Sunday, March 17, 2024

Descendants Of Demons And Ancient Aliens'' Government Secret X Files Extraterrestrial!!

Come Check Out The Latest News Podcast From Around The World Based On Bible Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation People Are Bringing To Pass, The Podcast Was Recorded Based On Bible Prophecies Written About People They Are Bringing To Pass, From Around The World,,

What the government is doing behind your back and are hiding from the public and they know God have sent these whole nations a strong delusion and people are in a delusion in their mind and were cursed with the knowledge of good and evil because of their ancestors' disobedience and do not know they are being tempted and seduce by evil spirits, here in this time on social media pretending, they are 

priests and Christians and world leaders and neighbors and law enforcement and family and friends and pets and animals and many more, for more details please check out web links.   

Find out what the government and world leaders and church organization are hiding from the public written about people in this time and their ancestors' and the future and the commandments of God and what the hell people are here for if they think they can get away with lying to the public and get away with their corruption and filthy lies, how can there be a righteous God and lying to the whole 

public, like if it is some fu*king game, people are not supposed to know the truth and what purpose they are here for and are living here in sin and they have been lying to people and the public for a long time about the truth and what is the difference between their corrupt sh*t and people, evil is evil, and sin is sin and corruption is corruption and a devil are beast cannot tell another devil about their sin and 

corruption, if they have sin at their doorsteps and a double minded hypocrite and lairs and bull sh*t and think this sh*t is funny having the whole world going around in circles with lies, causing people to corrupt themselves and who do those twisted and delusional hypocrites think they are, because they are thinking in their twisted mind, they can play with people life and soul and the nations 

and have put these whole nations in danger coming under more attacks and possessed by evil spirits and violence and how can those filthy things think their nasty sh*t is supposed to be better than people when it is all the same, sin is sin and why do they think God does not mind and likes this nasty sh*t they are doing here in this time, if he is punishing people and think they will get away with their filthy 

murder and lust and thief and stealing and whoredom and adultery and have committed unlawful acts of crimes against people on this earth and think their evil is going unpunished and think they can tempt God with their lust and filth and having people doing nasty sh*t with their bodies and evil spirits are manipulating people in their body causing people to sleep around with other people and themselves 

and no one in this time were legally married because no real church pastors are here in this time to lead people to salvation because of what their ancestors did here during their time when they were here, people pretty much did the same thing they are doing here in this time and wanted nothing to do with God laws and left from the commandments of God and served false gods and worshipped to evil 

spirits and people in this time are being tempted by seducing spirits and doctrine of devils and people do not know they are in a delusion in their mind and God have sent these whole nation a strong delusion because people in this time were not told the truth with the real gospel and this is why the whole world is seeing evil here is because no one here in this time were told the truth, but were deceive with 

false doctrine and demons pretending they are priests and people still do not know what God is telling them in the real gospel and have not read what was written and people are in a delusion in their mind and do not know the real gospel were written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God, they are bringing to pass and because people are in a delusion in their mind 

they do not know they are being tempted and seduce by evil spirits pretending they are their friends and wives and husbands and church pastors and leaders and government here in this time and people are in a delusion and do not know the difference and think what they are seeing here is real to them and because people are in a delusion in their mind, they do not know the difference they are being tempted 

and seduce by unclean spirits pretending they are their friends on social media and neighbors and caretakers and law enforcements and doctors and husbands and wives and coworkers and pets and animals and church pastors and world leaders are descendants of demons, and they have to remember they are the ones lying to the nations and why don't they just come out and tell the truth and 

think no one doesn't seem to notice their lust and filth and corruption and are real nasty mother fu*kers, and it would be a damn shame and embarrassing if this was where people come from, demons and why are they perpetrating pretending the whole world is just living a normal life, if people is not here to sin and it must be something wrong and they seem to have forgotten something, they are 

corrupted and lusting spirits with a mote in their eye and a lying hypocrite and it is a damn shame people have been living here this long in sin with corrupt spirits and they think no one doesn't seem to notice they are sleazy and filthy corrupt spirits wearing a fake identity and want to play the blame game on people pretending they are just the ones guilty and is corrupt and their nasty sh*t is innocence and 

think they can justify themselves and their nasty filthy sh*t is innocence and people sh*t is not and people are in a delusion being molested by demons in their body and the reason they think they have been hiding this sh*t this long from the public, is just stupid, if it was written in the bible and descendants of this corrupt spirit have been living on the earth for centuries in human form and have 

populated from here centuries ago and breed with humans to produce offsprings and why are they hiding the truth from the public if what supposed to be written based on the bible and where did humans really come from and looks to me their project isn't going to well and is time to pull the plug and if people find out the truth about them, can be dangerous and have breed children with them and are in 

relationships with them here and aliens are hiding in people and what the hell were they thinking they could just live a normal life, living their life's based on lies here in sin and thinking God did not mind and will have to face the truth, they are going back to hell on the other side and it is written in the bible what is coming to pass here and the government of the United Nations are planning to take the 

whole nations out based on the book of Revelation prophecy and the whole nations are under attack and the government are having men and women and children murdered here in cold blood and the whole nations are at war and the government and world leaders and church pastors and leaders think they can manipulate the public and make it look in front the public and nations, this is not real and how can 

they make something look like it is not real if it is based on the bible, is just stupid and people would not be on line playing video games and talking about their pets and animals and best friends and sports cars and money and materials and life simple pleasure if they knew this was real and what was written in the bible, war is coming here and people do not know what is real to them, is because they are in a 

delusion in their mind being manipulated by spirits and they have the whole nations corrupted and fighting and turning against each other and killing each other and they need to take responsibility for their fu*ked up actions, pretending they are world leaders and church pastors and leaders and are descendants of demons here to destroy the nations and it will do them no good making people 

thinking they are just living here will not stop what is coming here to pass and written in the bible and this problem is not one person problem, this problem concerns the whole world and the whole world should know by now they are being molested by spirits and think they can attack the nations at their own filthy pleasure and because people have been living here this long they think the whole world 

is a damn fool, and they are the damn fool playing with the nations and telling lies and have the whole world fighting and turning against each other and how can they think they are better and different from people and when they are stupid themselves telling lies, like if their corrupt sh*t is supposed to be praised and why are they sitting their a*s here this long perpetrating wearing a fake identity and are 

descendants of a murderer written in the bible and a father of lies and are a damn fool thinking this whole nation is in a delusion. The government thinks people are stupid and don't know they are in a delusional mind and the truth written about them and do not know the difference they are being lied too and the government and church pastors from around the world know people are in a delusional mind 

and don't know they are being molested by spirits using their body and secret intelligence and UFOs classifies and how can they think they are better and different from people and when they are stupid themselves and is a disgrace, thinking they can pick and attack people because of their insanity and delusional twisted mind and people would not be playing online video games and watching news 

and sports if they knew the truth about the lying bastards and think people is stupid and don't know the difference church pastors and world leaders and the government is lying to them. 

