin and what is it they do not want people to know, if the bible is based on the truth and people is not here to sin. And don't the dumb 

bi#ches have something better to talk about, than just talking about people and what will happen to them, and arresting people and is not talking about themselves being arrested and punish and is a two-face hypocrite responsible for causing the whole nations to sin, and how can a corrupt whore, condemn people having a mote in their own eye and is a corrupted bi#ch and a whore wanting filthy 

pleasure and how can it be the truth what God is telling a person in the bible, if they can make excuses, causing people to sin, then how can the bible be true. 

I'm Talking To You, And Know You Can See This, And Think You Extraterrestrials, Are A Fake Bi#ch And A Whore.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I'm Talking To You, And Know You Can See This, And Think You Extraterrestrials, Are Fake Bi#chs'' Fronting.

And are hiding in the earth in celestial bodies and humans and animals and objects and toys and stuff animals and dolls and people homes and abandoned buildings and to scare to come out, like real men and show your ugly faces and is fronting in front the nations and are the parasites manipulating the whole world and are 

making people in this time think they are christians and people may not understand what this is about right now and will soon find out, but you do and know you can see this what I'm saying, and are hiding your ugly selves from the world and people have already seen you parasites here and are written in the bible and have appear to 

the world as the dead here in this time and hiding your stupid selves in abandon buildings and people homes, making people think you are ghosts and friendly spirits and orbs and there to protect the person and when you're all the same evil bi#chs, and if you can read this, why are you hiding from the world and know you 

are here watching and can see and hear and watching just everything people is doing here and if this is the only way to draw you punks out, you're hiding here and stop you from making the world think you are not for real here and when you are and there is something you parasites are not telling the world, involves the whole 

world and what is coming here and no one in this time were told the truth and you parasites do not want them to know about this, the whole nations will be attacked by extraterrestrials aliens and catastrophes and earthquakes and starvation and diseases and from smoke and fire and many will be killed with the sword and by 

wild beasts and third part of this earth will burn with fire and waters will turn bitter and people will die from it, and third part of this earth will be darkened and will not shine day are night and water will turn to blood and people will be sting from insect bites for five months and the sun will become hotter, and nations and people will 

die, and people will be beheaded, and nations will be forced to receive the mark of the beast, to buy and sell and the government of the United Nations will declare war on the whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and there is more. And there is only one word can describe a fake bi#ch.

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials! : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

PeopleNationsAndTongues: A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

The Fate Of The Nations – The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Under Attack And Are Being Sermonized And Destroyed And Cursed With Plagues And Sickness And Are Being Destroyed By Storms And Fire And Wild Beasts And Madness. (

The Ugly F#ckers Have To Hid In A Body And Think No One Can Recognize Them And Their Ugly Identity, They Are Demons And Are A Danger And A Threat And Why Are They Perpetrating And Want People To Think This Is Not For Real And When It Is, If It Is Written In Bible Based On Ancient History And Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass!!#

People Are Being Misled By Demons And They Are A Danger And A Threat And Are Not Real Priests Leading Them To Salvation And Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Used By Entities To Destroy The Nations And People Have Not Receive Instruction From God And Have Been Deceive With False Doctrine!!

Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials!

They are here in the earth hiding in celestial bodies and humans and animals and objects and toys and stuff animals and dolls and people homes and abandoned buildings and cell phones and computers and can manipulate machines and cause malfunction and they can manipulate and cause changes in the atmosphere 

effecting weather pattern and they are a danger and a threat and is using the government of the United Nations and worldwide church leaders and Covid-19, to destroy the nations and in the book of Revelation they are planning to attack these whole nations here in the future and nations and people and tongues will die here 

and third part of this earth will burn with fire, the cause is uncertain and may have come from nuclear explosion and the bible does not say what was the cause and they are using false doctrine here in this time to cover up the truth and people do not know what they are doing here in this time because they don't know what 

happen here in the pass in the bible and a person would need to know what happen in the pass here first, for them to know what they are doing here in this time into the future, and they are using people and children here in this time to destroy themselves and murder people and people is not living here in this time because it 