The Podcast Daily, Straight Talk And News From Around The World Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation People In This Time Are Bringing To Pass And The Commandments Of God. The Podcast Was Recorded Are Based On Years Of Researching And Studying Ancient Knowledge Are Based On Real

Descendants Of A Serpent Seed Was Written About People In This Time Based On Ancient Prophecies
The Government Exclusive Details And Hidden Secrets How They Will Destroy Humanity Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation Written About People Here In This Time Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Descendants Of A Serpent Seed Was Written About People In This Time Based On Ancient Prophecies'' The Government Exclusive Details And Hidden Secrets How They Will Destroy Humanity Are Based On The Bible And The Book Of Revelation Written About People Here In This Time Based On Prophecies People Are Bringing To Pass.

Descendants of a serpent seed, sent from the devil here to destroy the nations was written based on ancient prophecies and the book of Revelation and this post was written to bring to the public awareness and what did people come here for if they are here to condemn the whole world, or is this a joke they are out there right now nationwide joking pretending they are leading the nations to salvation 

and to preach the gospel and what are people here for if they are not here to sin, and don't know the bastards are here to condemn their soul and the whole 

world, because they have this miscommunication and misunderstanding and still don't know what God is telling them in the bible for decades and church pastors and leaders are out there joking about who they are and from the time people have been living here for a long time and they are still joking about it pretending they are here to preach the gospel, because if the bastards are here to condemn the whole 

world what the hell are people here for and how can people are supposed to know they are living here in sin and is breaking God commandments if people are not supposed to know and are being lied too and why would a person continue to still live in sin, if their life and soul were in danger of damnation and those bit*hs sin and corruption and sh*t, are no different from people sin and guilt and 

how can the blind lead the blind if those bastards are corrupt too and a person have the right to be upset and furious and people have the right to know if their life and soul are in danger and people have the right to know they are being lied to and what are people here for if they are not supposed to know and are being lied to by church pastors and leaders and if people are not supposed to know, how can 

they be accuse and punish and what make them think they have the right to judge and condemn the whole world if they are damn guilty themselves and are hypocrites and they are guilty themselves and have a mote and beam in their own eyes and think they have the right to judge and condemn the whole world and how can they judge and condemn the world if church pastors and leaders are damn 

blind themselves and are descendants of a serpent seed and offspring and if they are here to condemn the whole world, then what the hell are they pretending they are here to lead the nations to salvation and preach the gospel and if they can say they have no sin and guilt, people have no sin and guilt either because how can a double minded hypocrite devil lead another devil if they both are in sin 

and have guilt and if people are not supposed to know and are being lied to, why are they still deceiving the nations for pretending they are here to lead people to salvation and preach the gospel and think they can take risks and joke about it playing with people life and soul pretending they are here to lead the nations to salvation and preach the gospel, is a damn fool and stupid and not only they think 

they can take risks and joke about it playing around with people souls and life and because of their paranoid act, they have put these entire nations in danger and people are being attack by spirits, while others don't know they have spirits in them and are being attack and they are blaspheming God name in vain and is using it for a joke, like if he is a joke himself and this kind of bad behavior needs 

correction and hard disciple. And people are being misled by demons and not real pastors and leaders, they are descendants of a serpent seed being used by the devil to destroy the nations and they originated from here centuries ago in the bible and from generation-to-generation and breed with humans to produce more offsprings and people in the bible were cursed by God here centuries ago because of 

their disobedience and people in that time in the bible and from generation-to-generation involved themselves with them and born children cursed with the serpent seed and they know people in this time do not know nothing about them and what happened here centuries ago in the bible and from generation to-generation and people are involving themselves with them here in this time and are having 

children by them just like their ancestors did here in that time and from generation-to-generation and they must be crazy and think people will except this sh*t, and cause them their soul and a person have every right to be concern about their life and soul and take action if someone is misleading them and put their life and soul in danger and church pastors and leaders know people are in a delusional mind 

being manipulated and control by evil spirits and they think this sh*t is supposed to be kept confidential and no one is supposed to know they are here to condemn the whole world and how stupid can they be thinking they can take a big risk pretending they are leading the nations to salvation and preach the gospel if they know the real gospel does exist and what will they think people will do if they 

found out about this and how can they judge and condemn these entire nations based on their opinion and corrupt thinking and think people are not supposed to know and are being lied to, then what the hell are people here for if they are not supposed to know, would mean everything is a joke and people are being judge and punish, just without cause and how can double minded church pastors and 

hypocrites pretend they are talking to people about sin and when they have sin and guilt themselves and a hypocrite and needs to check themselves and take responsibility for their action and sins and guilt and how can the blind lead the blind and how can a devil lead another devil both will fall into the ditch and a whole congregation of rotten apples and devils spoiling the bunch cannot tell another devil about 

sin, if they have a mote in their own eyes and do not practice what they preach and need to be persecuted and put in prison for their evil and thinking they can take a big risk playing with people life and soul and people do not know nothing about them, and what is in the dark shall come out into the light and if double minded church pastors and leaders can fake talk to people about sin in the church, 

then why are they pretending they are leading these whole nations to salvation and have put these whole nations in danger and manipulated people believing they are Christians and people in this time was not born again in Christ and is separated from God and they are living here in sin with unclean spirits in them and have put people life and soul in danger and people are being attack and possessed by spirits 

here in this time and young people are being destroy over drugs and gun violence and crimes and hate, and do church pastors and leaders have any idea the pain and heart ache they have cause families and these whole nations and why are they manipulating people believing they are real church pastors and leaders and lying about their identity and taking a big risk playing with people life and soul, and they 

are responsible causing these whole nations to corrupt themselves and if double minded church pastors and leaders can talk about sin, then what the hell they call this sh*t, and needs to take responsibility for their action and deserve to be persecuted and punish for their evil and I think it is about time people paid attention, because this kind of behavior should not be tolerated and needs serious correction 

and disciple, because people are suffering and dying and being murdered in cold blood and destroy and possessed by evil spirits and leaving the world without salvation, because of their insane paranoid act and speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron and because they have a delusional one-track mind, they think they can take a big risk, like if what God is talking about in the 

bible is a joke and play around with people life and soul and they are spoil and corrupt seed who could use correction and disciple and deserve to be persecuted and punish for their evil and have a double mind and living a double life and do not practice what they preach and how can they judge the world and talk about sin, then why are they controlling and manipulating people believing what they want 

people to believe based on their opinion and corrupt mind and know people are living here in sin and is separated from God and think they can manipulate people because they have no control of their own mind and body and if people have no control of their own mind, what are people here for then if they are not here to sin and how can people supposed to know they are living here in sin and is breaking God 

commandments and this is why the whole world is out of control, is because spirits are controlling this world and corruption, and violence and hate is growing out of control every single day and is this supposed to be about people are corrupt spirits and the whole world is filled with corruption and hate and being control by corrupt and violent bad spirits having no control and are violent with hate 

and how can people be here to serve God and not living in sin, if people are being control by evil and corrupt spirits and what are people here for if they are control by corrupt spirits and the whole world is out of control is because those bastard's are out of control and violent and the whole world is heading straight down for the rabbit hole because of corrupt spirits and the crazy a*s things is being 

talked about and think they can attack people here when they want and think they can intimidate a person to fear them to drive the person insane and crazy just like themselves is because they are crazy and needs to carry their crazy a*s back on the other side in hell and a person should be tired of 

their crazy sh*t here and had enough putting up with their fake a*s pretending they are talking to people in the media and public speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.


The Government And Congress And House Republicans And Democrats Are Hiding Private And Confidential Classified Info Involving The Whole Public And Their Coworkers And Friends, They Do Not Want The Public To Know''

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Public Do Not Know The Government Took Advantage Of Them And Do Not Want People To Know And Think Nothing Is Wrong And Will Tried To Make This Look In Front Of People What A Person Is Saying About Them, They Are Lies And Know People Will Not Pay This No Mine And People Will Think What They Are Hearing And Seeing Is Nothing Wrong And It Is Nothing Interesting To Them, Because They Do Not Know This Is Real!!

The government and church pastor's and leaders from all around the world are a coward and bastard and dumb jack a*s thinking they can keep this a secret and the whole world are in terribly danger!!!  

The government and world leaders and church pastor's and leaders from all around the world took advantage of the whole world and misleading people with false information, making people think they have been told the truth and people are believing lies for the truth and church pastor's and leaders and the government are just wasting people time with lies and false doctrine pretending they are talking 

about God and people don't know they are in a delusional mind and are being manipulated and was taken advantage of by church pastor's and leaders from all around the world and the government, and people are believing what they are thinking in their mind not realizing they are in a delusional mind and were manipulated into believing to think they were told the truth by church pastor's and leaders 

from all around the world, and people do not know the government and church pastor's and leaders took advantage of them and have put this entire world in danger and people don't know what was written in the book of Revelation are based on prophecies people in this time are bringing are to pass and this is why the whole world is corrupt is because people were never told the truth here in this time and were 

misled by church pastor's and leaders from all around the world with false doctrine and they took advantage of people here in this time is because people don't know nothing about them and what God is telling them in the bible and what make them think no one doesn't know nothing about them and the real gospel was written about people here in this time and their ancestor's history and future 

descendants and the commandments of God and they have nothing to prove to people and the public, they were not lying, is because they know they were lying and think people don't know nothing about them and what happened here in that time in the bible according to the real gospel and they are not real church pastor's and leaders here in this time and God did not send them and they are descendants of 

a corrupt bloodline was because when God put enmity between Eve seed and the devil's seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 and 3, because of Eve and Adam disobedience and they are descendants of an evil spirit sent to destroy the nations and they are being used by the devil pretending they are talking about God, and they are not who people think they are here and they know if 

this was not the truth about them, they will defend themselves, just like if a person knows if something was not the truth about them, they will defend themselves and if they were to be confronted, they could do nothing about it to defend themselves because they know they are lying, and the real gospel does exist, and people have been deceived with false doctrine and they are wasting people time 

with false doctrine and will do them no good because people have no salvation and were never told the truth and they are out there deceiving people lying pretending they are talking about God. And these whole nations will go at war here in the future to battle in the book of Revelation and the whole world is busy being distracted, people do not have the time and want nothing to with the truth not 

realizing when the time comes, money and friends and family and materials and a person's job and house and cars will do the person no good, because these whole nations will go at battle here in the future in the book of Revelation and the whole nations are at war here now with descendants of an evil spirit and they are out there working hard to deceive people tempting them with lust and nudy you 

see in the media, showing people their body and tempting people with money and drugs and life simple pleasure and leisure and vacations and free gifts and tv game shows and beer and lottery and video games and people are allowing themselves to be tempted by the devil because of material things and no person will carry their belongs with them on the other side, when they leave from this earth 

some day and if people were told the truth they would not fall for the devil's temptation and the whole world would not be corrupt and if a person was smart will know having the world will do them no good because the person is already dead and have lost out and it does not matter what they say and tell people here in this time because they are descendants of an evil spirit, they know God is the head of 

these whole nations and people think when they hear someone talk about the gospel they want nothing to do with hearing what a person is telling them and think the person is just talking crazy and it is something they have already heard and know, and people would not be on social media playing games and making videos, if they knew the truth and people sometimes think they do not have to listen, 

is because what they have never experience in their life and what you don't know can hurt you and rather than you hear people talking about God, they are on social media talking about their personal things and playing games and talking about their boy and girl friends and their jobs and homes and cars and money and shouldn't the whole world be preparing for battle, then playing video games and people 

sometimes think what they are hearing and seeing it is nothing interesting to them and the government will be turning on these whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and they have already turned on these whole nations and took advantage of people and the whole world is facing the same problems, and no one here is alone, and people do not know they are facing the same problem 

and if people knew they were facing the same problems they would act on it and this problem involves the whole world and is not just one person problem and this is not a problem a person can think is not interesting to them, because a person do not have a choice because it will not change anything what is happening here and coming to pass and the government and church pastor's and leaders from all 

around the world cannot act like if they are surprised what a person is saying about them, because they know it is the truth and think they can keep secrets from the public and are the ones who screwed up and think their lying tongue can change what was written from coming to pass here and God are just supposed to punish people but not them and needs slapping in their damn lying mouth and is just 

wasting the public damn time and know they cannot prove to people they were not lying because they know the real gospel does exist and is just stupid trying to make people think something is not real when it is and have the damn nerve, like they have the right to get mad with a person because they are damn lairs and attacking people like if they have something to prove and if a person know they are 

lying, they are lying and just because those bastards are lairs, they want people to condemn themselves and think people is stupid and supposed to believe that trash because what they say and what in the hell do they think people came here into the world for, if they can keep secrets and if a person thinks this problem does not concern them and is not their problem but somebody else's, needs to think 

twice and if a person know they are being told something this serious are supposed to act on it and this is not just any problem a person can run from, no matter how paranoid a person may be and if a person is still thinking this problem does not concern them and think they still have a choice, needs to think again, because people do not seem to get it, this whole world is in deep sh*t, and no matter even if a 

person think this problem does not concern them, because no person does not know when God will make his move and punish the hell out of these whole nations and a person can be sleeping in bed are playing video games on social media and people would not be on social media playing video games and making videos if they knew how serious this was and evil spirits are on social media's 

impersonating people pretending to be their friends and the person may think they are talking to friendly people and what will the world think of them here and if they think a person have no right to disrespect them, why did they disrespect the world and think they deserve the nations respect and just how long did they think they could keep this a secret and no one would have found out about it and 

secrets always come out for nothing is hidden and I never seen so much evil and hate and their evil stinks and sickens a person and they want people to believe in a lying rotten government and fake church pastors and leaders from hell and how can people are supposed to believe the truth, if they are supposed to believe lies and now is the time a person should be thinking about their soul and where 

they are going in the afterlife because no one is here to stay in this world and so many people already have left this earth with no salvation because they didn't know and were never told the truth.