is their choice, they can live here without God laws and think they are just living here because of those lying scumbags and they know what they are doing here and what's going down here in the future in the book of Revelation and think they can just take over this whole earth and control people and are just fronting in front the 

nations pretending, they don't know about this and when they do and think they can cover up the truth and hid it from the nations, and it is written in the bible telling a person what people did here in that time. And they cannot change the truth for a lie because it is written and you cannot change something for a lie, if it is the truth and 

lying can't help a thing and people in this time need to realize they mean them harm and are a danger and a threat and things will not be this way here for long, because is based on the bible, and why would a person make someone think they can mean them harm and put their soul and life in danger, would be no difference if someone 

was holding a gun to a person head, it is the same thing and why would a person make someone think they can control them and have power over their life and is the tail and not the head. And people in this time need to realize, evil spirits and people in this time and the government and worldwide church leaders are not what people 

think they are here, and they mean people harm and are being used by entities to destroy the nations, and this was the same thing they did to people here in that time and think they can do the same sh#t to people here in this time and think they can mess with people and their children here in this time and they are powerless and 

can do nothing no more than what people allow themselves, if they return back to God and why would a person make a devil think they can mess with them and their children and have power over them, if they know it is a lie and the only reason, they think they have control over the nations here is because what people is allowing 

themselves, but really, they don't have power, is because what people is allowing themselves and when they no longer allow them to have power over them and these nations, the bastards will be powerless and can go back to hell taking their kind with them and the only way they can be defeated is through God and people were 

not told the truth and is separated from God and do not have leaders in this time sent from God and a person cannot trust nothing they tell them here, even if it is their own family, they can mean a person harm and when someone means you harm, they will do just about anything and will even send you a bomb in the mail, 

to blow a person up, if they have too, are can have the person poison, are fake the person death to make it look like the person did it themselves and pretend they are your friend and they care about you, are have the person set up to make it look like they committed a crime. And a person cannot trust no one here, not even their 

family, are someone close to them are not, whether they may be a doctor are lawyer, are teacher, are anyone, because dangerous terrestrials are in people using them here in this time, because of lies they were told and there are a bunch of devils living here in this earth and God is going to destroy it here in the future and in the 

book of Revelation plagues will be loose here, and seals will be open, and trumpets will sound and crimes and violence and hate people are seeing here, are evil spirits at work using people and themselves, and people have to have their guard up at all times and protect themselves here at all causes because they are using virus 

bacterial and biochemical weapons and guns and porn and dangerous chemical drugs and alcohol and radiation from cell phones and computers and just everything they are using here in this time, can expose a person to radiation and radiation can lower a person resistance, creating free radical destroying DNA cells. 

And they think they can manipulate people minds, using the media and sh#t people see in the movies and Tv and game shows and music videos and vacations and the list just goes on and it is a shame, men and women and young people are allowing themselves to be distracted by it and cannot see, it is a trap, just to distract them 

and manipulate their minds to distract them and people are allowing themselves to be distracted by this sh#t they are using here and cannot see it is a trap and think life will continue on and they have everything they want here, and when it is a lie and will not be this way here for long, because the great tribulation is coming and 

crimes and violence people are seeing here in this time, think they are natural causes, and they know where this sh#t is coming from and why people and children are being murder here in cold blood and the whole nations are living here in sin, and have the damn nerve talking about people being arrested and punish and when 

it is themselves who needs arrested and punish for murder and kidnapping and scandal and extortion and rape and burglary and using false identity and fraud and murdering innocent children and lying about the truth and luring people and children into occult and encouraging people and children to practice witchcraft and 

blackmailing people because they speak the truth and whordom and adultery, and what they got to tell people and when they ain't sh#t themselves and have a damn mote in their own eye and think they can give the nations instruction, telling the nations what to do and ain't sh#t themselves and are a two-faced double minded 

hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and needs to be told what to do and punish and condemn, for this sh#t they have cause these whole nations here and think they can perpetrate and cover up their own guilt, and as far as the whole nations concern, the whole nations is guilty and have sinned, and the blind cannot lead the 

blind are they both will fall and how can they give the nations instruction and telling people what to do here and when they have guilt themselves and are a two-faced double minded hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and have sinned, and how can a double mind hypocrite sinners, can judge and condemn the world for 

their sins, and when they have sin knocking at their doors and guilt and have sinned against the whole nations and are responsible for causing the whole nations to sin even worse and not telling people they have nasty sh#t terrestrials living in their body, screwing the whole nations and the government is covering them up.