The Whole World Is Not Prepared What Is Coming, They Are Coming And The Whole World Is Not Prepared!

Friday, January 26, 2024

We Have A Very Old Enemy From The Pass And He Wants Them All Dead And The Whole Nations Is Under Spiritual Attack And Is At War!!!

The whole nations are at war fighting this beast descendants here in this time and is under spiritual attack and they will stop at nothing until they all are dead, and this war began here late centuries ago in the book of Genesis chapter 1, 2,3 when God put enmity between the devil seed and Eve seed because of Adam and Eve disobedience and this war have never ended, was because what people did here in that 

time in the bible and from generation-to-generation and this war still continues as of this day in our time, because people are doing the same thing here in this time, people did in the bible and the nations do not understand they are at war because what happened in that time in the bible, this war still continues today in our time and will end here in the future in the book of Revelation and they are recruiting large

groups of followers here and gathering a large army preparing for war and the son of perdition to destroy mankind, when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and the Government has a plan with exclusive details and hidden secrets how they will plan to destroy humanity.

How can it be a secret they are planning to destroy the humanity, if the gospel was written about people in this time based on prophecies and how can the gospel be the truth then if what they are planning are supposed to be a secret and what are people here for then, if those losers are supposed to be a secret and how can it be a secret what they are doing here in this time, if the bible is telling it on them 

and how can someone that stupid supposed to be the government of the United Nations letting themselves be thinking that stupid and how can someone that foolish lead a nation and they know it is over for them and are coming to an end of the road and thinking they can play games with the nations, is foolish and how can something foolish think it has power and control and can lead a nation and is 

foolish and how stupid can they be and think the public does not have the right to know what they are doing here in this time, involves the whole nations and can the government and world leaders and church organizations please tell me, why doesn't people have the right to know, if it concerns them and the whole world and why did they tell a lie because they didn't want people to know, if they didn't think 

the gospel was something important and their action and lying indicates otherwise, because a person would not lie about something, if they didn't think it was something important and that is why they didn't want people to know, is because they know the gospel was written about people in this time based on prophecies and their ancestors and the future and God commandments and the bible is giving 

them away and what they did here in this time and in the future and the pass and the government of the United Nations and world leaders and church organizations have a confession to make to the whole nations and public, because they are paranoid and insane, and they think they can justify themselves like if they are telling the truth and if they were telling the truth, they would not have told a 

lie and their action and lying indicates, they didn't tell the truth and people are being control and manipulated by wild and dangerous species hiding in them and think the nations has forgot what they have done here to their ancestors in the pass and people in this time and think they will get away with murder and think God will defend them for a bad cause, when this is about him and his laws and 

this is not about corrupt stinky devils and if a person notices in their character and action and behavior, they are not concern are worry whatsoever about how the whole nations would react regardless of if they knew the truth are not, and they should be concern how the nations will react, because it is their duty as a respected government to protect and serve the nations and how can they protect and serve 

the nations if they are not doing their damn job telling the truth and is lying in front the whole nations and their action is telling you they don't care are concern whatsoever, how the nations will react, and it is a very important reason why they are not concern and don't care how the nations would react regardless of if people knew the truth are not, because no normal human in their right mind can be that 

stupid would go before the whole nations and play games with people and know they can be killed are hurt that way, playing dangerous games with people, is a person asking for trouble, because if something is written about people and the future, why are they trying to make people think it is not the truth and when it is. And they don't know they are crazy and cannot help themselves and their insanity and 

madness will get them into trouble and something that damn crazy and foolish doesn't belongs around people and belongs to itself and lock away from other people and think they have the right to get mad with people and attack them because of their insanity and cannot help themselves and think they can oppose a person because they are crazy and cannot help themselves and will come back over and 

over again repeating the same thing thinking they can challenge a person, attacking them, because they are paranoid with no control, and they want a person to be intimidated by them because of their insanity and madness wearing a fake mask and people are living here with wild and dangerous species attacking them and want people and the whole nation to take orders from them and do what they say and 

are a loose cannon ball with no control. And people are being sexual attack by creatures here in the earth and think it is their damn business they can do whatever the crapp they want with a person body, being intimate with people using their body and a creature will have no business thinking it can be intimate with humans using the person body and need to be put in their damn place and a relationship is 

between a man and a woman when they are in an intimate relationship being married, and a creature would have no business are place thinking itself can be intimate with people manipulating the person sexual in their body thinking the person is feeling sexual and they want people to think the same way they think in their paranoid head, and they are evil spirits in celestials' bodies using a body, 

pretending they are Christians and church leaders and world leaders, and a person is not supposed to keep silence what they know about them and wait until they do more damage, and it will be too late, and it does not matter how intimidating they may be to make a person afraid and intimidated by them because they will never stop and leave people alone here and don't want you to warn other people and 

there is no time for fear are being afraid of what will happen to a person, because if it is not a person time, it is not their time and if it is the person time, the person has no control over it and the longer people remain living here with evil, more people will die and be destroy and possessed by devils and people need to come to reality and realize they are facing the same problem here the whole world is 

in danger of evil spirits, and it is not natural a person is not concern about their life and soul in danger, and there is a reason the whole world is seeing evil here and there is a reason for everything and if people came here into existence just to live here, there is a reason people are seeing evil here in their world and a person needs to find out, what do they think is the reason they are seeing evil here and 

the bible is the only book can tell a person the reason they are seeing evil here and can wipe this whole world out of existence off the face of the map and if this whole earth becomes control by evil spirits, people will no longer have a purpose and reason to be here and serve God and what could be more terrifying, is when a person did not act in time and how can people supposed to know how to live 

here if they don't know and aware what purpose they are here for, and this life people are living will not last long and will come to an end and people sometimes think the worse cannot happen and people sometimes have a hard time excepting the truth, is because they are afraid of change and what they will lose, and people sometimes spent their entire life telling and helping other people and their 

needs, they forget about themselves and what they need and carry around heavy burdens and weight and hurt and pain and sometimes becomes fear, and a person having faith can sometimes turn into fear and a person having faith is not that simple and faith without works is dead, because a person is still a human being with emotion and sometimes a person can lose sight of that if they are not paying attention 

and focusing on the problems in their life and their needs and people sometimes forget they are a person too with needs just like everyone else and sometimes a person can care so much about helping other people and their needs they sometimes forget they have needs and are a person who still needs help and support in their life as well and someone they can depend on and show them the way, because no 

one can do it alone and can fix all their problems by themselves, because after all a person is just a human and a person's faith can sometimes turn into fear and fear into doubt, because the person forgot and lost sidetrack, they are a person too with needs and sometimes a person faith can turn into fear and doubt because the person could be carrying a weight and burden and hurt and pain in their life and a 

person cannot fix are help someone else with their problems, if a person has not fixed their own problems in their life first, because it starts with self and each person have their demons to fight and a person must have faith and believe and trust in God with all their heart and fight the good fight of faith. The whole world is being plague with maddest and insanity because of evil in this world, and evil 

spirits are tormenting and infiltrating the minds and hearts of people with crazy and negative thoughts just to keep the person confuse and upset and, on the edge, and depress and tormented and stress out, they are infiltrating people minds manipulating their minds with negative thoughts and think if they can get to a person mind to get the person upset and stress out and, on the edge, and feeling angry and 

mad and hate and confused and a person can have negative thoughts come through their mind manipulate by entities because of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the whole world was cursed with because of Adam and Eve mistake in the book of Genesis and because of this curse mankind was cursed with, people minds are being manipulate by entities and if Adam and Eve have not eaten 

from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the whole world would not have been curse, having the knowledge to know both good and evil, and people do not realize where their thoughts come from in their mind and is being manipulated by entities with delusional thoughts and the person cannot tell the difference what they are thinking in their mind, what is real and not real, and is being manipulated by 

entities and people in this time is not aware and was not told the correct truth what happen here centuries ago in the bible and was misled by demons teaching false doctrine and not real Christians, because the problem began in that time in bible when God made a covenant with our forefathers and the ten commandments and many Christians in that time in the bible, not all of them, left from the 

commandments of God and learned the way of the heathens and served false gods and idols and sacrificed to devils and the dead and burnet their children and sacrificed them to devils and many Christians became unclean and were married and involve themselves in relationships with unbelievers and born children and people in that time in the bible was cursed by God because of their 

disobedience and many of them wanted to do their own thing and did not want to listen and God sent prophets and priests and kings and massagers in that time in the bible, to give people warning and they rejected the prophets and priests and massagers and warnings sent from God and God turned them over to their enemies in the bible and as of this day, because what people did here in that time in the 

bible and from generation to generation and people in this time are separated from God and were never told the truth and were misled by demons teaching false doctrine and not real Christians. An evil spirit will take advantage of a variable and helpless person who cannot defend themselves from them and a person who is not aware of them, and it is time for those losers be put to an end, and they are 

manipulating people minds believing they were told the truth with false doctrine and people have no idea they were manipulated by entities here in this time pretending to be Christians, and were misled and people thinks they are just living here because they were misled and were not told the truth and this is why people are seeing evil here in their world, is because they are separated from God and were not told 

the truth because of their ancestors and the government and church and worldwide leaders, they know why this is happening is because people are separated from God here in this time and are being misled by demons teaching false doctrine and not real Christians and church leaders, and the reason for their attacks on people here in this time is to drive the person crazy and if they can, they will manipulate 

a person with negative thoughts to get the person where they want the person under their control and they will remind a person of negative thoughts in their mind and what happened in their life, to keep the person mind upset and distracted and frustrated and angry and under stress, to get the person to hate, just like themselves, they want to break a person's mind down and will manipulate a person to hate just 

like themselves to take advantage and control of a person's mind and will, having the person under their control and they know if a person is feeling angry and frustrated and hate and being upset all the time, the person's emotion can turn into hate. An evil spirit can attack a person and their mind in more than one way, by destroying their DNA, because they know if the DNA genetic body is damage and 

destroyed, the person's mind and nerve cannot function, and they are using dangerous chemical drugs and poison chemical vaccines and food and water supplies and soft drinks and poison gases and fumes and radiation exposure from 5G cell phones and things people use in their homes and Wi-Fi and microwaves and television and computers and radios, and radiation and chemicals creates toxin in 

the body destroying the genetic body and protected nerve cells and tissue protecting the heart and liver and lungs and the intestinal walls can become damage from leaky gut and can be a breeding ground for parasites and bad bacterial, and food and waste can leak through holes in the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation in the body and allergies. Free radicals and anti-nutrients 

earn their title because they block the absorption of nutrients – especially those required for strong, healthy bones.  bad proteins and most of the grains you consume contain THREE of the worst anti-nutrients for your system.


1.) Lectins: these “sticky proteins” interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. 


Lectins are also closely linked to a condition known as “leaky gut.” Since they often attach to your intestinal wall, your stomach lining is compromised, allowing food particles (and waste) to slip into the bloodstream…


Trigger an inflammatory response & digestive distress…


And lead to symptoms like nausea, diarrhea and bloating.


While lectins are not completely avoidable, grains are chock full of them. In fact, out of ALL the food groups, it’s grains (and especially oatmeal) that contain the most lectins.


and parasites and free radicals and anti-nutrients, causes the body not to absorb nutrition and the body stores fat, leading to high cholesterol and weight gain, just like a car engine and transmission can become dirty and clogged if the oil is not kept change, and the human body works in the same way, it can become dirty and clogged, forming blood clots in the arterial walls, can lead to congestive heart 

failure and swollen ankles and legs and stomach because of fluid buildup and a person can sometimes experience difficult with breathing and coughing, because the arterial walls cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to carry throughout the body and high blood pressure causes strokes and heart attacks, and eating unhealthy diets high in sugar can raise glucose levels and foods high in sodium can 

raise blood pressure levels, for more details please see below. And they are using highly advance technology as weapons here and know how energy works and are using advance technology and satellite from space as a weapon to create a massive amount of energy to destroy the earth and people, causing damaging winds and storms and tsunami and earthquakes and fire and other catastrophes.  

The Government Know The Whole Earth Is Being Invade With Dangerous Extraterrestrials And We Are In A State Of Emergency And Is Under Attack And The Government Is Holding Back On The Public And Is Not Warning Them And Know Those Ugly Bastards Are Planning To Attack This Whole Nations Here Very Soon When This Prophecy Comes To Pass In The Book Of Revelation And They Are Recruiting Large Groups Of Followers Here And Gathering A Large Army For War On The Nations And To Corrupted Man's Seed!!

Eliminating Toxin From Your Body Can Burn Fat, Lower Bad Cholesterol And Blood Sugar And Reduces Plaque Build Up And Bromelain An Enzyme That Is Found In Pineapples And Papaya, Can Reduce Inflammation And Swelling And Can Help Ease Asthma Inflammation

The Five Best Supplements For Leaky Gut

6 Natural Supplements To Fight Pesky Allergies And Bromelain An Enzyme That Is Found In Pineapples And Papaya, Can Reduce Inflammation And Swelling

I pooped out so much bad fats & my big belly all gone drinking this! 12 lbs off

The Wrong Probiotics Could Lead to These 6 Gut Problems

What Superfoods Keep Your Heart Beating? Read on to unclog your arteries and ward off heart attacks!

3 “Anti-Nutrients” ALL Seniors Should Avoid for the Health of Their Bones, Gut, and Teeth, Hint: #1 is Found in Oatmeal

3 Anti-Nutrients All Seniors Should Avoid (

Friday, December 29, 2023

The Public Don't Know Their Church Organization And Government Is Fu*king With Their Mind And People Are Being Manipulated Believing The False Doctrine Is The Real Gospel And Don't Know They Were Not Told The Truth With The Real Gospel And What Their Church Organizations And Government Is Hiding From Them And They Are Planning To Kill Them And Take The Whole World Out!!