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials! : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A National Emergency, The Whole Nations Are Under Attack By Extraterrestrials! – The Fate Of The Nations (

The Ugly F#ckers Have To Hid In A Body And Think No One Can Recognize Them And Their Ugly Identity, They Are Demons And Are A Danger And A Threat And Why Are They Perpetrating And Want People To Think This Is Not For Real And When It Is, If It Is Written In Bible Based On Ancient History And Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass!!#

People Are Being Misled By Demons And They Are A Danger And A Threat And Are Not Real Priests Leading Them To Salvation And Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Used By Entities To Destroy The Nations And People Have Not Receive Instruction From God And Have Been Deceive With False Doctrine!!

Worldwide Church Leaders And The Government Of The United Nations Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Use By Terrestrials Entities To Destroy The Nations And God Is In The Bible Risking Them Being Exposed And Is Handing Murderers On A Platter'' The Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Own Action Prove They Are Guity And Are A Fake Priest Perpetrating And Government Being Use By Entities To Destroy The Nations!!

A National State Of Emergency Demons Terrestrials Entities Personating The Government Of The United Nations And Are Descendants Of A Demon And His Offspring Covering Up A Scandal And Fraud And The Truth About UFOs And Aliens!!


Friday, May 19, 2023

The Ugly F#ckers Have To Hid In A Body And Do Not Want You Recognize Them And Their Ugly Identity!#

The Ugly F#ckers Have To Hid In A Body And Think No One Can Recognize Them And Their Ugly Identity, They Are Demons And Are A Danger And A Threat And Why Are They Perpetrating And Want People To Think This Is Not For Real And When It Is, If It Is Written In Bible Based On Ancient History And Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass!!#

They do not want people to recognize them and know they are ugly F#ckers and what are they hiding in the earth for and what is it they do not want people to see and know about them here if it is written in the bible and are supposed to be based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and are planning a major attack on the 

whole nations here based on the book of Revelation and why are they making people think it is their choice living here in freedom without God laws and the stupid bastards know what people are doing here in this time will not stay that way based on the bible. The filthy bastards do not want no one to know they are here 

living in people and hiding themselves in bodies because they do not want people to recognize them and do not want people to see the real ugly of them here and they know people minds are spiritual blind and cannot discern them and they are hiding themselves in bodies here, because they don't want people recognize they are 

demons and are posing themselves here as aliens and the dead and ghosts and hiding in bodies, because they do not want to be recognize and are the ones responsible for the whole earth corrupted and is using worldwide church leaders and the government and Covid-19 to destroy the nations and the dumb bastards 

think people and themselves can live here together at the same with a beast, not human and what do a person want living with an insane out of control beast for, attacking people and children and are murdering them and are controlling people and children here in the earth possessing them using them to destroy and what is 

all this hiding about they don't want people to know and the nasty sh#t they are doing here to people if it is written in the bible and do, they really think people and themselves can live here together at the same time with a beast murdering them and molesting their children and selling them into sex trafficking and are 

sacrificing, women, men and children and babies to evil spirits for power and wealth. They are out there hiding in the earth and in people, watching them, the dumb b#tchs need to come out their hiding and stop perpetrating hiding from people and attacking them and think no one can see what they are doing here and 

is screwing the whole nations using people and themselves screwing women, men and children and the whole damn nations for nasty filthy sh#t and have the whole nations corrupted and living here in sin and this is what you get, mixing f#cking aliens and people together, don't mix and is a disaster for a bad recipe and think 

people cannot recognize them in the media and public and their ugly faces because they are hiding in bodies and what is it, they want from people here and causing them to sin, if people are not here to sin, and all this nasty sh#t going on down here is not coming from just people because they are the ones controlling the earth and know evil 

spirits are controlling people here in the earth and causing violence and corruption because people are living here with evil spirits in them controlling them and what is it, they do not want people to see and know about them if it is written in the bible and are supposed to be based on prophecies people 