And people do not know their church organizations is manipulating them believing the false doctrine is the real gospel and they are fu*king with people minds and they know people are believing this in their mind and think the false doctrine is the real gospel and the video and post are based on the book of Revelation and prophecies

written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments, they are bringing to pass and based on the book of Revelation they are planning an act of terrorism and war against these whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and nations and millions of

people will die and this will be God’s punishment and wrath on the whole nations here in the future. And my years of experiences and researching and studying are based on facts and real bible historians and prophecies, my knowledge and understanding comes from years of researching and studying the bible and the

content in this video contains vital important information about people here in this time and the future based on the bible.

And they did not come from God, they belong to the devil, and is cursed with his sh*t, because of the enmity God put between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience and they did not come from God, nor did God send them, they were sent by the devil to destroy the

nations was because people in that time in the bible did not keep God commandments and have forsaken his laws and served other gods, false gods and God turned them over unto their enemies unto this day and it is written in the scriptures and they belong to the devil and did not come from God and they know

people do not know the truth about the government here because they were not told the truth with the real gospel and only a real believer in Christ can understand and discern what is happening here in this time and what happened here in the pass and the future and evil spirits are at work manipulating people believing they are

Christians and they believe in God and do not know they were deceived with false doctrine and were not told the truth with the real gospel and people cannot discern what is happening here in this time because they were not told the truth with the real gospel and are believing in God with the false doctrine and the real gospel were

written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments and it is written in the scriptures, and they belong to the devil and did not come from God.

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.

St.Matthew 7:15-23 and 1 Timothy 4:1-3 Colossians 2:8 and 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 And No Marvel; For Satan Himself Is Transformed Into An Angel Of Light.

2 Corinthians 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his (satan) ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Galatians 1:8-9 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 and 1 Timothy 4:1-5 Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

I'm Writing To Tell You Shut Your Face, Government, World Leaders, And All Church Leaders In Communities Nation To Nation..

Short version of original video with extended details'' HD Video

The Public Don't Know Their Church Organization And Government Is Fu*king With Their Mind And People Are Being Manipulated Believing The False Doctrine Is The Real Gospel And Don't Know They Were Not Told The Truth With The Real Gospel And What Their Church Organizations And Government Is Hiding From Them And They Are Planning To Kill Them And Take The Whole World Out!!

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' Without Age Restriction

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' With Age Restriction

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' Post Links

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Public Don’t Know What Their Sorry A*s Government And World Leaders And Church Organizations Is Hiding From Them, And They Are Planning To Kill Them And Take The Whole World Out, Just Like Hitler And Jim Jones And This Is Why They Are Hiding This Is Because They Do Not Want People To Know The Truth And Think Their Sorry A*s Can Take The Whole World Out'' Post

This post is written based on the book of Revelation and prophecies written about people here in this time and their ancestors and future descendants and God commandments, they are bringing to pass and based on the book of Revelation they are planning an act of terrorism and war against these whole nations here in the

future in the book of Revelation and nations and millions of people will die and this will be God’s punishment and wrath on the whole nations here in the future. And my years of experiences and researching and studying are based on facts and real bible historians and prophecies, my knowledge and understanding comes from

years of researching and studying the bible and this post contains vital important information about people here in this time and the future based on the bible.

World leaders and the government and church organizations are a gigolo and pimp and transvestites' bisexual demons in celestials' bodies sent to destroy the nations and they have no respect for the nations and the real gospel was written about

people living here in this time and their ancestors and the future and God's commandments and prophecies they are bringing to pass.

What the government do not want you to see and know, people do not know the government and violence and hate and corruption they are seeing here means them harm, but people don't know it, is because they do not know the difference, was because people were not told the correct truth about history based on the bible and

cannot recognize and discern and do not know the difference if the government and world leaders and church organizations mean them harm, was because people were not told the truth. They know people cannot see this and don't know, is because they do not understand what they are seeing here, is because they do not know the

difference if it is good are bad and mean them harm and if Adam and Eve did not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would not have been cursed and their mind would have been without thoughts to know both good and evil and a person thought in their mind comes from the knowledge of good and evil, because

of the curse. The scenes you are about to watch in my upcoming video are real history of people murdered and slaughter and hang and rape and beaten and was sold for slaves and seized and attacked by terrorism and world leaders and government and the nations was attacked with war and starvation and diseases by

the government and people in this time was not told the correct truth about history based on the bible and was misled by church organizations and world leaders and the government are funding organizations to attack the nations with war and starvation and diseases and young boys and girls are being sold and rape for sex

trafficking from all around the world here in this time and the government is funding business and organizations to support drugs and gun violence and terrorism, and some scenes may be sensitive to some viewers and contains violence and sexual content and viewer discretion is advised. And the government is funding

organizations and Nasa and world science to hide the truth from the public and the real reason they are hiding the truth about UFOs and why do they think God allow people to come back here in this time for, if they think God will let them get away with their lies and murder and their filthy lust and corruption and leading these

whole nations astray and divide against himself and his own truth and laws. The leaders of these nations are leading the whole nations for a whore and living here in sin and why are they lying to the public about the truth, if people is not here to sin and they have been lying to the whole world is it perhaps because they do not want

people to know the truth about them, they are dirty and trashy lairs pretending to be important world leaders and perhaps they have been lying to the whole world for a long time is it perhaps because the truth and the history never did exist and were all lies made up by demons, and this explains why the whole world doesn't

know the government and world leaders and church organizations are whores leading the whole nations to hell. And they are calling people and themselves Christians here in this time and if they think they can get away with their lies, how can the truth exist, and what are people here for, if they are not supposed to know

the truth, then why are people being attack by evil spirits and the government and judged and condemn and punish and cursed with plagues for the same evil and crimes, they have committed. And the government and church organization are taking advantage of it, because entities are blocking people in their minds keeping

them from knowing the truth and people do not know the difference, they are being lied too about the truth and think they are Christians and do not know the difference and think the false doctrine is the real gospel. This post was written to show people and the world what we are doing to ourselves here and the world,

whether a person wants to believe it are not, and I do not say this to offend anyone, but to speak to the whole world based on biblical study and research and knowledge and experiences. And I do not say this to change any one's opinion are their beliefs and what they believe in, and it would not matter either way if people cannot see

and have in common, this matter concerns the whole world and their existing and people are destroying it themselves, because they do not have the slightest clue what they are doing here to themselves having this knowledge the whole world was cursed with because of their ancestors mistake they made here long time ago in the

book of Genesis and people are destroying themselves and this world making wrong choices having this knowledge. And a person having this knowledge of good, and evil comes with great responsibility and will have to be teach and instructed having this knowledge, because people thoughts in their mind comes from the tree of

knowledge of good and evil and people do not know what they are choosing and are being manipulated by entities and are making wrong choices because they do not know the difference they were deceive here in this time with false doctrine and have not receive instruction and teach with the real gospel because of evil here in our

world and people are being deceived by alien demons and there are no real church organizations or Christian's here in this time because people in that time in the bible were living here without God's laws and people in this time were not told the truth and there are no real church organizations and Christians here in this time

and they are not real-world leaders and government, they are alien demons in celestials' bodies pretending they are world leaders and people are not here in this world just to live in it and evil is destroying our world because people in this time have not receive instruction because of their ancestor's mistake when they forsake

God's law and if people can see this is not just a consequence, they can never live a normal life here because of evil in our world and a person cannot have a reason living serving a purpose with hate and violence and corruption and evil and a person have to believe they have a reason to live serving a purpose having meaning

and people are not giving themselves that reason but is destroying it because what they do not understand.

The government and world leaders and church organizations are keeping secrets from the public about the truth, and they are extraterrestrials in celestial bodies pretending they are world leaders and government and church organizations and public figures using fake identities. And why can't they admit the truth about

themselves and for some reason they are feeling shame showing their real and ugly identity to the public is because they know it is the truth, and they are bisexual transvestite gigolo demons in celestials' bodies being intimate with people here in the earth using their body to mate with them, if thou, they have a sexual life just the

same as people do. And there is a reason they do not want the public to know the truth and is hiding something here, every one of them and they used fake doctrine to make people think it is the real gospel and the real gospel were written about people in this time and their ancestors pass and the future. And do they think

people are just supposed to sit here with insane demons being intimate with people here using their body to mate with. The government of the United Nations and all organizations, church groups and world leaders are most wanted criminals and cold and rootless beast lying to people and does not care about people or the nations and

want to hurt people and have violated people rights and the constitution laws and people rights what they believe in lying to people about the truth and are criminals and are guilty of the law and condemn and if what supposed to be the truth according to the gospel, then why is the government and church groups and world

leaders covering up the truth and they are demons in celestials' bodies protecting extraterrestrials living here in people and UFOs. And if people are not supposed to know the truth about the government and church organizations and supposed to be a secret, then how can what supposed to be the truth according to the gospel exist

and they are using people to mate with and attacking them and what are people here for then, if they are not supposed to know the truth, then why are they making excuses about their nasty sh*t they are doing here, and think it is nothing wrong with it and is ok and if people is not supposed to know the truth, what are they here

for and are being punish and attack by evil spirits and what are people sitting here for with dangerous insane spirits attacking them here if they can lie and make excuses and why have they been sitting here this long making excuses about their corrupt and filthy sh*t.

World Leaders And The Government Do Not Want People To Find Out The Real Dirt And The Truth About Them And Are Paying And Funding Private Organizations And Terrorist Groups To Have People Murder And Rape And Kill And Sacrifice To Devils And To Attack The Nations With Hunger And Starvation And War And Disease And Death!!

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' Without Age Restriction

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' With Age Restriction

The public don't know what their sorry a*s government and world leaders and church organizations is hiding from them, and they are planning to kill them and take the whole world out, just like Hitler and Jim Jones and this is why they are hiding this is because they do not want people to know the truth and think their sorry a*s can take the whole world out'' HD Video With Raw Cut And Extended Scenes And Details'' Post Links

Friday, November 3, 2023

World Leaders And The Government Do Not Want People To Find Out The Real Dirt And The Truth About Them And Is Paying And Funding Private Organizations And Terrorist Groups To Have People Murder And Rape And Kill And Sacrifice To Devils And To Attack The Nations With Hunger And Starvation And Diseases And War And Death!!

They look human and they are not what people think they are here, and spirits are using their body, pretending they are world leaders and the government and public figures, and they are all working together involve in supporting terrorist groups and organizations to destroy the nations and are merciless pure breeds of the devil's offspring being use by the devil to attack the nations and are using 

them for their handy man, not to get their hands dirty and how can they think it is for them to decide and their decision if they want people to know the truth, if what was written is 

supposed to be the truth according to the gospel and if what was written in the bible itself is supposed to be the truth according to the gospel, then how can they think they can get away with their lies. And how could a person have known about this if what was written is supposed to be the truth and a person could not have known nothing about this on their own, if what was written according to the gospel is 

supposed to be the truth and what was the gospel written for, if it was not for a person to know. And world leaders and the government know this is not made up about them and is the truth, because they know if this was made up about them was not the truth, they would have already come for the person are people long time ago to stop them and how can the same thing be happening here if what was 

written according to the gospel was not the truth, and they are using false doctrine and fake bibles and king James versions, to keep people from fining out the truth and the fake and real version does not speak the same truth and a person reading the fake version will think it is the real gospel. And they are using false doctrine and fake prophets here in this time to make it look like they are talking about the 

same thing happening here and is coming to pass, and they are devils working fake miracles using their powers to deceive people into thinking it is the truth and they use their powers working fake miracles making a person thinking they are heal and can make fire come down from heaven and using fake prophets and false doctrine to predict when an event will occur are happened to deceive a person 

into thinking it is the truth and want the person to believe the false doctrine is the real gospel, and they have been manipulating people here for a long time with their lies and the church is one of their biggest organizations the government is paying them money to lie too people. The fake and real gospel does not speak the same truth and what is happening here in this time and coming to pass and what 

happen here long time ago in the pass, and world leaders and the government and church organizations know this is not made up about them and is the truth, because they know if this was not the truth about them, they would have already come for the person are people long time ago to stop them and they are merciless pure breeds of the devils offspring being use by the devil to destroy the nations 

and they look human, and they are not what people think they are here, and spirits are using their body pretending they are world leaders and the government and church organizations and law enforcements and medical providers and doctors and care takers and husbands and wives and sons and daughters and friends and neighbors and many more things they are pretending to be, and they have 

been living here and working in communities' nations to nations worldwide for a long time and people are in relationships with them here having cursed children and the false doctrine does not tell people the truth what happen here long time ago in the pass and the real gospel is telling a person what happen here in the pass long time ago and people in that time in the bible had the same problems people 

are having here in this time and were possessed with devils and was cursed with plagues and diseases and people are having the same problems here in this time, people are possessed with unclean spirits and are being cursed with plagues and sickness and diseases is because they are living here without God's law and people in that time in the bible was living here without God's law and their enemies use them 

for slaves and other things and people were used to sacrifice to devils and were beaten and rape and murder and hang and what is happening here in this time is not natural and people and families from all around the world are battling with evil causing them their jobs and home and families and life because of this evil here in our world, and what is the meaning of life without a purpose. 