are bringing to pass and I can see why the nations are corrupt. And they want to judge and condemn people and have a mote in their own eye and are responsible for causing the whole nations to corrupt themselves a thousand times worse and I have no respect for those b#tchs and think a person is supposed to sugar coat it knowing they are nasty merciless bastards and do not give a damn about no one 

and is telling people here in this time the pandemic is over with and when it is not and the virus was out of control back in 2020 when it came here, and people were not wearing face masks then to protect themselves like they were supposed to, and people were allowed to travel and wearing no mask in public places and now is going on four years and people can still become infected from the virus because 

the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming infected and what good will it do people getting vaccinated with poison drugs destroying their DNA and the virus is still here, and people are repeatedly transmitting a dangerous virus until it makes them sick and kill them.


People Are Being Misled By Demons And They Are A Danger And A Threat And Are Not Real Priests Leading Them To Salvation And Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Used By Entities To Destroy The Nations And People Have Not Receive Instruction From God And Have Been Deceive With False Doctrine!!

Worldwide Church Leaders And The Government Of The United Nations Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Use By Terrestrials Entities To Destroy The Nations And God Is In The Bible Risking Them Being Exposed And Is Handing Murderers On A Platter'' The Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Own Action Prove They Are Guity And Are A Fake Priest Perpetrating And Government Being Use By Entities To Destroy The Nations!!

A National State Of Emergency Demons Terrestrials Entities Personating The Government Of The United Nations And Are Descendants Of A Demon And His Offspring Covering Up A Scandal And Fraud And The Truth About UFOs And Aliens!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Worldwide Church Leaders And The Government Of The United Nations Are Descendants Of A Demon Offspring Being Use By Terrestrials Entities To Destroy The Nations And Is God In The Bible Risking Them Being Exposed And Is Handing Murderers On A Platter'' The Government Of The United Nations And Worldwide Church Leaders Own Action Prove They Are Guity And Are A Fake Priest Perpetrating And Government Being Use By Entities To Destroy The Nations!!

Demons' terrestrial entities personating using worldwide church leaders and the government of the United Nations to cover up the truth the original gospel is based on ancient history and prophecies people are bringing to pass and are a fake priest perpetrating and being use by entities to destroy the nations.

They want this to be about them and not about God laws and think they can cover up the truth based on the bible, and this was never about those corrupt bastards, and more people have to suffer and are living here in sin and is corrupting themselves and are being murder in cold blood are 

supposed to be an excuse for them because of a corrupt and possessed government abusing power and worldwide church leaders and who do they think this is supposed to be about, them are God laws and the whole world should have already figured them out by now and thinking they are the smart ones 

thinking they have the whole world fool and will get slap in the face and backfired on them and the only way they can fool a person, is someone who choose to be ignorant what God is telling them in the bible. And it is about time people realize they are not living here in this world because it is 

their choice, they can live here without God laws and can go to bed at night and get up in the morning and think they have nothing to worry about, people do have something to worry about because they are not living here because it is their choice, they can live here without God laws. And 

what they are doing to people here in this time and in the pass to their ancestors are supposed to be a secret and personal, crazy terrestrial's entities are sexually attacking the whole nations using people body to be intimate with to act sexual with themselves and other 

people, like if they are being intimate themselves and people are supposed to be aware of things like this and the whole nations is in a state of emergency, and people are being attack by crazy terrestrial's entities manipulating them to act sexual with themselves and other people and 

people in this time were not legally married because no worldwide church leaders here in this time were send from God and people are living together in relationships not married and crimes and violence are increasing here every single day because people are living here with unclean 

spirits in them possessing them and using them to destroy and people are breeding children by devils because of generation curses and crazy terrestrial's creatures think they can do whatever they want with people body if people is not here to sin, and the corrupt bastards 

are responsible for this whole nation living here in sin and want to put the blame on just people and not themselves when they are the ones is responsible and have power over the nations here and people minds are spiritually blind and cannot see what God is telling them and they are 

taking advantage of it and think they can use it for an excuse and people are living here in sin and violence and crimes is increasing here every single day and why is people still thinking it is their choice they can live here without God laws, if it is based on the bible, would indicate people cannot 

see what God is telling them and their minds are spiritually blind and do not know they are living here in sin and their life and soul are in danger and the government of the United Nations and worldwide church leaders are descendants of a beast and his offspring misleading the nations and is 

planning a major attack here in the future on the whole nations based on the book of Revelation and how sick can they be, terrestrial creatures personating the government and worldwide church leaders molesting the whole nations and what kind of church leaders molest 

children if they were sent from God and this is a cover up and terrestrial entities are using the government and worldwide church leaders for an excuse to destroy the nations and people will have to figure out sooner are later, they not living here because it is their choice, they can live 

here without God laws and the whole world should be tired of the bastards and had enough of them here and they know people minds are spiritually blind and think they can get away with this and needs to search them ugly selves, and asked themselves, why they are the way they are 

because they have an issue with themselves thinking they can use people to demonstrate their paranoid pycnotic behavior because they cannot get over themselves because of their evil and hate and have a mote in their own eye and is a perpetrator and hypocrite and are 

merciless cold bastards and think people are just supposed to sit here until they condemn the whole world, must be crazy, and people are the ones should be running this earth and not out of control pycnotic freaks who likes having their way with young boys and girls and they cannot tell people 

about sin and what they need to do, if they are a two-faced double minded hypocrite with a mote in their own eye and are a fake priest perpetrating and being use by entities to destroy the nations and they mean people harm and have put people life and soul in danger and is 

making money off people lying to them about the truth and people are supporting the bastards giving them money and the government of the United Nations are using Covid-19 virus to destroy the nations and this pandemic is far from over, because the virus was already out of control 

when it came here in 2020 and people were infected by this virus worldwide and the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming infected and millions and millions of may be infected with the virus not showing signs. And they just broadcast telling people in the media the 

pandemic is over and the virus are still being transmitted and people do not know the government and CDC mean them harm and this pandemic is far from over.

A National State Of Emergency Demons Terrestrials Entities Personating The Government Of The United Nations And Are Descendants Of A Demon And His Offspring Covering Up A Scandal And Fraud And The Truth About UFOs And Aliens!! 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

A Public Notice REPORT DETAILS MINISTRY Brother Carlos A. Oliveira/ Voddie Baucham 2023/ Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts/ Pastor Carolyn Traylor/BISHOP AMARDEEP MINISTRIES** CHAMATKAR CHURCH TV/ The Youth Pastor's Group/Pastor Mark Baker/Bishop S.Y. Younger/

Pastor Michelle C. Thomas/Pastor Wayne Levi Price- Web Site Pastors Stan and Elizabeth Madrak- Web Site: Tom L. Glenn/Ipc Pastors Prayer fellowship/Pastor L. D. Lee (Pastor Lee Sr.) Angelic Simmons-Pastor/Pastor Tanda Joy Canion/Pastor Michael Praylor/Luis Alvarez Pastor/Pastor-Kevyn Bryant/Pastor TB Joshua/Pastor Benny Hinn

List of Pastors Name: 

Fred Price TD Jakes

Kenneth Copeland

Jesse Duplantis

Joel Osteen

Peter Popoff

John Hagee

Steven Furtick

Brian Houston

TB Joshua

Benny Hinn

Sarah Young

Bill Johnson

Todd Bentley

Patricia King

Todd White

Charles Russel Taz

Heidi Baker 

Mike Bickle

John Crowder

Andrew Wommack

Andy Stanley

Rick Joiner

Paula White

Perry Stone

Rod Parsley

Creflo Dollar

Sid Roth

Pope Francis

Christine Caine

Jim Bakker

Joseph Prince

Beth Moore

John Gray

Carl Lentz

Joyce Meyer

Pat Robertson

Jentezen Franklin

00:38:01 - C. Peter Wagner

00:38:43 - Kenneth Hagin

00:39:17 - Paul Crouch

00:39:52 - Rodney Howard Browne 

Imposter-Impersonator bishops and pastors and deacons and priests and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends are being report for fraud and murder and scandal and committing criminal malicious acts and fraudulent against the whole nations and falsely misleading the whole nations with false information based on 

prophecies of the bible. People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations and this ministry and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops and evangelist and reverends have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible people are bringing to pass. 