The Government Have Gone Out Of Control And Are Abusing Power And War On The Nations, Classified Info And Government Secrets And Private Organizations Do Not Want People To Learn About This Hidden Knowlege And Their Big Black Secrets And Government Terrorist Attacks And UFOs Cover Ups And People Are In A Delusion In Their Mind Being Manipulated And Control By Entities Keeping Them From Seeing The Truth And Using People Manipulating Their Bodies Being Intimate And Committing Crimes And Violence'' Then How Can The Gospel Be The Truth If People Are Not Supposed To Learn About This And Supposed To Be A Secret!!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Government And World Leaders And Church Leaders And CIA'S And NSA'S And CDC Are A Gragg Queen With A Hidden Agenda And Bad Reputation And Dirty Secrets They Do Not Want People To Know About And Have Portrayed The Whole World, Just Like Judas Iscariot!!

And this is their fault because they should have been honest with the whole nations and told them the truth, because things have a way of catching up with a person are spirit and people deserve to know the truth and what will become of them here and the government and world leaders and church organizations are a two-face lying spirits and think they can hide the truth from people what happen 

here long time ago in the bible and people are producing offsprings of the devil's seed here in this time, having cursed children and they are an abomination and cursed of the devil's seed and people are in relationships with people cursed with the devil's seed pretending to be their husbands and wives and friends and neighbors and police officers and teachers and public figures and sons and 

daughters and church leaders and parents and uncles and aunts and doctors and lawyers here in this time, because people cannot recognize them because they look human, and they have a dirty secret and hidden agenda, they do not want people to know about and the government and world leaders and church organization are descendants of people cursed with the devil's seed and like it is said a person 

might think they are getting away with lying for a while, but sooner are later things have a way of catching up with a person and how a person learn about them is in the bible and what happen here long time ago, and people are living here with unclean spirits them in and will want to get them out right away, because the longer they stay in a person the more harm and damage they will do to a 

person and people have nothing in common with those loser's and are nothing alike and are a drag queen with a hidden agenda and dirty secrets, having a bad reputation and people and those devils are not here in this world to make up their own rules and laws and a nation and kingdom will not stand without laws and rules and were written to keep a nation from destroying itself and people cannot survive by 

man's law alone, without God's law and without rules and laws a nation and kingdom will destroy itself and the laws and rules is what will keep a nation together and a nation cannot exist without rules and laws and were put in place to keep a nation from destroying itself and it is a person responsibility and obligation and choice if they choose to follow them and if a person think they can live 

in a world without rules and laws will not survive and will perish and they cannot get mad and take their sh*t out on people and the nations here attacking them, because rules of law come from God and not man, and they know the whole nations are suffering and are being punish for their crimes here is because people are living here without God's law, and they think they can get away with murder because 

they think the power is theirs to control and think they can abuse it and they know people in this time were not told the truth and is not aware what happen here long time ago in the bible and they manipulated people believing they are Christians and were told the truth and they are descendants of this beast offspring, here to destroy the nations and why are they still manipulating people to believe 

their lies and know the whole nations are suffering and are dying and have portrayed the whole world, just like Judas Iscariot, world leaders and the government and church leaders are a trader and terrorist and will reap what sowed for lying and abusing of power and have broken all commandments and rights. People are not getting away with their crimes and murder and they are not 

getting away with theirs either, because vengeance belongeth to God and if no one is supposed to know the truth about them, then what purpose are people here for and people and those losers are nothing alike and have nothing in common and have a hidden agenda and dirty secrets with a bad reputation and have murdered people and children. And a devil does not like being correct and told their wrong and 

about their nasty sh*t and have brought upon themselves and the rest of their kind being talked about, and their filthy reputation and they are phenetics insane creatures with a one-track delusional mind and think they are very intelligence and have a hidden agenda and do not like being told about their paranoid mind and their dirty laundry is being taken to the streets to be talk about their paranoide and 

dirty secrets and they have a real bad nasty habit making people give into them and want people to think just like them, a jive loser with a one-track delusional mind and they cannot play dumb and pretend they do not know what a person is talking about and have a one-track delusional mind and think they are intelligent, and the whole world will get the chance to see just how smart and intelligent they really 

are with their one-track delusional mind and they have very repulsive behavior and do not like being told they are crazy and think their nasty sh*t they are doing behind closed doors is a secret and personal and think they can tell people their wrong and need to be arrested and punished and are crazy and have a mote and beam in their own eyes at the same time and want no one to tell them their wrong. And how 

can they tell people they are crazy and need to be punish and arrested and cannot blame them if they are crazy, it is because they have dangerous paranoid creatures in them with a one-track delusional mind manipulating people to think and act just like themselves, a jive loser with insecure problems and do not like being told their wrong and their hidden agenda and dirty secrets and bad reputation and how 

can they be intelligent and smart and likes molesting little children and men and women and if they are supposed to be so intelligent and smart, then why are they molesting kids and what kind of monster would do sh*t like that if they were intelligent and smart and raping men, women and children 

being intimate with people and have no life are meaning and not a damn thing in common and are nothing alike and are a pervert and likes watching boys and girls and women and children.            


World Leaders Lost Their Power And Their Kingdom And Entire Filthy Army Went Down And Dropped Dead!! Because It Has Been Written''

Monday, October 9, 2023

Why Are You Hiding From People And Are The Ones Attacking The Nations Here'' Bring Your Punk A*s Out!!

Why Are You Punks Perpetrating In Front The Nations And Know They Are Demons In Celestials Bodies Pretending They Are Church Leaders And The Government And Public Figures And Husbands And Wives And Sons And Daughters And Friends And Neighbors And Doctors And Lawyers!!

And they already know what is about to down here real soon in the book of Revelation and nations will be destroy and they know what is going down here now and are the ones attacking the nations, and why are they hiding from people, bring their Punk and Faggett Drag queen a*s out.   

Extended Post

They Are The Murderers Who Did 9/11'' Don't Attack The Nations Because You Extraterrestrials Are Mad Because You Are Losers With Insecure Problems With No Meaning And Are The Ones Who Started This, Because You Are Losers!!!

You extraterrestrials are hiding from people and are attacking the nations and are the ones who started this sh#t because they are losers and are going back to the other side a loser with no meaning and they have a filthy background and reputation and are written in the bible and are molesting and are raping, men,

women and children here in this time and think people cannot recognize them here because they look human, and are pretending to be church leaders and the government and public figures and polices law enforcement and doctors and lawyers' and husbands and wives and children and friends and neighbors and

cousins and uncles and aunts and they are hiding themselves here from people for right now because they are a loser and a nobody with no meaning with insecure problems and do not want people to see their face and the real ugly. They

are the murderers who did 9/11 and pearl harbor and these nations and now Israel and they are planning a huge attack on these whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation and they are murdering men and women and children here in this time in cold blood and are sacrificing them to devils and using them for sex

slaves and to murder people and commit crimes and are using contaminate chemical vaccine and virus bacterial to destroy the nations, for more details see below.

They Are An Abomination Curse Of The Devil's Seed And People Are Bringing More Of Them Here Having Devils, Children With Curse Seed'' People Are Mating With Devils Having Cursed Children And The Whole Earth Is Being Infested With Devils And Celestials & Terrestrial Entities!!