Crimes and violence and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible is based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about 

the government and this ministry and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops and evangelist and reverends. The entire nations are under attack and can be wipe out of existing and are based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and they have power over the entire nations and can destroy 

and blow up the entire nations out of existing because they have the weapons. The gospel is based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here, and people have been misled with false doctrine and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have not receive instruction from God from the original gospel and 

have been deceive by demons and do not know this was the same mistake their ancestors made in the bible and because of people disobedience people came under terrible curses and people in that time in the bible disobeyed God and forsaken his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies and more people was 

coming into generation and married and had children and pass generation curses on to others and no church here in this time were send from God, people were deceived by demons impersonating a priest, misleading the whole nations with false doctrine and this is a war going on and the whole nations is at war and is under 

attack and people are the targets because they were not told the truth and people need to understand, no church in this time were send from God, they are all descendants of an evil creature, and his offspring send from the devil to deceive people here in this time and they are not leading people to salvation, they mean 

people harm and have put their life and soul in danger. They are all descendants of an evil creature, and his offspring send from the devil to mislead the nations with false doctrine, and made themselves look stupid, and putting themselves in danger thinking they can take a chance and can cover up a scandal and fraud and have put 

people life and soul in danger and no one in this time would find out the truth the original gospel is based on ancient history and prophecies people are bringing to pass and this is a war going on and the whole nations is at war and is under attack and people are the targets because they were not told the truth and they mean people harm. For more details, please visit complaint links below..

Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Public Notice Report Details The Potter's House T.d. Jakes Ministrie Impersonator Bishop And Pastor Are Being Report For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information

A Public Notice Report Details The Potter's House T.d. Jakes Ministrie 

Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information. People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible they are 

bringing to pass and have misled the whole nations with false information, Crimes and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible are based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about the government and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops.  

The Entire Nations Are Under Attack And Can Be Wipe Out Of Existing And Are Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass Here And They Have Power Over The Entire Nations And Can Destroy And Blow Up The Entire Nations Out Of Existing Because They Have The Weapons. The gospel is based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and people have been misled with false doctrine 

and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have not receive instruction from God from the original gospel. For more details visit complaint links below... 

The Fate Of The Nations – The Fate Of The Nations Are In Great Jeopardy And Are Under Attack And Are Being Sermonized And Destroyed And Cursed With Plagues And Sickness And Are Being Destroyed By Storms And Fire And Wild Beasts And Madness. (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information!!

Monday, April 24, 2023

The Entire Nations Are Under Attack And Can Be Wipe Out Of Existing And Are Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass Here And They Have Power Over The Entire Nations And Can Destroy And Blow Up The Entire Nations Out Of Existing Because They Have The Weapons!!

The gospel is based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and there is no time for laziness, this is a war going on and the whole nations is at war and is under attack and people are the targets and people are being too freaking lazy and do not understand they can wipe out the entire nations and blow people out of existing because they have the weapons and need to understand how serious this is, 

and what they can do to them here and people have already lost so much time here and there is no telling what the bastards will do here next and can decide to blow the entire nations up because they have the weapons and people will not see it coming and are making things worse here sitting here and the longer they wait the problem will get much worse. This is why this is happening is because people have 

been misled with false doctrine and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have not receive instruction from God from the original gospel and a person will learn about them through the gospel, and I do not know what they think no one doesn't know about them here and this was the same mistake people made in the bible and because of people disobedience people came under terrible 

curses and married and had children and a person can be cursed because of generation curses and can pass the curse on to others and people in this time is not aware people in that time in the bible disobeyed God and forsaken his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies until this day and no church here in this time were send from God and people were deceive by demons in celestial 

bodies impersonating a priest and to a person eye they look human, and they are not being accused because they have not done nothing wrong and demons in celestial bodies can breed with humans and have been mixing their seed with people here for a long time and people born children by them curse with the devil seed because of generation curses and there is nothing a person can do to 

avoid this problem because it is too late, because there are thousands and thousands of them living here in this time and could be a doctor are a lawyer are any one and even if a person want to run are walk away, they can't, because it is too late, the bastards can wipe out the entire human existing because they have power over the nations here and can destroy and blow up the entire nations out of existing 

because they have the weapons. How could people let themselves make a mistake like this, can cause the entire human race, because what people believe and is their own worst enemy and thought the gospel was nothing important, they needed to know, and no one can defeat them here alone without God.    

Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information!!   

People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible they are bringing to pass and have misled the whole nations with false information and have a mote in their own eye and are condemning people for their crimes and people being arrested.

Crimes and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible are based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about the 

government and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends think they are getting away with lying and the nations will not find out the truth about them and what make them know for certain the nations will not find out the truth about them, if what God is telling a person in the bible is the truth 

and why would God punish people for if they think they can get away making excuses causing the whole nations to corrupt themselves because they want their evil way having power over the nations and the whole nations is suffering and being destroy because of evil and this is not about dirty corrupt rats having power, this is 

about a person life and soul and God's law. And spirits are still in people here and never had them cast out and think God will let them get away with lying to the whole nations and have put the whole nations in danger of damnation, must be crazy and they are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, 

cannot be cover up and people do know this is for real and the government of the United Nations and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends cannot stop the scriptures from fulfilling and people knowing the truth and need to know their dawn wrong and must be crazy thinking 

people are just supposed to sit here thinking there is nothing wrong here and when it is and people are living here in sin and who gives them the right playing God and the whole nations are living here in sin and all those poor bastards can think about is power and want their dirty way with the whole nations and have put the whole 

nations in danger of damnation and people are suffering because of evil spirits and curses and all they can think about is power and screwing the whole nations and underage children having no conscience and do not care about the truth and people are in relationships not married and men with men and women with women and 

people are suffering because of curses and evil spirits and think people are supposed to believe what they tell them here, must be crazy and people are sitting here going crazy thinking they are just living here in freedom, and they must be crazy thinking they can do people that way because they take pleasure in filth and 

people need to know their wrong here and be ruled by God laws and not with confuse delusional spirits who likes to have their way with young boys and girls and who gives them the right playing God and need themselves be stone and condemned and not just people.

The Whole Nations Are Under Attack And Is In A State Of Emergency People Are In Relationships With Demons Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies Breeding Their Children, Cursed With Serpent Seed!!!

People are living here with dangerous out of control demon's evil spirits aliens hiding in humans and children are no longer safe in schools anymore and people are no longer safe in their homes are in public places and are living here with dangerous out of control spirits in them using them to destroy mankind and the 

whole world needs to realize they are having a serious problem here and is in a state of emergency and people are in relationships with devils' breeding their children, cursed with the devil's seed because of generation curses and the government and every church here in this time are being control by demons, evil spirits and people 

think because what happen here in that time in the bible and think they are not having the same problems here in this time because what happen in that time in the bible and people are having the same problems here in this time because what happen in that time in the bible and how can people be thinking God was just 

talking to people in that time in the bible and he is not talking to them here in this time, like if he is not for real and how can people be still confuse what God is telling them in the bible and are still thinking they are just living here and they have the original gospel here in this time to tell them and people in this time do not know 

why they are having problems here in the first place, is because they are breaking God's law and this is not a problem a person can run away from, because this evil concerns the whole world and people are having problems here is because of evil and this problem cannot be annoyed, and people can see where they are having 

problems here and this is not one person problem, and this problem concerns the whole world, and a person has nowhere to run in this world and a person cannot run away from their problems and no matter what race are color a person may be and where they are in this world this is not a problem a person can run away from. 

A person running away can help nothing and will still have the problem to deal with and how could people want to live here with filthy spirits in them using their body to do unclean things and are having people doing crazy things and are using children in school, to shoot their teachers and kill people and how can people be 

still thinking they are just living here if what God is telling them in the bible. God cursed people in the bible and putted enmity between Eve and the devil seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis 3:1-24 for disobeying him and a person needs to read and study the bible how generation curses was pass down to our time and 

people in that time in the bible were cursed and married and had children by people cursed with serpent seed and pass down from generation and people are repeating the same mistake here in this time, people made in the bible and are mixing their seed here with devils cursed with serpent seed and they are an abomination and 

curse with the devil's seed. And millions and millions of people could be infected here in this time with virus bacterial from contaminated vaccine infected with virus bacterial and a person may be infected as the host carrying a deadly virus bacterial and not showing signs and the vaccine only purpose is to contain bacterial in the 

body for a period of time and has nothing to do with protecting a person from becoming infected and a person still can become infected with virus bacterial as the host transmitting a dangerous virus and people are being use for a host and when the vaccine is no longer affected in a person body, the person can get sick and die. 

And this is why God destroyed this whole earth in the bible here centuries ago with a great flood in the book of Genesis, was because people corrupted themselves and were possessed by devils and people are making the same mistake here in this time, and are corrupting themselves and are being possessed by devils and an evil spirit 

main purpose and goal are to get the whole nations to corrupt themselves and possessed by devils to get them destroy and they know if they can succeed the whole nations can be destroyed and people are living here in sin and is corrupting themselves and people have not received instruction from God here in this time was 

because they were never told the truth about their ancestors when they were living here in their time before we were here and God was not just talking to people here in that time in the bible, he is talking to people here in this time and about the future and a person would have to go back to the beginning in the book of Genesis 

to learn the truth about their ancestors and how generation curses was pass down to our time and people have been deceive by demons teaching false doctrine here in this time, and because what started in that time in the bible long time ago people are having the same problems here in this time, because the problem began with 

their ancestors here first when they were living here in their time and a person would have to go back to the beginning in the bible to find out what their ancestors did here in their time when they were living here, to cause people to have the same problems here in this time, and what is the main thing God is talking about in the 

bible about those people in that time and what is the first thing God is pointing out about them and what is he saying, because this is where the problem began when God made a covenant with our forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and his ten commandments and people in that time in the bible and from generation-to-

generation were living here for a very long time before we were here and many of them left from the commandments of God and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, and God turned them over to their enemies and during all that time more people was coming here into generation and was not aware their 

ancestors left from the commandments of God and were turned over to their enemies for disobeying God and people in this time have been deceive by demons teaching false doctrine and are living here in sin and is breaking God commandments and their enemies know people are breaking God commandments 

and are living here in sin because they want the whole nations to corrupt themselves. Demons in celestial bodies have their own body and can breed with human beings and they are living here in our time and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can live in a human body and can possessed a person and that is a person 

business because they didn't believe what God is telling them and think they can live their life here based on a lie and are living here with demons' aliens and the stinky bastards and all their kind here are going back to hell, anyway when this is over with and think this bull crapp, they are doing here in this time are supposed to 

be a secret and putting on fake acts just to fool the public and people in the media and the whole nations, like they have something to smile about and are going back to hell when this is over with and the whole nations should have known demons are for real and they do exist and are living here in our time and are the most deadliest 

creatures and there is nothing secret about them because they are written in the bible, and they are living here in our time and are just as real as you and I and can manifest themselves to look like a deceased person are a ghost and can appear in orb forms and what people are seeing here in this time are real demons making 

themselves look like ghosts are the dead and spirits can have their own celestial body and looks human and can breed with humans and spirits in celestial bodies can breed with humans because the same thing happen here before in that time here centuries ago in the book of Genesis 6:1-4 And it came to pass, when men 

began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and came down from heaven and they took them wives of all which they chose, and they bare children to them. In 2 Peter 2:4 God Punished his angels and casted them down to hell 

abounded in chains, and spirits, angels and demons are living here in our time in celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and in 1 Corinthians 15:39-41 the bible talks about the flesh of man and the flesh of beasts and of fishes and birds and also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can 

live in a human body and can use a person in their body to do unclean things and the filthy, stinky bastards have no shame are respect, like a dog and will attack a child in its body sexually and people in this time are mixing their seed with demons 

in celestial bodies because of generational curses and for more details and how they were pass down to our generation because of curses, please see the below links.

Impersonator Government Of The United Nations And Deacons And Priests And Pastor's And Fake Prophets And Evangelists And Reverends And Bishops Are Being Reported For Murder And Scandal And Committing Criminal Malicious Acts And Fraudulent Against The Whole Nations And Misled The Whole Nations With False Information!!